SM (was OCompletion in 4.3?)

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SM (was OCompletion in 4.3?)

Chris Cunnington
I don't feel stiffed, Göran. My grown as a programmer is emerging from a base of code you wrote. I don't know if SM
has a future as a solution for the community, but it certainly has  future as the place where I improve as a programmer.

Since you feel certain that SmalltalkHub with your assistance will be a benefit to Squeak, Pharo, and others,
perhaps you might be bold enough to commit yourself to some kind of deadline. When? Real artists ship.

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Re: SM (was OCompletion in 4.3?)

Göran Krampe

On 03/06/2012 09:43 PM, Chris Cunnington wrote:
> I don't feel stiffed, Göran. My grown as a programmer is emerging from a base of code you wrote. I don't know if SM
> has a future as a solution for the community, but it certainly has  future as the place where I improve as a programmer.
> Since you feel certain that SmalltalkHub with your assistance will be a benefit to Squeak, Pharo, and others,
> perhaps you might be bold enough to commit yourself to some kind of deadline. When? Real artists ship.

I agree - real artists ship. But I can't make any personal
promise/commitment to any non paid work right now :). Family and all -
the little time that is left I try to spend elsewhere.

The main implementor of Sthub is Nicolas, and he is progressing
aggressively. And he has a first deadline in the "near future", but I
don't want to talk on his behalf. I think he really wants to "deliver
first" and talk later :)

BUT... my personal impression is that the project looks very good (it
already has lots of stuff working), has a really powerful architecture
and *should* IMHO be embraced and extended/integrated in every way we
can think of - to finally tie together the SS/SM and all other efforts
in this area into something sustainable and cross Smalltalk.

Just my vision :)

Just to "tease" some more - the other day Nicolas got the MC repo
functionality (you know, list files, put and get) going on top of
Seaside-REST/Phriak/Riak. And then he hammered it with apache-bench and
let's say he is very pleased with the results. :)

regards, Göran