Something is broken with #record

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Re: Something is broken with #record

Mariano Martinez Peck
| Very few people (if anyone) has noticed that Metacello has this rule,
| me!!! ;)

Yes and I'm glad it was you:)

| because in most cases, if you were given the choice you would say ...
| yes please upgrade my project version and no please don't downgrade
| my project version ... If you really want an older version loaded
| explicitly loading the old version via ConfigurationOF would do as
| you ask ...
| yes, but then I have to be careful that no other guy will bring a new
| version because otherwise it will be updated.

In 1.0-beta.32, I have changed the sematics of #stable a bit ... I haven't released this yet because I need to consider the consequences...but the feature is that the #stable version is treated specially (again only for project refs):

 - if the project is not already loaded, load the version specified by #stable
 - if the project is present do not upgrade or downgrade ...

#stable is supposed to be used when there is a loose a loose coupling should not cause an upgrade ... I think that in the latter stages of the pharo 1.3 development cycle a certain class of bugs involving OB were caused by the "automatic upgrade of #stable projects"...Again if you explicitly load #stable the upgrade will be performed ...

Ok, I now understand all that. Still, I don't understand why in my case someone could be loading Nautilus apart from me? I mean...who/why is loading version 4.0?
 I cannot do the #record: because of the other bug (I guess that loading the latest baseline of Metacello would have the problem of #record fixed)



I mention this because I think that you are referring to exactly that problem ...
| The reason for doing this has to do with the fact that a project like
| Magritte specific version 3.0.1 of Seaside ... when Seaside3.0.2
| came out, I didn't want folks who hasd already explicitly upgraded
| to Seaside3.0.2 have Seaside downgraded to version 3.0.1 when
| Magritte was loaded ... that would have wreaked havoc all over the
| place ...
| ok, I see.
| Dale
| --
| Mariano


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Re: Something is broken with #record

Dale Henrichs

----- Original Message -----
| From: "Mariano Martinez Peck" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:07:42 PM
| Subject: Re: [Metacello] Something is broken with #record
| |
| | Very few people (if anyone) has noticed that Metacello has this
| | rule,
| |
| | me!!! ;)
| Yes and I'm glad it was you:)
| |
| |
| | because in most cases, if you were given the choice you would say
| | ...
| | yes please upgrade my project version and no please don't downgrade
| | my project version ... If you really want an older version loaded
| | explicitly loading the old version via ConfigurationOF would do as
| | you ask ...
| |
| |
| |
| | yes, but then I have to be careful that no other guy will bring a
| | new
| | version because otherwise it will be updated.
| In 1.0-beta.32, I have changed the sematics of #stable a bit ... I
| haven't released this yet because I need to consider the
| consequences...but the feature is that the #stable version is
| treated specially (again only for project refs):
| - if the project is not already loaded, load the version specified by
| #stable
| - if the project is present do not upgrade or downgrade ...
| #stable is supposed to be used when there is a loose a
| loose coupling should not cause an upgrade ... I think that in the
| latter stages of the pharo 1.3 development cycle a certain class of
| bugs involving OB were caused by the "automatic upgrade of #stable
| projects"...Again if you explicitly load #stable the upgrade will be
| performed ...
| Ok, I now understand all that. Still, I don't understand why in my
| case someone could be loading Nautilus apart from me? I
| mean...who/why is loading version 4.0?
| I cannot do the #record: because of the other bug (I guess that
| loading the latest baseline of Metacello would have the problem of
| #record fixed)

This is the problem with the difference between:

  '4.04' -> 4-04

relative to:

  '4.0. -> 4.0

I encourage you to play with the following expressions:

  | v404 v40 v44 v40beta |
  v404 := '4.04' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
  v40beta := '4.0-beta' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
  v40 := '4.0' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
  v44 := '4.4' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
  {v404.  v40beta. v40. v44} sorted

and look at the documentation on Metacello version formats[1].

You should see how the various strings are parsed into version numbers and then understand how Metacello calculates the latest version and determines which version is later than another.

