Some Benchmark

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Some Benchmark

Mathieu SUEN

I have made some benchmark token from 
Benchmark was run on the same image.

Here the results:

Squeak VM 16b1
        Performance Rating 8303

Squeak VM 15b5
        Performance Rating 12712

Unix VM 3.9-10
        Performance Rating 3612

If you want details look the attached files



CarbonVM15b1 (1K) Download Attachment
CarbonVM16b5 (1K) Download Attachment
UnixVM 3.9.10 (1K) Download Attachment
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Re: Some Benchmark


On Apr 18, 2007, at 3:35 PM, Mathieu Suen wrote:

> Hi,
> I have made some benchmark token from 
> SystemBenchmarks/
> Benchmark was run on the same image.

Ok, well the macintel numbers on a 2.33 dual core machine are below

Performance Rating 13940.8877772732
Performance Rating 13662.30336853392
Performance Rating 10076.85041460477  {mmmm perhaps some debugging  
code left in, someone see which number is bad}
Performance Rating 13417.091223055
Performance Rating 14145.62033803728 (not yet available complied  
with latest xcode)

But I do wonder if values like LargeIntArith -73000.0  mess up the  

LoadInstVari 2750.0
LoadTempNRef 2115.384615384615
LoadTempRef 3250.0
LoadQuickConstant 3776.923076923077
LoadLiteralNRef 2750.0
LoadLiteralIndirect 4345.454545454545
PopStoreInstVar 1922.222222222222
PopStoreTemp 3480.0
3plus4 1590.0
3lessThan4 2250.0
3times4 3038.461538461538
3div4 187000.0
16divArith 642000.0
LargeIntArith -73000.0
ActivationReturn 31125.0
ShortBranch 1757.142857142857
WhileLoop 25352.9411764706
ArrayAt 62333.33333333334
ArrayAtPut 43800.0
StringAt 91500.0
StringAtPut 57000.0
Size 13090.90909090909
PointCreation 40666.66666666666
StreamNext 89200.0
StreamNextPut 69000.0
EQ 2807.692307692307
Class 63000.0
Value 16600.0
Creation 9131.57894736842
PointX 3460.0
LoadThisContext 3000.0
BasicAt 16727.27272727272
BasicAtPut 14266.66666666667
Perform 19333.33333333333
StringReplace -1.026e6
AsFloat 251000.0
FloatingPointAddition 82000.0
BitBLT 7823.52941176471
TextScanning 16421.05263157895
ClassOrganizer 27500.0
PrintDefinition 14406.77966101695
PrintHierachy 25641.02564102564
AllCallsOn 1016.374929418408
AllImplementors 2719.665271966528
Inspect 9.1e7
Compiler 5519.80198019802
Decompiler 2234.234234234234
KeyboardLookAhead 7657.65765765766
KeyboardSingle 8790.32258064516
TextDisplay 5245.90163934426
TextFormatting 13068.18181818182
TextEditing 7814.814814814814
Performance Rating 13940.8877772732

LoadInstVari 2750.0
LoadTempNRef 2291.666666666667
LoadTempRef 3900.0
LoadQuickConstant 3273.333333333333
LoadLiteralNRef 2500.0
LoadLiteralIndirect 3983.333333333333
PopStoreInstVar 2471.42857142857
PopStoreTemp 2900.0
3plus4 2650.0
3lessThan4 1800.0
3times4 2821.42857142857
3div4 280500.0
16divArith 642000.0
LargeIntArith 7.3e6
ActivationReturn 32129.0322580645
ShortBranch 1537.5
WhileLoop 23944.44444444444
ArrayAt 62333.33333333334
ArrayAtPut 43800.0
StringAt 45750.0
StringAtPut 38000.0
Size 14400.0
PointCreation 45750.0
StreamNext 89200.0
StreamNextPut 69000.0
EQ 2807.692307692307
Class 63000.0
Value 15562.5
Creation 8897.4358974359
PointX 3460.0
LoadThisContext 3545.454545454546
BasicAt 14153.84615384615
BasicAtPut 16461.53846153846
Perform 20714.2857142857
StringReplace 1.026e8
AsFloat 125500.0
FloatingPointAddition 246000.0
BitBLT 7980.0
TextScanning 12480.0
ClassOrganizer 25744.68085106383
PrintDefinition 13934.4262295082
PrintHierachy 24390.24390243903
AllCallsOn 1029.159519725557
AllImplementors 2731.09243697479
Inspect 9.1e7
Compiler 5946.66666666667
Decompiler 2218.24686940966
KeyboardLookAhead 7727.27272727273
KeyboardSingle 8790.32258064516
TextDisplay 5289.25619834711
TextFormatting 12921.34831460674
TextEditing 7902.62172284644
Performance Rating 13662.30336853392


