the SETools team has its focus on tools for software engineering,
either written in Squeak or for Squeak.
In Oktober 2006 this happened:
- Göran Krampe has shown Gjallar at OOPSLA. He will provide a special
report soon. Gjallar for Mac is not far away, also there will be a
new distribution 0.3 of Gjallar the next time. The Gjallar team has
now again one more developer.
- Mondrian is ported to Squeak by Lukas Renggli. It is not a 1:1
port, more a Squeak specific evolution, but in principle has the same
functionality then the original Mondrian for Visual Works. Scripting
is not compatible, but if there is interest to do so it can be done.
- OmniBrowser roadmap is in discussion.