I think you will find that if the version is named '4.4' instead of '4.04' that everything works as you expect ...



| Thanks
| I mention this because I think that you are referring to exactly that
| problem ...
| |
| |
| | The reason for doing this has to do with the fact that a project
| | like
| | Magritte specific version 3.0.1 of Seaside ... when Seaside3.0.2
| | came out, I didn't want folks who hasd already explicitly upgraded
| | to Seaside3.0.2 have Seaside downgraded to version 3.0.1 when
| | Magritte was loaded ... that would have wreaked havoc all over the
| | place ...
| |
| |
| | ok, I see.
| |
| |
| |
| | Dale
| |
| |
| |
| | --
| | Mariano
| |
| |
| |
| --
| Mariano
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Re: Something is broken with #record

Mariano Martinez Peck

| Ok, I now understand all that. Still, I don't understand why in my
| case someone could be loading Nautilus apart from me? I
| mean...who/why is loading version 4.0?
| I cannot do the #record: because of the other bug (I guess that
| loading the latest baseline of Metacello would have the problem of
| #record fixed)

This is the problem with the difference between:

 '4.04' -> 4-04

relative to:

 '4.0. -> 4.0

I encourage you to play with the following expressions:

 | v404 v40 v44 v40beta |
 v404 := '4.04' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
 v40beta := '4.0-beta' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
 v40 := '4.0' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
 v44 := '4.4' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
 {v404.  v40beta. v40. v44} sorted

and look at the documentation on Metacello version formats[1].

You should see how the various strings are parsed into version numbers and then understand how Metacello calculates the latest version and determines which version is later than another.

I think you will find that if the version is named '4.4' instead of '4.04' that everything works as you expect ...

Hi Dale. This looks like the type of discussion that even if we both have the best intentions, we won't get to anything. So I will do my last shoot if and I don't get it, I give up.

1) I DO understand the problem tha '4.04' get sorted before '4.0'. I do understand all the previous explanations.
2) I DO know that if I put '4.4' instead of '4.04' it will all work fine. But still, there is something I don't understand and I would just to know what it is.

Several times you said things like "Metacello calculates the latest version and determines which version is later than another". But you never answered my question: WHY in MY particlar case, Metacello needs to calculate the latest version? In addition, if you say "determines which version is later than another" then it means there are at least to version. In my case NO-ONE apart from ConfigurationOfMariano has a reference to ConfigurationOfNautilus. So, WHY in my case there is a case where it looks like two versions of Nautilus are there and hence you need to sort and hence the problem.

To continue with what I don't understand. If you take the ConfigurationOfMariano I told you and evaluate:

((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMariano) project version: #bleedingEdge) load: 'BaseImage'

That WORKS without problem. Everything is perfect. That even loads Nautilus. So I guess here there is no sorting and Metacello doesn't need to know which is the latest version of Nautilus etc etc etc

However, if I do execute:

((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMariano) project version: #bleedingEdge) load: 'MareaImage'

I have the mentioned problem. What is the difference?  THE only difference is that MareaImage goups loads Marea apart from he BaseImage:

group: 'MareaImage' with: #( 'BaseImage' 'Marea');

so why Metacello needs in this case to sort or calcula the last version of Nautilus?  what has this of difference with the first example?


| Thanks
| I mention this because I think that you are referring to exactly that
| problem ...
| |
| |
| | The reason for doing this has to do with the fact that a project
| | like
| | Magritte specific version 3.0.1 of Seaside ... when Seaside3.0.2
| | came out, I didn't want folks who hasd already explicitly upgraded
| | to Seaside3.0.2 have Seaside downgraded to version 3.0.1 when
| | Magritte was loaded ... that would have wreaked havoc all over the
| | place ...
| |
| |
| | ok, I see.
| |
| |
| |
| | Dale
| |
| |
| |
| | --
| | Mariano
| |
| |
| |
| --
| Mariano


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Re: Something is broken with #record

