Seaside + JQuery example page on port 9090?

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Re: Seaside + JQuery example page on port 9090?

Julian Fitzell-2
On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:03 PM, Philippe
Marschall<[hidden email]> wrote:

> 2009/8/7 Steve Aldred <[hidden email]>:
>> Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
>>>>>>>> "Thierry" == Thierry Thelliez <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>> writes:
>>> Thierry> I was referring to the links on
>>> Thierry> The ones pointing to jQuery, jQueryUI and Scriptaculous.
>>> Those examples are also in the one-click image, as I recall.  Just
>>> download
>>> the image, and run it locally, if you're on a needlessly impaired
>>> internet.
>> Needlessly or not if you're living in a bureaucratic organization with a
>> high level of paranoia filters for other than the most common ports exist.
>> If we want Seaside to be widely accessible, all of the demonstration/example
>> code should be available on port 80 and not needlessly moved to some other
>> port. Let the 'experts' hosting the examples map the request however they
>> like but let those in restricted environments be free to explore all that is
>> out there.
> Port 80 requires root privileges. We can't do that.

Erm... The squeak image doesn't have to be running on port 80 - apache
can forward requests to an image on another port same as usual. But
that's not really the point.

My observations are that:

a) this demo is run by someone else, not the Seaside team, so there's
little we can do about what port it's on
b) the server seems to be simply down (at least right now)
c) jQuery is only in Seaside 2.9, which is under heavy development and
still in alpha
d) Once it goes beta, it would probably be a good idea to run the
demos on

I don't think any of us are interested in making things difficult for
a few potential users just to prove a point about their firewalls. Is
this why so many sites have big warnings saying "this link goes to an
external site"?

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Re: Seaside + JQuery example page on port 9090?

Diogenes Moreira
In reply to this post by Thelliez
In a workspace you must run.

WAEncoded stop.
WAEncoded startOn:80.

Please check if you dont have any http server running in you machine.

Diógenes A. Moreira
[hidden email]
skype: diogenes.moreira

El 06/08/2009, a las 16:37, Thierry Thelliez escribió:

> Having these examples on port 9090 is making access difficult when you
> are behind a firewall. Could they be moved to a regular port?
> Thierry
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Re: Seaside + JQuery example page on port 9090?

Sorry about the noise generated by this thread.

The real issue was that I was in a user group meeting comparing
different web frameworks. The room was filled with various PHP, Java,
Ruby developers. During a JQuery discussion, I suggested that they
have a look at Seaside. The access for the examples from the local
public Wifi did not work. I had to come up with vague excuses, since
all the other sites seemed to work.

I suspected that port 9090 was the issue. Not untypical for a public
wifi. It could have been that the server was simply down. That would
have been unfortunate. Maybe the server(s) should be monitored?

But again the issue is that a quick access to examples is needed. Yes
I could have preloaded an image. But in that case I needed a quick
easy access.

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Re: Seaside + JQuery example page on port 9090?

Randal L. Schwartz
>>>>> "Thierry" == Thierry Thelliez <[hidden email]> writes:

Thierry> I suspected that port 9090 was the issue. Not untypical for a public
Thierry> wifi.

I use free wifi all around the world.  I can't recall when *any* of those
blocked port 9090.  The only time I've had trouble getting to a port 80/443
was when I was on a "guest" wireless in a classroom where I was teaching,
and some local IT guy had misunderstood non-standard ports as being "more
dangerous" than standard ports.  This is part of why I'm bringing this
up in this conversation... it *isn't*.

Thierry> It could have been that the server was simply down. That would have
Thierry> been unfortunate.

This is *far* more likely.  In fact, somewhere else in this thread, that was
already noted.

Thierry> Maybe the server(s) should be monitored?

It's all about volunteer resources.  Are you volunteering? :)

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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Re: Seaside + JQuery example page on port 9090?


The point of this thread is more marketing than technical. I am just
pointing an issue with the public facing seaside web site. I thought
that the seaside leaders would be interested/concerned.

To monitor a site, you can register in few seconds fro free at for example. It would make more sense for the site admin
to do that.


On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Randal L. Schwartz<[hidden email]> wrote:

>>>>>> "Thierry" == Thierry Thelliez <[hidden email]> writes:
> Thierry> I suspected that port 9090 was the issue. Not untypical for a public
> Thierry> wifi.
> I use free wifi all around the world.  I can't recall when *any* of those
> blocked port 9090.  The only time I've had trouble getting to a port 80/443
> was when I was on a "guest" wireless in a classroom where I was teaching,
> and some local IT guy had misunderstood non-standard ports as being "more
> dangerous" than standard ports.  This is part of why I'm bringing this
> up in this conversation... it *isn't*.
> Thierry> It could have been that the server was simply down. That would have
> Thierry> been unfortunate.
> This is *far* more likely.  In fact, somewhere else in this thread, that was
> already noted.
> Thierry> Maybe the server(s) should be monitored?
> It's all about volunteer resources.  Are you volunteering? :)
> --
> Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
> <[hidden email]> <URL:>
> Smalltalk/Perl/Unix consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
> See for Smalltalk and Seaside discussion
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Re: Seaside + JQuery example page on port 9090?

Randal L. Schwartz
>>>>> "Thierry" == Thierry Thelliez <[hidden email]> writes:

Thierry> The point of this thread is more marketing than technical. I am just
Thierry> pointing an issue with the public facing seaside web site. I thought
Thierry> that the seaside leaders would be interested/concerned.

Yes, but we've now established that your original complaint had two pieces:

1) you couldn't reach the site, and that was bad (we all agree on this)
2) you *thought* it was because it was port 9090

so, you wanted a change to the port 9090 issue.

Can we now agree that the 9090 port was a red herring, and not related to your
initial complaint?  Please?

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
<[hidden email]> <URL:>
Smalltalk/Perl/Unix consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
See for Smalltalk and Seaside discussion
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Re: Seaside + JQuery example page on port 9090?


I live in a (production) world where everything but http, https and
ssh is closed. The ':9090' misguided me. I had no way to debug that in
the public meeting I was in. Sorry.

But please do not shoot the messenger! I was just trying to spread the
seaside joy!

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Re: Seaside + JQuery example page on port 9090?

Lukas Renggli
In reply to this post by Lukas Renggli
> I've created a bug report and I will look into this as soon as
> possible: <>.

The issue has been resolved.


Lukas Renggli
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