Report from FOSDEM please! :)

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Report from FOSDEM please! :)

Göran Krampe
...I want to hear how darn cool it was and how droves of new
Smalltalkers got "reborn" :)

regards, Göran

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Re: Report from FOSDEM please! :)


Hi Göran!

> ...I want to hear how darn cool it was and how droves of new
> Smalltalkers got "reborn" :)

     It was a lot of fun! Way too short. :)  At one point it was
standing room only... because the program listing for that talk made
prominent use of the phrase "JQuery Mobile", which is a hot thing
nowadays, but hey whatever works. :)  (It was Nick's talk on integrating
JQuery Mobile and Seaside, quite lovely.)

     The instructional session was well-attended, and I helped a couple
of new folks learn a few things. I always love showing the debugger to
people for the first time. :)


Craig Latta
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