Dale Henrichs

----- Original Message -----
| From: "Mariano Martinez Peck" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 12:57:01 AM
| Subject: Re: [Metacello] Something is broken with #record
| |
| | Ok, I now understand all that. Still, I don't understand why in my
| | case someone could be loading Nautilus apart from me? I
| | mean...who/why is loading version 4.0?
| | I cannot do the #record: because of the other bug (I guess that
| | loading the latest baseline of Metacello would have the problem of
| | #record fixed)
| This is the problem with the difference between:
| '4.04' -> 4-04
| relative to:
| '4.0. -> 4.0
| I encourage you to play with the following expressions:
| | v404 v40 v44 v40beta |
| v404 := '4.04' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
| v40beta := '4.0-beta' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
| v40 := '4.0' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
| v44 := '4.4' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
| {v404. v40beta. v40. v44} sorted
| and look at the documentation on Metacello version formats[1].
| You should see how the various strings are parsed into version
| numbers and then understand how Metacello calculates the latest
| version and determines which version is later than another.
| I think you will find that if the version is named '4.4' instead of
| '4.04' that everything works as you expect ...
| Hi Dale. This looks like the type of discussion that even if we both
| have the best intentions, we won't get to anything. So I will do my
| last shoot if and I don't get it, I give up.
| 1) I DO understand the problem tha '4.04' get sorted before '4.0'. I
| do understand all the previous explanations.
| 2) I DO know that if I put '4.4' instead of '4.04' it will all work
| fine. But still, there is something I don't understand and I would
| just to know what it is.
| Several times you said things like "Metacello calculates the latest
| version and determines which version is later than another". But you
| never answered my question: WHY in MY particlar case, Metacello
| needs to calculate the latest version? In addition, if you say
| "determines which version is later than another" then it means there
| are at least to version. In my case NO-ONE apart from
| ConfigurationOfMariano has a reference to ConfigurationOfNautilus.
| So, WHY in my case there is a case where it looks like two versions
| of Nautilus are there and hence you need to sort and hence the
| problem.
| To continue with what I don't understand. If you take the
| ConfigurationOfMariano I told you and evaluate:
| ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMariano) project version:
| #bleedingEdge) load: 'BaseImage'
| That WORKS without problem. Everything is perfect. That even loads
| Nautilus. So I guess here there is no sorting and Metacello doesn't
| need to know which is the latest version of Nautilus etc etc etc
| However, if I do execute:
| ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMariano) project version:
| #bleedingEdge) load: 'MareaImage'
| I have the mentioned problem. What is the difference? THE only
| difference is that MareaImage goups loads Marea apart from he
| BaseImage:
| group: 'MareaImage' with: #( 'BaseImage' 'Marea');
| so why Metacello needs in this case to sort or calcula the last
| version of Nautilus? what has this of difference with the first
| example?


Okay ... understanding what I haven't explained well enough is half the battle:)

I think that if you look at the fetch/load record for a load of MareaImage into an empty image you will see that the package 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is actually loaded by another project .... If you look at the spec for version 4.0 of Nautilus you well see that 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is specified...BTW, version 4.0.4 of Nautilus does not specify 'Refactoring-Environment' at all.

Presumably during the load of BaseImage, 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is not loaded or perhaps the load of Nautilus comes before the load of 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9'...

Metacello always calculates the current version of a referenced project before doing a load, but the current version is based upon what Metacello thinks is loaded in the takes packages that have been fetched into account as well as packages that are loaded in the image when it does it's calculation.

When you load BaseImage and no 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is seen when calculating the current version of Nautilus, Metacello goes ahead and loads version 4-04 of Nautilus.

When you load MareaImage 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is seen and Metacello calculates the current version of Nautilus to be 4.0 ... then it looks at the requested version 4-04 and sees that you are requesting an earlier version and we are off to the races ...

In general it is not a good practice for two different projects to have specifications for the same package ... the versions are most likely never in synch so even if it doesn't confuse Metacello (noticeably) it will confuse you if you depend upon behaviour in a particular package version ...

Instead of a direct reference to the package, you should use a project reference and then you can guarantee consistency...

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Re: Something is broken with #record

