Simple Precedence question

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Simple Precedence question

So, I'm learning Smalltalk for the first time, and I have a very simple
question regarding the precedence of the cascade  operator.

So, in this expression:

  self something: anObject selector ; anotherSelector.

Is the target of *anotherSelector* anObject, or self?

In other words, does it parse like this

  self something: (anObject selector ; anotherSelector).


 self something: (anObject selector) ; anotherSelector.

Also, what is the general principle that determines this.

Thanks in advance.

Jeffrey Straszheim

Beginners mailing list
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Re: Simple Precedence question

Randal L. Schwartz
>>>>> "Jeffrey" == Jeffrey Straszheim <[hidden email]> writes:

Jeffrey> So, I'm learning Smalltalk for the first time, and I have a very
Jeffrey> simple question regarding the precedence of the cascade operator.

Jeffrey> So, in this expression:

Jeffrey>  self something: anObject selector ; anotherSelector.

Jeffrey> Is the target of *anotherSelector* anObject, or self?

The way to read ";" is that you're replacing the last message
send of what precedes it with what follows it.  So let's see
the order there:

    t1 := anObject selector.
    t2 := self something: t1.

That should make sense.  Now for the cascade...  we do another
message send to whatever the most recent *receiver* was.  In this
case, "self":

    t3 := self anotherSelector.

And the overall value would be t3, if anyone looked at it.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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Re: Simple Precedence question

Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
>  ... Now for the cascade...  we do another
> message send to whatever the most recent *receiver* was ...
Thanks.  That makes perfect sense.

Jeffrey Straszheim

Beginners mailing list
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