SM, scripts, and application names (I forgot something)

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SM, scripts, and application names (I forgot something)

Chris Cunnington
Actually, I forgot another way. This is the install script for Magma:

SMSqueakMap default loadUpdates.

(Smalltalk hasClassNamed: #MaObjectRepository)
     ifFalse: [ SMSqueakMap default installPackageNamed: 'Magma'
version: '1.3 server' ].

#('Magma-Tester-cmm.395' 'Magma-Squeak-Tester-cmm.2') do:
     [ : each | (Installer repository: '')
     install: each ]

That is short, doesn't list all packages individually, and installs lots
and lots of packages. It comes as a downloadable script from here:

Drop that on the World and step back, while it loads everything. This,
also, could go in a script deployed by a button in SM.