Frank Shearar-3
On 29 February 2012 17:32, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> | From: "Mariano Martinez Peck" <[hidden email]>
> | To: [hidden email]
> | Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 12:57:01 AM
> | Subject: Re: [Metacello] Something is broken with #record
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> |
> | |
> | | Ok, I now understand all that. Still, I don't understand why in my
> | | case someone could be loading Nautilus apart from me? I
> | | mean...who/why is loading version 4.0?
> | | I cannot do the #record: because of the other bug (I guess that
> | | loading the latest baseline of Metacello would have the problem of
> | | #record fixed)
> |
> | This is the problem with the difference between:
> |
> | '4.04' -> 4-04
> |
> | relative to:
> |
> | '4.0. -> 4.0
> |
> | I encourage you to play with the following expressions:
> |
> | | v404 v40 v44 v40beta |
> | v404 := '4.04' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
> | v40beta := '4.0-beta' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
> | v40 := '4.0' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
> | v44 := '4.4' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
> | {v404. v40beta. v40. v44} sorted
> |
> | and look at the documentation on Metacello version formats[1].
> |
> | You should see how the various strings are parsed into version
> | numbers and then understand how Metacello calculates the latest
> | version and determines which version is later than another.
> |
> | I think you will find that if the version is named '4.4' instead of
> | '4.04' that everything works as you expect ...
> |
> |
> |
> | Hi Dale. This looks like the type of discussion that even if we both
> | have the best intentions, we won't get to anything. So I will do my
> | last shoot if and I don't get it, I give up.
> |
> | 1) I DO understand the problem tha '4.04' get sorted before '4.0'. I
> | do understand all the previous explanations.
> | 2) I DO know that if I put '4.4' instead of '4.04' it will all work
> | fine. But still, there is something I don't understand and I would
> | just to know what it is.
> |
> | Several times you said things like "Metacello calculates the latest
> | version and determines which version is later than another". But you
> | never answered my question: WHY in MY particlar case, Metacello
> | needs to calculate the latest version? In addition, if you say
> | "determines which version is later than another" then it means there
> | are at least to version. In my case NO-ONE apart from
> | ConfigurationOfMariano has a reference to ConfigurationOfNautilus.
> | So, WHY in my case there is a case where it looks like two versions
> | of Nautilus are there and hence you need to sort and hence the
> | problem.
> |
> | To continue with what I don't understand. If you take the
> | ConfigurationOfMariano I told you and evaluate:
> |
> | ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMariano) project version:
> | #bleedingEdge) load: 'BaseImage'
> |
> | That WORKS without problem. Everything is perfect. That even loads
> | Nautilus. So I guess here there is no sorting and Metacello doesn't
> | need to know which is the latest version of Nautilus etc etc etc
> |
> | However, if I do execute:
> |
> | ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMariano) project version:
> | #bleedingEdge) load: 'MareaImage'
> |
> | I have the mentioned problem. What is the difference? THE only
> | difference is that MareaImage goups loads Marea apart from he
> | BaseImage:
> |
> | group: 'MareaImage' with: #( 'BaseImage' 'Marea');
> |
> | so why Metacello needs in this case to sort or calcula the last
> | version of Nautilus? what has this of difference with the first
> | example?
> Mariano,
> Okay ... understanding what I haven't explained well enough is half the battle:)
> I think that if you look at the fetch/load record for a load of MareaImage into an empty image you will see that the package 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is actually loaded by another project .... If you look at the spec for version 4.0 of Nautilus you well see that 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is specified...BTW, version 4.0.4 of Nautilus does not specify 'Refactoring-Environment' at all.
> Presumably during the load of BaseImage, 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is not loaded or perhaps the load of Nautilus comes before the load of 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9'...
> Metacello always calculates the current version of a referenced project before doing a load, but the current version is based upon what Metacello thinks is loaded in the takes packages that have been fetched into account as well as packages that are loaded in the image when it does it's calculation.
> When you load BaseImage and no 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is seen when calculating the current version of Nautilus, Metacello goes ahead and loads version 4-04 of Nautilus.
> When you load MareaImage 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is seen and Metacello calculates the current version of Nautilus to be 4.0 ... then it looks at the requested version 4-04 and sees that you are requesting an earlier version and we are off to the races ...
> In general it is not a good practice for two different projects to have specifications for the same package ... the versions are most likely never in synch so even if it doesn't confuse Metacello (noticeably) it will confuse you if you depend upon behaviour in a particular package version ...
> Instead of a direct reference to the package, you should use a project reference and then you can guarantee consistency...

Why? if you depend on Foo-1 and Bar-2, and Bar-2 depends on Foo-2,
you're in trouble. If you say you depend on Bar, you aren't correctly
specifying your dependencies, and if you do, your configuration's
inconsistent. If you could avoid having both the direct dependency and
the indirect dependency on Foo you're safe, but I don't see how you
can in the _general_ case avoid such a thing happening. (Properly
handling the situation - letting both versions of Foo coexist - is not
something we're ready to address in either Squeak or Pharo, even
though it's not theoretically impossible.)

