SM (was OCompletion in 4.3?)

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SM (was OCompletion in 4.3?)

Chris Cunnington
Thanks, those are good ideas. I figure an initial scrape of SqS could
stay current with its RSS.

A list of URL additions (i.e. LightsOut wants DavidLightsOut added to
the URL to produce ) would
allow a script to drain SqS sharpish. Actually... I just realized... no
project on SqS with less than a 1000 downloads need be acknowledged.
Hmm,  that makes working up a list of URL additions radically simpler.
Of 85 pages of projects there is an average of 5 projects +1000
downloads. That's a list of 425 projects to add to SM. Hmmm... maybe
I'll just do the initial list by hand.

SM needs to be reordered into three levels of visibility:

Installer script (one click access on the image GUI)
Archive (anything older than 4.1)

The user shouldn't know how to do anything but choose from a list and
press a button. Kabuntu and other efforts to manage dependencies are
both beyond me and a drag. The developer can write an Installer script,
which he pastes into a form field on the web site.

The image GUI needs to be trashed and remade around three levels of
visibility. At the moment levels two and three are mashed together

And I could add a video on the home page (below the Google search pane)
explaining levels of visibility and how to release.

I kind of like this idea. I may do it regardless.


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Re: SM (was OCompletion in 4.3?)

Tim Felgentreff
I don't see why it has to be so difficult. There's Metacello, and people
are using it more and more.

Why not offer Metacello configurations by default (its as simple as
finding all ConfigurationOf* packages and pulling out their version
specifications). This would instantly provide access to all Metacello
packages on Squeaksource.

There's Monticello configurations, too, you don't encounter them as
often, but for projects where you do, just offer those for installation.

Of course, you can and should offer developers the option specify
install-scripts if they don't want to or cannot use Metacello, but we
should make it simple for the default case. We'd instantly get an easy,
in-image package repository with access to a lot of what's out there.


On 03/06/2012 03:49 PM, Chris Cunnington wrote:

> Thanks, those are good ideas. I figure an initial scrape of SqS could
> stay current with its RSS.
> A list of URL additions (i.e. LightsOut wants DavidLightsOut added to
> the URL to produce ) would
> allow a script to drain SqS sharpish. Actually... I just realized... no
> project on SqS with less than a 1000 downloads need be acknowledged.
> Hmm,  that makes working up a list of URL additions radically simpler.
> Of 85 pages of projects there is an average of 5 projects +1000
> downloads. That's a list of 425 projects to add to SM. Hmmm... maybe
> I'll just do the initial list by hand.
> SM needs to be reordered into three levels of visibility:
> Installer script (one click access on the image GUI)
> Packages
> Archive (anything older than 4.1)
> The user shouldn't know how to do anything but choose from a list and
> press a button. Kabuntu and other efforts to manage dependencies are
> both beyond me and a drag. The developer can write an Installer script,
> which he pastes into a form field on the web site.
> The image GUI needs to be trashed and remade around three levels of
> visibility. At the moment levels two and three are mashed together
> confusingly.
> And I could add a video on the home page (below the Google search pane)
> explaining levels of visibility and how to release.
> I kind of like this idea. I may do it regardless.
> Chris