STIC 2013: Call for Participation

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STIC 2013: Call for Participation

Your Chance to Participate: STIC 2013
30th Anniversary of Smalltalk Conference

STIC is a forum where Smalltalk professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts can meet and share ideas and experiences. We are currently accepting proposals for talks involving Smalltalk technology and other areas of innovation in the software industry. We’re looking forward to an excellent conference, and need your participation to maintain the high technical level of the conference!

We are also looking for academic papers for the “Smalltalk Directions” part of the conference.  If you plan to submit a paper, please follow the same directions listed below for presentations.  Such papers should address possible future directions for Smalltalk and/or Smalltalk inspired dynamic languages. 

The conference will take place at the Wigwam Resort in Phoenix, Arizona between June 9 - June 12, 2013.  

Presentations will have 45 minutes time slots including discussion. They may be in the form of:

    • History of Smalltalk - It’s the 30th Anniversary of the language - we would love to see presentations on this topic
    • Technical Presentations
    • Experience Reports
    • Technology Demonstrations
    • Panel Discussions
    • Workshops
    • Describe Your Idea to Us!

Proposals should be submitted by email to [hidden email] and should include the following information:

    • Name
    • Contact Information
    • Type of Presentation
    • Brief Abstract
    • Short Biography for the Presenter(s)
    • Any Date/Time Constraints
    • Any Other Information You Think We Should Know

If you cannot discuss the internal application you are working on due to corporate restrictions, perhaps you can discuss the application’s component usage or development process. We also plan to reserve time for short presentations, in the form of Lightning Talks and short technology demonstrations - but these will be available for sign-up at the conference rather than as advance proposals.  These talks will be limited to a 5-8 minute time window, so if you intend to volunteer for one at the conference, be prepared for that!

Submissions should be received by February 15, 2013, and should be submitted either in PDF or Word (Microsoft) format. Note that submissions with incomplete information may be rejected – particularly if bio or abstract information is missing.

Presenters will qualify for a significantly discounted registration - if your talk is accepted, we’ll have full details on the specifics.

For updates and announcements about the conference, please visit us on the web at