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Re: Something is broken with #record

Dale Henrichs

----- Original Message -----
| From: "Frank Shearar" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 10:06:49 AM
| Subject: Re: [Metacello] Something is broken with #record
| On 29 February 2012 17:32, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
| >
| >
| > ----- Original Message -----
| > | From: "Mariano Martinez Peck" <[hidden email]>
| > | To: [hidden email]
| > | Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 12:57:01 AM
| > | Subject: Re: [Metacello] Something is broken with #record
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | |
| > | | Ok, I now understand all that. Still, I don't understand why in
| > | | my
| > | | case someone could be loading Nautilus apart from me? I
| > | | mean...who/why is loading version 4.0?
| > | | I cannot do the #record: because of the other bug (I guess that
| > | | loading the latest baseline of Metacello would have the problem
| > | | of
| > | | #record fixed)
| > |
| > | This is the problem with the difference between:
| > |
| > | '4.04' -> 4-04
| > |
| > | relative to:
| > |
| > | '4.0. -> 4.0
| > |
| > | I encourage you to play with the following expressions:
| > |
| > | | v404 v40 v44 v40beta |
| > | v404 := '4.04' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
| > | v40beta := '4.0-beta' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
| > | v40 := '4.0' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
| > | v44 := '4.4' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
| > | {v404. v40beta. v40. v44} sorted
| > |
| > | and look at the documentation on Metacello version formats[1].
| > |
| > | You should see how the various strings are parsed into version
| > | numbers and then understand how Metacello calculates the latest
| > | version and determines which version is later than another.
| > |
| > | I think you will find that if the version is named '4.4' instead
| > | of
| > | '4.04' that everything works as you expect ...
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | Hi Dale. This looks like the type of discussion that even if we
| > | both
| > | have the best intentions, we won't get to anything. So I will do
| > | my
| > | last shoot if and I don't get it, I give up.
| > |
| > | 1) I DO understand the problem tha '4.04' get sorted before
| > | '4.0'. I
| > | do understand all the previous explanations.
| > | 2) I DO know that if I put '4.4' instead of '4.04' it will all
| > | work
| > | fine. But still, there is something I don't understand and I
| > | would
| > | just to know what it is.
| > |
| > | Several times you said things like "Metacello calculates the
| > | latest
| > | version and determines which version is later than another". But
| > | you
| > | never answered my question: WHY in MY particlar case, Metacello
| > | needs to calculate the latest version? In addition, if you say
| > | "determines which version is later than another" then it means
| > | there
| > | are at least to version. In my case NO-ONE apart from
| > | ConfigurationOfMariano has a reference to
| > | ConfigurationOfNautilus.
| > | So, WHY in my case there is a case where it looks like two
| > | versions
| > | of Nautilus are there and hence you need to sort and hence the
| > | problem.
| > |
| > | To continue with what I don't understand. If you take the
| > | ConfigurationOfMariano I told you and evaluate:
| > |
| > | ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMariano) project version:
| > | #bleedingEdge) load: 'BaseImage'
| > |
| > | That WORKS without problem. Everything is perfect. That even
| > | loads
| > | Nautilus. So I guess here there is no sorting and Metacello
| > | doesn't
| > | need to know which is the latest version of Nautilus etc etc etc
| > |
| > | However, if I do execute:
| > |
| > | ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMariano) project version:
| > | #bleedingEdge) load: 'MareaImage'
| > |
| > | I have the mentioned problem. What is the difference? THE only
| > | difference is that MareaImage goups loads Marea apart from he
| > | BaseImage:
| > |
| > | group: 'MareaImage' with: #( 'BaseImage' 'Marea');
| > |
| > | so why Metacello needs in this case to sort or calcula the last
| > | version of Nautilus? what has this of difference with the first
| > | example?
| >
| > Mariano,
| >
| > Okay ... understanding what I haven't explained well enough is half
| > the battle:)
| >
| > I think that if you look at the fetch/load record for a load of
| > MareaImage into an empty image you will see that the package
| > 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is actually loaded by another
| > project .... If you look at the spec for version 4.0 of Nautilus
| > you well see that 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is
| > specified...BTW, version 4.0.4 of Nautilus does not specify
| > 'Refactoring-Environment' at all.
| >
| > Presumably during the load of BaseImage,
| > 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is not loaded or perhaps the load
| > of Nautilus comes before the load of
| > 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9'...
| >
| > Metacello always calculates the current version of a referenced
| > project before doing a load, but the current version is based upon
| > what Metacello thinks is loaded in the takes packages
| > that have been fetched into account as well as packages that are
| > loaded in the image when it does it's calculation.
| >
| > When you load BaseImage and no 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is
| > seen when calculating the current version of Nautilus, Metacello
| > goes ahead and loads version 4-04 of Nautilus.
| >
| > When you load MareaImage 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is seen and
| > Metacello calculates the current version of Nautilus to be 4.0 ...
| > then it looks at the requested version 4-04 and sees that you are
| > requesting an earlier version and we are off to the races ...
| >
| > In general it is not a good practice for two different projects to
| > have specifications for the same package ... the versions are most
| > likely never in synch so even if it doesn't confuse Metacello
| > (noticeably) it will confuse you if you depend upon behaviour in a
| > particular package version ...
| >
| > Instead of a direct reference to the package, you should use a
| > project reference and then you can guarantee consistency...
| Why? if you depend on Foo-1 and Bar-2, and Bar-2 depends on Foo-2,
| you're in trouble. If you say you depend on Bar, you aren't correctly
| specifying your dependencies, and if you do, your configuration's
| inconsistent. If you could avoid having both the direct dependency
| and
| the indirect dependency on Foo you're safe, but I don't see how you
| can in the _general_ case avoid such a thing happening. (Properly
| handling the situation - letting both versions of Foo coexist - is
| not
| something we're ready to address in either Squeak or Pharo, even
| though it's not theoretically impossible.)
| frank


