SVN updates with David T Lewis' changes to sqMemoryAccess.h

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SVN updates with David T Lewis' changes to sqMemoryAccess.h

I've updated SVN with changes that David made to sqMemoryAccess.h for  
32/64bit clean work.
I added his change sets, plus a correction to the Mac OS tree until  
someone can validate on windows and linux, and 64bit linux, then of  
course someone could pay Tim to integrate them into VMMaker.

I've also checked in the 3.8.18b1 macintosh VM changes which seems to  
work. A 3.8.18b1 VM will follow shortly.

As of this evening I tested David's changes plus my changes on an  
image that ran macrobenchmarks below, crossing and above the 2GB  
boundary, and again when the image is allocated at the 3GB boundary.  
Although this shows the VM does not crash in those two situations it  
does not test 64 solutions, nor did it prove that any plugins play nice.

John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]>
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.