SmalltalkImage current extractParameters

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SmalltalkImage current extractParameters

Chris Cunnington

I loaded Seaside 2.8.3 into the new core for fun (I used MetacelloRepository ConfigurationOfSeaside28) . It's less than 10M, which is pretty sweet. It loads, which is sweet. On executing WAKom startOn: 8080 to get the party started , I go to localhost:8080/seaside/config. So far so good. 

Then the page renders and all CSS is gone. Not a huge problem. But not ideal. No CSS at all. 

I decide to save my work. I'll address the disappearance of the CSS some other time. Then I get:

MessageNotUnderstood: SmalltalkImage>>extractParameters: 

This is something that exists in 3.10.2. Pressing Debug, the method that needs this is:

self name = #WAKom ifTrue: [
SmalltalkImage current extractParameters
at: 'PORT' ifPresent: [ :value |
value isEmptyOrNil
ifFalse: [ port := value asInteger ] ] ].
port ifNotNil: [ self startOn: port ]

I don't know if anybody else has this problem, but it kind of looks like a thing. 


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Re: SmalltalkImage current extractParameters

Nicolas Cellier
Andreas was a bit zealous :)
Try again


2010/3/7 Chris Cunnington <[hidden email]>:

> I loaded Seaside 2.8.3 into the new core for fun (I used MetacelloRepository
> ConfigurationOfSeaside28) . It's less than 10M, which is pretty sweet. It
> loads, which is sweet. On executing WAKom startOn: 8080 to get the party
> started , I go to localhost:8080/seaside/config. So far so good.
> Then the page renders and all CSS is gone. Not a huge problem. But not
> ideal. No CSS at all.
> I decide to save my work. I'll address the disappearance of the CSS some
> other time. Then I get:
> MessageNotUnderstood: SmalltalkImage>>extractParameters:
> This is something that exists in 3.10.2. Pressing Debug, the method that
> needs this is:
> WAKom>>#startUp
> self name = #WAKom ifTrue: [
> SmalltalkImage current extractParameters
> at: 'PORT' ifPresent: [ :value |
> value isEmptyOrNil
> ifFalse: [ port := value asInteger ] ] ].
> port ifNotNil: [ self startOn: port ]
> I don't know if anybody else has this problem, but it kind of looks like a
> thing.
> Chris

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Re: SmalltalkImage current extractParameters

Chris Cunnington
In reply to this post by Chris Cunnington
Andreas was a bit zealous :)
Try again

Yup. Problem solved. Thank you. 
Seaside2.8.3 successfully loaded into the new core image for a total package size of 18.3M, which I think is great. This is an evolution (devolution?) I'm happy to watch happen. 
