Scamper and Squeak-4.3

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Scamper and Squeak-4.3

Chris Cunnington
Hi Guillaume,

If you look at this page:

You'll see that Squeak 3.0 came out in 2005, so there is a seven year difference between it and Squeak 4.3.

Squeak 3.8 has Scamper. And Alice3D would be in an older version of Squeak as well.


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Re: Scamper and Squeak-4.3

Guillaume Thouvenin
Chris Cunnington <[hidden email]> a écrit :

> You'll see that Squeak 3.0 came out in 2005, so there is a seven year
> difference between it and Squeak 4.3.
> Squeak 3.8 has Scamper. And Alice3D would be in an older version of
> Squeak as well.

  Ok I see. Does that mean that Scamper is not available in Squeak 4.3?
Perhaps he was replaced by another browser?

  In any case thank you Chris for your help and I will use Squeak 3.8.1
to play with exemples given in the book. I imagine that it's quite easy
to switch to version 4.3 if you learned with version 3.8.1.


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Re: Scamper and Squeak-4.3

Chris Cunnington's advice was perfect.

Guillaume wrote:
> Does that mean that Scamper is not available in Squeak 4.3?
> Perhaps he was replaced by another browser?

It is not yet ported to 4.x, nor was it replaced, as far as I know, so
your question prompted me to search the web for other code that might
also interest you (note the dates carefully before you try to load
(2) External Web Browser

One piece of Smalltalk trivia: here 'browser' remains a generic word
(for system browser, hierarchy browser, and so on) so 'web browser' is
a better term.

>  In any case thank you Chris for your help and I will use Squeak 3.8.1 to
> play with exemples given in the book. I imagine that it's quite easy to
> switch to version 4.3 if you learned with version 3.8.1.

Yes your skills are transferable. Remember to use caret '^' for return
and colon-equality ':=' for assignment, (not the arrow characters from
Smalltalk-80) and not much else can go wrong.

It is also easy to learn from the past, as Squeak's bytecode language
remains compatible across the decades. If you ever choose to load an
old image from then it will probably run just
fine. I loaded Squeak 3.0 a moment ago and it works. I was a little
surprised how tiny the text looks on a modern monitor, but there are a
few larger fonts built in and a menu to select them: and lots of the
code has those wonderful but obsolete up arrows and left arrows. Also
Scamper works in 3.0, but for popular websites including the Squeak
wiki and Google - it shows the source instead of rendering the page.

There are all kinds of delights for the novice in older code. One of
my favourites is the animated singing heads, but I will leave it as an
exercise for you to find them.

Hope that helps, David
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Re: Scamper and Squeak-4.3

I mentioned:

> (1)

> (2) External Web Browser

The above are Monticello source code repositories, which your book may
not mention.
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Re: Scamper and Squeak-4.3

Casey Ransberger-2
Top post.

If you ever find yourself feeling particularly ambitious, the siren's song is here:

I often drop by this page. If we had a web browser written in Smalltalk, I could drop most of my operating system and live in Squeak all the time; go full screen and forget about the rest of the world's software tangle. It's the only piece that's really missing, but it's a huuuuuuuuuuge piece.

A "modern" web browser is presently more code than what we called "operating systems" when I was a child. Just a very tall mountain to climb. It's too big a project to do without other folks who want it pitching in or a boatload of cash to hire a team and get it done, so my attention is always available to anyone who yearns for such a thing.

On May 4, 2012, at 3:19 AM, David Corking <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I mentioned:
>> (1)
>> (2) External Web Browser
> The above are Monticello source code repositories, which your book may
> not mention.
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