Shall watch you tube and am stretching beyond for a proposal here

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Shall watch you tube and am stretching beyond for a proposal here

Paul Sheldon-2
Drafted this on iPhone and gave latent period with
movie, "Jumper".

make *.ase file and Americo script in workspace to
launch world with cobalt places menu then save as
*.c3d file.

But, after latent period, remembered I needed an
Americo class in the image to make a hoster world. I'd
need to know what classes correspond to write the
script. Whoops. No proposal, don't know
when I'll know.

Then, I'll put it on my website to see if it crashes
because it gets bloated with some sort of distributed
garbage collection problem.

I think I need a badly named file without ending c3d
to refresh the bloated one with to reset through phone

We'll see if I can even do the first part.

Maybe the videos tell of the classes that already
exist in the standard
croquet for me to look for in Monticello browser in

Now, I am excited. Thanks for the videos.

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Re: Shall watch you tube and am stretching beyond for a proposal here

Paul Sheldon-2
I tried to imagine how I would propose to do what
Americo already
did. Use blender and gimp and croquet version cobalt
to produce
a space he would save for us to load.

I wrote a draft on how simple it was and started
Americo example code, *.st files to be used in
scripts with do's, but as I tried to write about it
for a post
more and more questions emerged and I put it in my
drafts folder
to percolate a bit.

As soon as I put it in my drafts folder, I said to
myself, but
Americo did it and I was following his Magic Ninjas
and the one before.

And he did it so fast, the thing I proposed to do.

Am I "mocking the little red hen" if I ask for the
*.st files
and the scripts to run them rather than mumble to
in my drafts folder?
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Re: Shall watch you tube and am stretching beyond for a proposal here

Paul Sheldon-2
In reply to this post by Paul Sheldon-2
Partly succeeded at proposal without too much regress.

I tried reading in the *.st and got no error messages
last night.

I was exhausted and got up early to start messing with
my own image (save as) work.

Doing scripting in workspace and saw world I made with
blender as hosterworld had no menus,
but navigator world did.

I put on wifi with airport express. This used to let
me use postcard as xml to navigate between two worlds
on one mac.

I then did the scripts of the two worlds to
instantiate them.

I wanted to make a postcard as xml portal from
navigatorworld to my created world
and then, going there, save it. I couldn't figure out
the new menu item dialogue box scheme
for making portals and going there.

So, not going to my created world, I tried saving the
navigator world. No error messages. Hurray or was it?

I checked :

I quit and clicked the original image file,
"cobalt.1.image", I tried to load my saved world
and couldn't generate a portal. I tried from my image
and I could.

Summary : I haven't gotten a sharable save of my
blender world constructions.