Some very basic questions.

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Some very basic questions.

Pierre-Yves Baccou

I am trying to learn Smalltalk off a book 'On To Smalltalk' with Squeak.
A couple of questions :

How can I swap button 2 and 3 ? (I am using Ubuntu)
How can I create a new method in the hierarchy browser ? I haven't figured that out yet !

Also, is there a piece of documentation for the Squeak interface, I may have missed it.


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Re: Some very basic questions.

Hi Pierre (ou Bonjour)

If you're using squeak I'll suggest you read the free book "squeak by example".

For the mouse buttons swap, you have to open the preference widget and type swap in the research field. You should the be able to see the right preference.




ps: There's a french mailing list if you want to.

2009/1/26 Pierre-Yves Baccou <[hidden email]>

I am trying to learn Smalltalk off a book 'On To Smalltalk' with Squeak.
A couple of questions :

How can I swap button 2 and 3 ? (I am using Ubuntu)
How can I create a new method in the hierarchy browser ? I haven't figured that out yet !

Also, is there a piece of documentation for the Squeak interface, I may have missed it.


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Re: Some very basic questions.

Ralph Johnson
In reply to this post by Pierre-Yves Baccou
> How can I create a new method in the hierarchy browser ? I haven't figured

It is very easy, but seems to be hard for first-time users to guess.

Go to any method, and just replace the text.  Double-click at the
beginning or end of the method and all the text will be selected, then
you can just type over it.  When you "accept" a method and the name is
different from the previous name, the browser will create a new method
rather than replace the old one.  In fact, it is harder than you might
think to change the name of a method.  You can't change a method's
name or delete it by just typing over the method definition.  You have
to use a menu item.

In most browsers, if no method is selected then the browser displays a
template for a method.  You can create a new method by typing over
this template and accepting it.

-Ralph Johnson
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Re: Some very basic questions.

David Mitchell-10
In reply to this post by Pierre-Yves Baccou
I would start with Squeak by Example. On to Smalltalk would be a great second book as SBE will introduce the little nuances of the Squeak UI.

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 2:41 AM, Pierre-Yves Baccou <[hidden email]> wrote:

I am trying to learn Smalltalk off a book 'On To Smalltalk' with Squeak.
A couple of questions :

How can I swap button 2 and 3 ? (I am using Ubuntu)
How can I create a new method in the hierarchy browser ? I haven't figured that out yet !

Also, is there a piece of documentation for the Squeak interface, I may have missed it.


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Re: Some very basic questions.

Josef Vukovic-2
In reply to this post by Pierre-Yves Baccou

Hallo Piere,

Here is a documentation for the squeak UI.

To make a method in the historybrowser select the second pane "Protocols Pane" make a new
category or select a existing one. In the editor pane you can than delete the pattern method and
insert your own code. accept it with cmd-s. done.


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