Here is how you correctly reference a specific package from another project:

                project: 'RefactoringBrowser'
                    with: [
                                className: 'ConfigurationOfRefactoringBrowser';
                                versionString: #'stable';
                                loads: #('Refactoring-Environment');
                                repository: '' ].

Only 'Refactoring-Environment' and it's required packages and projects will be loaded... This way you will maintain consistency with RefactoringBrowser if and when you start to use the package.

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Re: Something is broken with #record

Mariano Martinez Peck

On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 7:29 PM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:

----- Original Message -----
| From: "Frank Shearar" <[hidden email]>
| To: [hidden email]
| Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 10:06:49 AM
| Subject: Re: [Metacello] Something is broken with #record
| On 29 February 2012 17:32, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
| >
| >
| > ----- Original Message -----
| > | From: "Mariano Martinez Peck" <[hidden email]>
| > | To: [hidden email]
| > | Sent: Wednesday, February 29, 2012 12:57:01 AM
| > | Subject: Re: [Metacello] Something is broken with #record
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | |
| > | | Ok, I now understand all that. Still, I don't understand why in
| > | | my
| > | | case someone could be loading Nautilus apart from me? I
| > | | mean...who/why is loading version 4.0?
| > | | I cannot do the #record: because of the other bug (I guess that
| > | | loading the latest baseline of Metacello would have the problem
| > | | of
| > | | #record fixed)
| > |
| > | This is the problem with the difference between:
| > |
| > | '4.04' -> 4-04
| > |
| > | relative to:
| > |
| > | '4.0. -> 4.0
| > |
| > | I encourage you to play with the following expressions:
| > |
| > | | v404 v40 v44 v40beta |
| > | v404 := '4.04' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
| > | v40beta := '4.0-beta' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
| > | v40 := '4.0' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
| > | v44 := '4.4' asMetacelloVersionNumber.
| > | {v404. v40beta. v40. v44} sorted
| > |
| > | and look at the documentation on Metacello version formats[1].
| > |
| > | You should see how the various strings are parsed into version
| > | numbers and then understand how Metacello calculates the latest
| > | version and determines which version is later than another.
| > |
| > | I think you will find that if the version is named '4.4' instead
| > | of
| > | '4.04' that everything works as you expect ...
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | Hi Dale. This looks like the type of discussion that even if we
| > | both
| > | have the best intentions, we won't get to anything. So I will do
| > | my
| > | last shoot if and I don't get it, I give up.
| > |
| > | 1) I DO understand the problem tha '4.04' get sorted before
| > | '4.0'. I
| > | do understand all the previous explanations.
| > | 2) I DO know that if I put '4.4' instead of '4.04' it will all
| > | work
| > | fine. But still, there is something I don't understand and I
| > | would
| > | just to know what it is.
| > |
| > | Several times you said things like "Metacello calculates the
| > | latest
| > | version and determines which version is later than another". But
| > | you
| > | never answered my question: WHY in MY particlar case, Metacello
| > | needs to calculate the latest version? In addition, if you say
| > | "determines which version is later than another" then it means
| > | there
| > | are at least to version. In my case NO-ONE apart from
| > | ConfigurationOfMariano has a reference to
| > | ConfigurationOfNautilus.
| > | So, WHY in my case there is a case where it looks like two
| > | versions
| > | of Nautilus are there and hence you need to sort and hence the
| > | problem.
| > |
| > | To continue with what I don't understand. If you take the
| > | ConfigurationOfMariano I told you and evaluate:
| > |
| > | ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMariano) project version:
| > | #bleedingEdge) load: 'BaseImage'
| > |
| > | That WORKS without problem. Everything is perfect. That even
| > | loads
