Smalltalk vs Eclipse

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Smalltalk vs Eclipse

Torsten Bergmann
>Has this been done before

One example is GemDev - you remotely control Gemstone Smalltalk
with Eclipse tools. [1]

Another example I know of is the OOVM from Lars Bak (Self, then Java HotSpot and who is now working on the V8 Javascript engine for Google).

If I rememver correctly the old OOVM [2] run on small devices and was also driven remotely from Eclipse. It was a restricted Smalltalk (small bytecode set, restrictions on blocks, ...).

Compared to Java development where you build/ compile on a PC and then transfer to the device to test this provided faster cycles since you could work directly on the machine. I think that was the reason they were bought later by Estmertec.


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Re: [squeak-dev] Smalltalk vs Eclipse

Mike Hales
Another example of this really is any Gemstone development. You install GemBuilder into your VW or VA image, and use it to connect to, code, and debug your GemStone system from your VW or VA image.


Mike Hales
Engineering Manager

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:59 AM, Torsten Bergmann <[hidden email]> wrote:
>Has this been done before

One example is GemDev - you remotely control Gemstone Smalltalk
with Eclipse tools. [1]

Another example I know of is the OOVM from Lars Bak (Self, then Java HotSpot and who is now working on the V8 Javascript engine for Google).

If I rememver correctly the old OOVM [2] run on small devices and was also driven remotely from Eclipse. It was a restricted Smalltalk (small bytecode set, restrictions on blocks, ...).

Compared to Java development where you build/ compile on a PC and then transfer to the device to test this provided faster cycles since you could work directly on the machine. I think that was the reason they were bought later by Estmertec.


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