Selected item in object explorer

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Selected item in object explorer

Stéphane Rollandin
Hello all,

In an object explorer, when one clicks twice on a list item it gets
displayed in red. This is supposed to indicate that the item is
selected, but actually selecting another item does not update the
previous one, which stays highlighted. This seems like a bug.

Also, is that notion of selected item used by the object explorer at
all? If not, we may get rid of the color cue altogether.


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Re: Selected item in object explorer

Jakob Reschke
I think it rather indicates that the object is being monitored for changes. You can also invoke that via a like-sounding command in the context menu.

Stéphane Rollandin <[hidden email]> schrieb am Mi., 17. Okt. 2018, 21:31:
Hello all,

In an object explorer, when one clicks twice on a list item it gets
displayed in red. This is supposed to indicate that the item is
selected, but actually selecting another item does not update the
previous one, which stays highlighted. This seems like a bug.

Also, is that notion of selected item used by the object explorer at
all? If not, we may get rid of the color cue altogether.
