need stdev from pharo in Collection in *Roassal3-Squeak category
| avg sample sum |
"In statistics, the standard deviation is a measure that is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values.
For details about implementation see comment in self sum."
avg := self average.
sample := self anyOne.
sum := self inject: sample into: [ :accum :each | accum + (each - avg) squared ].
sum := sum - sample.
^ (sum / (self size - 1)) sqrt
Browse Collection, add bogus method, flatCollect: aBlock.
find senders...
change flatCollect: to gather:
change RPackageOrganizer to PackageOrganizer
(repeat browse senders until all changed)
delete bogus method, flatCollect.
ClassDescription, add method category *Roassal-Squeak
add method 'numberOfMethods' >> ^self localSelectors size.
===run examples ===
RSChartExample new example01Markers open.
RSChartExample new example02ScatterPlot open.
RSChartExample new example03Plot open.
RSChartExample new example04WithTick open.
RSChartExample new example05WithTick open.
RSChartExample new example06CustomNumberOfTicks open.
RSChartExample new example07AdjustingFontSize open.
RSChartExample new example08TwoCharts open.
RSChartExample new example09LinearSqrtSymlog open.
RSChartExample new example10BarPlot open.
RSChartExample new example11BarplotCombinedWithLine open.
RSChartExample new example12ScatterPlotAndNormalizer open.
xRSChartExample new example13AreaPlot open.
xRSChartExample new example14AreaPlotWithError open.
xRSChartExample new example15AreaBox open.
xRSChartExample new example16Series open.
xRSChartExample new example17CLPvsUSD open.
xRSChartExample new example18Animation open.