RSChartExample new example01Markers open.
RSChartExample new example02ScatterPlot open.
RSChartExample new example03Plot open.
RSChartExample new example04WithTick open.
RSChartExample new example05WithTick open.
RSChartExample new example06CustomNumberOfTicks open.
RSChartExample new example07AdjustingFontSize open.
RSChartExample new example08TwoCharts open.
RSChartExample new example09LinearSqrtSymlog open.
RSChartExample new example10BarPlot open.
RSChartExample new example11BarplotCombinedWithLine open.
RSChartExample new example12ScatterPlotAndNormalizer open.
RSChartExample new example13AreaPlot open.
RSChartExample new example14AreaPlotWithError open.
RSChartExample new example15AreaBox open.
RSChartExample new example16Series open.
1xRSChartExample new example17CLPvsUSD open.
2xRSChartExample new example18Animation open.
==1x & 2x
What is the error.
MessageNotUnderstood: LinearGradientPaint>>isTranslucent
in BalloonEngine>>registerFills.
RSBallonCanvas (BalloonCanvas) >>drawGeneralBezierShape: contours color: c borderWidth: borderWidth borderColor: borderColor
"Draw a general boundary shape (e.g., possibly containing holes)"
| fillC borderC |
fillC := self shadowColor ifNil:[c]. <<here, this is a LinearGradientPaint, not a Color
borderC := self shadowColor ifNil:[borderColor].
self ensuredEngine
drawGeneralBezierShape: contours
fill: fillC
borderWidth: borderWidth
borderColor: borderC
transform: transform.
What does a successful chart look like at the same spot? Pharo never gets to that point.