Shutting down ALServers properly

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Shutting down ALServers properly

Frank Shearar-3
I thought I'd be clever and start up my server in a #setUp and close
it in a #tearDown.

So I have something like this:

RemoteOrganizerTest >> setUp
        port := 9090.
        host := ''. "Everything supports IPv4."
        serv := self assertLocalServerOnPort: port.
        local := self setUpLocal.
        remote := self setUpRemote.

RemoteOrganizerTest >> assertLocalServerOnPort: anInteger
        | serv |
        ALServer allInstances do: #stop. "This is excessive!" self flag: #todo.
        serv := ALServer on: anInteger application: (ImageReflector new).
        "Must fork so that we can read from the socket. Otherwise we're
trying to read and write on the same Process, which doesn't work."
        serv start.
        ^ serv.

RemoteOrganizerTest >> tearDown
        serv stop.

local contains a SystemOrganizer while remote contains a
WebClient-using thing. It all kind've works, except that in the
#tearDown the sockets are very unhappy with the way they're being torn
down: SocketPrimitiveFailed: primSocketReceiveDataAvailable: failed.
The stack looks like this:

[] in [] in ALConnection>>run
[] in ALConnection>>run
[] in ALConnection>>start
[] in BlockClosure>>newProcess

so I'm reasonably sure that I'm terminating the ALServers with too
extreme a prejudice.

How should I tear down the server?

(I could pull the server creation into a TestFixture, but I'm hesitant
to do that without understanding the error above.)
