I checked this and I see that there is an error with:
in this piece of code:
(type = #keystroke and: [(buttons anyMask: 16)
and: [*charCode *= 30 or: [*charCode *= 31]]])
ifTrue: [^MouseWheelEvent new
setType: #mouseWheel
position: lastMouseEvent cursorPoint
direction: (charCode = 30 ifTrue: [#up] ifFalse: [#down])
buttons: buttons
hand: self
stamp: stamp].
The value for *charCode* is 0, that is the reason why MouseWheelEvent does
not work in Roassal2 in Windows.
Instead of MouseWheelEvent the KeyboardEvent is used.
*Note:* *keyvalue* has the value 31.
Maybe there is and error with Sensor class in Windows
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