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Paul Sheldon-2
I have surfed trying to figure out
what silhouette with quotes ("silhouette") meant.
In particular, a Daniel Handlin spoke at AlCon in Arlington
(Astronomical League Convention)
attempting a consortium that would look at rotating asteroids, etc.,
to extract 3D information,
but from surfings there was no indication
of rotation used to get the 3D information.

I suspect "silhouette" is a heavy entendre that it isn't really a silhouette
that is going on.

"The Mummy" and Merce Cunningham needed an outfit over
what 3D they wanted to motion capture,
but silhouette recognizes facial features
only right side up?
How could I confuse it?
to generate/track control points.

A single web cam with software to abstract control points
is much cheaper than a VR glove, MC's 7 digital cameras, or the mummy's

Siggraph shows on the edge stuff like this :
Long ago, I felt a haptic interface at Siggraph at San Antonio
(giving force feedback to virtual buttons}.
Apple patented haptic feedback along with multitouch,
but has not yet been explicit about using it.

Suppose one merely had abstracted rotational information from an eyeball
(certain computer mice work like this).
One could imagine having fovial presentation
of current eyeglass monitor pixel resolution (Skymall iWear).
Paradoxically, the eye has high photon sampling off fovial;
paradox to my preconception constitutes information (and wisdom)
yet to be had.

I was going to propose a raster with low or no sampling outside
where fovial view was abstracted to be by silhouette.
That the market would be captured by silhouette hung
on the idea that silhouette was "smoother" than an eyeball tracker mouse.
But, the paradox sheds doubt on my proposal construction.

The use of a webcam in Avatars is only a first baby step
in developing a market for silhouette and licensing might be reasonable.