Hi all
Today I come with a question regarding announcements.
I would like to make announcement subscription which would remove itself
after first use.
Something like...
anObject announcer
subscribe: TRMouseDragEnd
do: [ :event |
self thisMethodWith: differentParameters.
"anObject announcer removeSubscription: ...this one..." ].
All I was able to do is write there
anObject announcer unsubscribe: self.
which somehow works, but this instance could have multiple subscriptions and
it would remove even those I don't want to remove, I need to remove only
this specific one...
View this message in context:
http://forum.world.st/Self-removing-announcement-subscription-tp4786622.htmlSent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at
AnnouncementSubscription >> #deliver:
" deliver an announcement to receiver. In case of failure, it will be handled in separate process"
^ (self handlesAnnouncement: anAnnouncement ) ifTrue: [
[action cull: anAnnouncement cull: announcer cull: self]
on: UnhandledError fork: [:ex | ex pass ]]
and you could use the block:
[:event :announcer :sub |
self thisMethodWith: differentParameters
announcer removeSubscription: sub ]
VW already does this for their announcement implementation, it might be a good idea to introduce the third parameter in stock Pharo as well.