| > | Nautilus. So I guess here there is no sorting and Metacello
| > | doesn't
| > | need to know which is the latest version of Nautilus etc etc etc
| > |
| > | However, if I do execute:
| > |
| > | ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMariano) project version:
| > | #bleedingEdge) load: 'MareaImage'
| > |
| > | I have the mentioned problem. What is the difference? THE only
| > | difference is that MareaImage goups loads Marea apart from he
| > | BaseImage:
| > |
| > | group: 'MareaImage' with: #( 'BaseImage' 'Marea');
| > |
| > | so why Metacello needs in this case to sort or calcula the last
| > | version of Nautilus? what has this of difference with the first
| > | example?
| >
| > Mariano,
| >
| > Okay ... understanding what I haven't explained well enough is half
| > the battle:)
| >
| > I think that if you look at the fetch/load record for a load of
| > MareaImage into an empty image you will see that the package
| > 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is actually loaded by another
| > project .... If you look at the spec for version 4.0 of Nautilus
| > you well see that 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is
| > specified...BTW, version 4.0.4 of Nautilus does not specify
| > 'Refactoring-Environment' at all.
| >
| > Presumably during the load of BaseImage,
| > 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is not loaded or perhaps the load
| > of Nautilus comes before the load of
| > 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9'...
| >
| > Metacello always calculates the current version of a referenced
| > project before doing a load, but the current version is based upon
| > what Metacello thinks is loaded in the takes packages
| > that have been fetched into account as well as packages that are
| > loaded in the image when it does it's calculation.
| >
| > When you load BaseImage and no 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is
| > seen when calculating the current version of Nautilus, Metacello
| > goes ahead and loads version 4-04 of Nautilus.
| >
| > When you load MareaImage 'Refactoring-Environment-lr.9' is seen and
| > Metacello calculates the current version of Nautilus to be 4.0 ...
| > then it looks at the requested version 4-04 and sees that you are
| > requesting an earlier version and we are off to the races ...
| >
| > In general it is not a good practice for two different projects to
| > have specifications for the same package ... the versions are most
| > likely never in synch so even if it doesn't confuse Metacello
| > (noticeably) it will confuse you if you depend upon behaviour in a
| > particular package version ...
| >
| > Instead of a direct reference to the package, you should use a
| > project reference and then you can guarantee consistency...
| Why? if you depend on Foo-1 and Bar-2, and Bar-2 depends on Foo-2,
| you're in trouble. If you say you depend on Bar, you aren't correctly
| specifying your dependencies, and if you do, your configuration's
| inconsistent. If you could avoid having both the direct dependency
| and
| the indirect dependency on Foo you're safe, but I don't see how you
| can in the _general_ case avoid such a thing happening. (Properly
| handling the situation - letting both versions of Foo coexist - is
| not
| something we're ready to address in either Squeak or Pharo, even
| though it's not theoretically impossible.)
| frank


Here is how you correctly reference a specific package from another project:

               project: 'RefactoringBrowser'
                   with: [
                               className: 'ConfigurationOfRefactoringBrowser';
                               versionString: #'stable';
                               loads: #('Refactoring-Environment');
                               repository: '' ].

Only 'Refactoring-Environment' and it's required packages and projects will be loaded... This way you will maintain consistency with RefactoringBrowser if and when you start to use the package.

Indeed, I fixed this last week in baseline 4.2:

        spec project: 'RBCore' with: [
                className: 'ConfigurationOfRefactoringBrowser';
                versionString: #stable;
                loads: 'Core';
                repository: ''].
        spec project: 'Refactoring-Environment' copyFrom: 'RBCore' with: [
                spec loads: #('Refactoring-Environment' ) ].


