SOB Minutes - 4/3/12

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SOB Minutes - 4/3/12

Chris Cunnington
Attending: Levente Uzonyi, Jecel Assumpacao Jr., Chris Cunnington, Colin Putney, Randal Schwartz, Chris Muller

- Colin is soon to release a new version of OmniBrowser
- He is also working on an updated FileSystem, which may be considered to replace FileDirectory [1]
- The proposed Jenkins server will start to do something meaningful in a few weeks
- Dale's idea of using GitHub to store mcz-like packages that are composed of directories annd .st text files was discussed to understand the idea[2]
- the SOB greatly appreciates Göran's effort organizing the election
- each member of the SOB now understands they need to declare their intent to run and reasons for doing so by 13 April