LoadInstVari 2750.0
LoadTempNRef 2750.0
LoadTempRef 4333.33333333333
LoadQuickConstant 3068.75
LoadLiteralNRef 3055.555555555555
LoadLiteralIndirect 4780.0
PopStoreInstVar 1922.222222222222
PopStoreTemp 3480.0
3plus4 2271.42857142857
3lessThan4 2250.0
3times4 3038.461538461538
3div4 561000.0
16divArith 6.42e7
LargeIntArith 7.3e6
ActivationReturn 31125.0
ShortBranch 1757.142857142857
WhileLoop 22684.2105263158
ArrayAt 62333.33333333334
ArrayAtPut 43800.0
StringAt 61000.0
StringAtPut 38000.0
Size 14400.0
PointCreation 45750.0
StreamNext 68615.3846153846
StreamNextPut 64687.5
EQ 3650.0
Class 63000.0
Value 13833.33333333333
Creation 9131.57894736842
PointX 3844.444444444443
LoadThisContext 3900.0
BasicAt 15333.33333333333
BasicAtPut 14266.66666666667
Perform 22307.6923076923
StringReplace 1.026e6
AsFloat 251000.0
FloatingPointAddition 82000.0
BitBLT 7980.0
TextScanning 15600.0
ClassOrganizer 25744.68085106383
PrintDefinition 14406.77966101695
PrintHierachy 25641.02564102564
AllCallsOn 1022.727272727273
AllImplementors 2719.665271966528
Inspect 910000.0
Compiler 4847.82608695652
Decompiler 2222.222222222223
KeyboardLookAhead 7727.27272727273
KeyboardSingle 8934.4262295082
TextDisplay 5140.562248995984
TextFormatting 12365.59139784946
TextEditing 7917.44840525328
Performance Rating 10076.85041460477

LoadInstVari 2750.0
LoadTempNRef 2291.666666666667
LoadTempRef 4333.33333333333
LoadQuickConstant 3507.142857142857
LoadLiteralNRef 2750.0
LoadLiteralIndirect 3983.333333333333
PopStoreInstVar 2162.5
PopStoreTemp 4350.0
3plus4 1987.5
3lessThan4 1800.0
3times4 3291.666666666667
3div4 280500.0
16divArith 6.42e7
LargeIntArith 7.3e6
ActivationReturn 35571.4285714286
ShortBranch 1537.5
WhileLoop 30785.71428571428
ArrayAt 93500.0
ArrayAtPut 43800.0
StringAt 61000.0
StringAtPut 38000.0
Size 13090.90909090909
PointCreation 33272.7272727273
StreamNext 89200.0
StreamNextPut 60882.35294117646
EQ 3041.666666666667
Class 63000.0
Value 19153.84615384615
Creation 8069.767441860465
PointX 3145.454545454545
LoadThisContext 4333.33333333333
BasicAt 16727.27272727272
BasicAtPut 15285.71428571429
Perform 19333.33333333333
StringReplace 1.026e8
AsFloat 125500.0
FloatingPointAddition 61500.0
BitBLT 7980.0
TextScanning 13000.0
ClassOrganizer 25208.33333333334
PrintDefinition 14406.77966101695
PrintHierachy 25000.0
AllCallsOn 1021.566401816118
AllImplementors 2346.570397111914
Inspect 9.1e7
Compiler 6246.498599439776
Decompiler 2164.048865619546
KeyboardLookAhead 8415.84158415842
KeyboardSingle 8616.60079051383
TextDisplay 4904.21455938697
TextFormatting 10747.66355140187
TextEditing 7743.119266055045
Performance Rating 13417.091223055

LoadInstVari 2750.0
LoadTempNRef 2500.0
LoadTempRef 4333.33333333333
LoadQuickConstant 3273.333333333333
LoadLiteralNRef 2291.666666666667
LoadLiteralIndirect 3983.333333333333
PopStoreInstVar 1922.222222222222
PopStoreTemp 2485.714285714285
3plus4 1590.0
3lessThan4 2250.0
3times4 3038.461538461538
3div4 280500.0
16divArith 642000.0
LargeIntArith 7.3e6
ActivationReturn 31125.0
ShortBranch 1366.666666666667
WhileLoop 21550.0
ArrayAt 62333.33333333334
ArrayAtPut 43800.0
StringAt 61000.0
StringAtPut 57000.0
Size 14400.0
PointCreation 40666.66666666666
StreamNext 74333.3333333333
StreamNextPut 69000.0
EQ 3041.666666666667
Class 126000.0
Value 13105.26315789474
Creation 8897.4358974359
PointX 3460.0
LoadThisContext 4333.33333333333
BasicAt 18400.0
BasicAtPut 16461.53846153846
Perform 22307.6923076923
StringReplace -1.026e6
AsFloat 83666.6666666667
FloatingPointAddition 123000.0
BitBLT 8673.91304347826
TextScanning 14181.81818181818
ClassOrganizer 26304.34782608696
PrintDefinition 14166.66666666667
PrintHierachy 27777.77777777778
AllCallsOn 1007.838745800672
AllImplementors 2731.09243697479
Inspect 9.1e7
Compiler 6371.42857142857
Decompiler 2275.229357798165
KeyboardLookAhead 8252.42718446602
KeyboardSingle 8971.19341563786
TextDisplay 5079.36507936508
TextFormatting 12777.77777777778
TextEditing 8178.29457364341
Performance Rating 14145.62033803728

John M. McIntosh <[hidden email]>
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd.