Setting a external FTP

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Setting a external FTP

Edgar De Cleene
>     In the FileBrowser tool , if you click in Add server you could do some

> like.
> "Please fill in the following info, then select all text and choose DoIt."
>     | aa |
>     self flag: #ViolateNonReferenceToOtherClasses.
>     aa := ServerDirectory new.
>     aa server: ''.    "host"
>     aa user: 'xxxx'.
>     aa password: 'xxxx'.
>     aa directory: '/'.
>     aa url: ''.    "<- this is optional.  Only used when *writing* update
> files."
>     ServerDirectory addServer: aa named: 'SqueakRos'.  "<- known by this name
> in Squeak"
> In the attached I add the missing method.
> Nice to have how manage a external ftp from inside image, so I share for any
> which needs.
> Edgar

Just send this to Pharo list.
To my surprise, this once works in Squeak , in fact the missing is Squeak
fileOut and fileIn in Pharo.

Now you have weird things with the ServerDirectory and the FileList tool.

Any have some clues ?


ServerDirectory (358 bytes) Download Attachment