SmartSyntaxPluginTMethod>>nullReturnExpr, possible bug?

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SmartSyntaxPluginTMethod>>nullReturnExpr, possible bug?

I had to change null output for squeak generated plugins (it was
colliding with other libraries needed) and I found this:

        ^ TReturnNode new
                setExpression: (TVariableNode new setName: 'null')

this generates correct return lines, but just because "null" is defined
previously. If I change null to, e.g. sqNil, the previous method still
generates "return null" lines.
So I changed the method as follows:

        ^ TReturnNode new
                setExpression: (TVariableNode new setName: 'nil')

just replaced "null" for "nil", and everything seems to be working
fine. Is this hack correct?


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Re: SmartSyntaxPluginTMethod>>nullReturnExpr, possible bug?

David T. Lewis
This has been entered on Mantis as issue #7238

On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 08:46:30AM -0300, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:

> Hi,
> I had to change null output for squeak generated plugins (it was
> colliding with other libraries needed) and I found this:
> SmartSyntaxPluginTMethod>>nullReturnExpr
> ^ TReturnNode new
> setExpression: (TVariableNode new setName: 'null')
> this generates correct return lines, but just because "null" is defined
> previously. If I change null to, e.g. sqNil, the previous method still
> generates "return null" lines.
> So I changed the method as follows:
> SmartSyntaxPluginTMethod>>nullReturnExpr
> ^ TReturnNode new
> setExpression: (TVariableNode new setName: 'nil')
> just replaced "null" for "nil", and everything seems to be working
> fine. Is this hack correct?
> Cheers,
> Esteban