attached is a loader script I use to prepare an image to do Seaside work.
Download a new 3.9b#7039 from
http://ftp.squeak.org/3.9 and just file it in.
Evaluate the code in the provided workspace, answer all questions with "yes"
and enter your config user and password.
It downloads RefactoringBrowser, Shout, eCompletion, ScriptManager with Shout, Techo,
TestBrowser, KomHttpServer and loads the latest Seaside 2.6b1 stream
Note that after installation you can:
- use all the tools from the open menu
- open an image with the file list and select it as desktop background
- use ALT+W to switch windows
- start a KOM webserver by evaluating "Webserver start"
(by default it runs on port 9096 and serves all files from a subdirectory called "resources"
in the image folder - this is similar to the structure required for seasidehosting.st)
- if you work on Win32 you can evaluate
"Webserver openApplication: 'config'" top open up the configuration or
"Webserver openApplication: 'myapp'" top open a browser on your application
- if you work behind a firewall uncomment the line in #setProxyServer and add your proxy
- see #setMonticelloRepositories to automatically add repositories for your own projects
after installation
Have fun
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