SOB minutes - 6/4/12

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SOB minutes - 6/4/12

Chris Cunnington
all members present

- the speed of was questioned: how to make it faster;
whether the new server will do that; if an archive of previous releases
should be created to lessen the load

- with now deprecated the move to is
looking more imminent

- The GitHub based solution for a Smalltalk repository being worked on
was discussed. It looks like a good fit for cross platform projects. It
may not be so convenient as to contend with GitHub as
a repository is something the board will be keen to watch evolve,
although there was a question as to whether we might end up using a
slightly inferior tool for a unassured marketing benefit. It may be that
versioning tools and marketing initiatives exist in separate domains.

- Colin is preparing to re-examine the code he has for Monticello 2.
Monticello is good for smaller projects, but reaches a limit at ~1000
versions. Larger projects could benefit from MC2 ( )

- Craig spoke about Spoon at an Amsterdam even called Appsterdam ( )