Source Tree/Repository revision info for the VM [was Re: [Vm-dev] new Cog VMs available]

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Source Tree/Repository revision info for the VM [was Re: [Vm-dev] new Cog VMs available]

Eliot Miranda-2

Hi All,

    I juts committed a workable scheme for including version info in
the VM and the Mac .app, checked in on

- I've added a file platforms/Cross/vm/sqSCCSVersion.h which is
included by the platform files that answer the Smalltalk
getSystemAttribute: information (sqMacMain.c sqUnixMain.c &

- I've modified the getSystemAttribute: code to answer the revision
and repository URL in response to getSystemAttribute: 1009.

- I've added a check-in script that makes sure sqSCCSVersion.h is
updated (if the script is used) so sqSCCSVersion.h's revision number
is up-to-date.

So now e.g. Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 1009 answers 'r2461'

The scheme in sqSCCSVersion.h is simple and I hope extensible to other
repositories such that it is the only file that needs to fork between
repositories, and then only by altering the following lines to choose
the relevant repository:

#define SCCS 0
#define RCS 0
#define CVS 0
#define SUBVERSION 1
#define BAZAAR 0
#define MERCURIAL 0
#define GIT 0

e.g. choosing the repository on the command line via a Makefile means
changing lots of makefiles.  So this approach, while not ideal, having
 file different between different repositories does localise the fork
to just one file.

Here's sqSCCSVersion.h in its entirety.  It computes char
*sourceVersionString(), which is that above.  If this approach makes
sense to people we can a) standardise on an attribute number (I chose
1009 as the next unused number but am open to change if there's a good
reason), and b) extend sqSCCSVersion.h with the relevant sccs-specific
code to collect revision and url information for each specific
repository.  Thoughts, comments?


 * A set of definitions for C source code control systems, to provide accurate
 * and definitive version information to the VM.
 * Currently instantiated only for Subversion.  Please add definitions for
 * other repositories as appropriate.
 * I guess a good way to manage this is to edit the below define list to select
 * appropriate the repository type, and then that's the extent of the fork.
 * Eliot Miranda
 * [hidden email]
 * 15 July 2011

#define SCCS 0
#define RCS 0
#define CVS 0
#define SUBVERSION 1
#define BAZAAR 0
#define MERCURIAL 0
#define GIT 0

static char SvnRawRevisionString[] = "$Rev: 2461 $";
# define REV_START (SvnRawRevisionString + 6)

static char SvnRawRepositoryURL[] = "$URL:
# define URL_START (SvnRawRepositoryURL + 6)

static long
revisionAsLong() { return atol(REV_START); }

static char *
        char *maybe_space = strchr(REV_START,' ');
        if (maybe_space)
                *maybe_space = 0;
        return REV_START;

static char *
        char *maybe_platforms = strstr(URL_START, "/platforms");
        if (maybe_platforms)
                *maybe_platforms = 0;
        return URL_START;
# undef REV_START
# undef URL_START
#else /* SUBVERSION */
static long
revisionAsLong() { return -1; }

static char *
revisionAsString() { return "?"; }

static char *
repositoryURL() { return "unknown"; }
#endif /* SUBVERSION */

static char *sourceVersion = 0;

static char *sourceVersionString()
        if (!sourceVersion) {
                int len = strlen(revisionAsString()) + strlen(repositoryURL()) + 3;
                sourceVersion = malloc(len);
                sprintf(sourceVersion,"r%s %s",revisionAsString(),repositoryURL());
        return sourceVersion;

On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi Bert,
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> On 13.07.2011, at 22:56, Eliot Miranda wrote:
>> > Hi All,
>> >
>> >     find new Cog VMs in  These have functional ALien callbacks.  Previous VMs had buggy code that could easily crash when heavily stressed, as discovered with Vassili Bykov's native Hopscotch UI in Newspeak on Win32.
>> Hi Eliot,
>> do you keep a continuous changelog somewhere for your releases? It would be nice to include that in the VM.
>> Also, your Mac VM bundles always have the same version number which is somewhat inconvenient. Would be nice to splice the release version into Info.plist.
> I think I've found what's required:
> In particular
> If you want the file contents to remain unchanged you can always
> change one of the properties on the file.
> eg.
> svn propset dummyproperty 1 yourfile
> hence "Use Case: A file (config, xml, etc.) is chosen as a canonical
> version beacon for other apps. It indicates that "the code queried
> represents version rXYZ in SVN". Using SVN's macros on commit ("$Rev:
> xxxxx $") would be ideal for these purposes, provided SVN would deign
> to update an unchanged file. – pcorcoran"
> So I can now force a change to each Info.plist file and embed the Rev
> property.  I can also embed the Rev property in relevant .c or .h
> files to cause the Rev property to show in the relevant VM version
> strings.
> And I can fire off the svn propset via a precommit hook.  What I can't
> do is make this corss-platform.  It'll work on unixes but fall flat on
> e.g. Windows wirth TortoiseSVN.  Unless anyone knows better.  If so,
> let me know.
>> While I'm in nitpicking mode: CFBundleVersion is recommended to be a simple integer, incremented for each bundle release - your "2459" might serve fine. This is not shown in the UI. The Finder shows CFBundleShortVersionString and the Get Info dialog shows CFBundleGetInfoString. Both of these are free-form as far as OS X is concerned, you can put anything you want in there. "Smalltalk vmVersion" includes CFBundleShortVersionString so there may be users expecting a certain format.
>> Your current CFBundleGetInfoString has a link to a "boutique web design" company. I'm almost certain that's not what you wanted to put in there.
>> In other words: Thanks for the new release ;)
>> - Bert -
> --
> best,
> Eliot

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Re: Source Tree/Repository revision info for the VM [was Re: [Vm-dev] new Cog VMs available]

Igor Stasenko

On 16 July 2011 01:48, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi All,
>    I juts committed a workable scheme for including version info in
> the VM and the Mac .app, checked in on
> - I've added a file platforms/Cross/vm/sqSCCSVersion.h which is
> included by the platform files that answer the Smalltalk
> getSystemAttribute: information (sqMacMain.c sqUnixMain.c &
> sqWin32Window.c).
> - I've modified the getSystemAttribute: code to answer the revision
> and repository URL in response to getSystemAttribute: 1009.
> - I've added a check-in script that makes sure sqSCCSVersion.h is
> updated (if the script is used) so sqSCCSVersion.h's revision number
> is up-to-date.
> So now e.g. Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 1009 answers 'r2461
> The scheme in sqSCCSVersion.h is simple and I hope extensible to other
> repositories such that it is the only file that needs to fork between
> repositories, and then only by altering the following lines to choose
> the relevant repository:
> #define SCCS 0
> #define RCS 0
> #define CVS 0
> #define SUBVERSION 1
> #define BAZAAR 0
> #define MERCURIAL 0
> #define GIT 0
> e.g. choosing the repository on the command line via a Makefile means
> changing lots of makefiles.  So this approach, while not ideal, having
>  file different between different repositories does localise the fork
> to just one file.
> Here's sqSCCSVersion.h in its entirety.  It computes char
> *sourceVersionString(), which is that above.  If this approach makes
> sense to people we can a) standardise on an attribute number (I chose
> 1009 as the next unused number but am open to change if there's a good
> reason), and b) extend sqSCCSVersion.h with the relevant sccs-specific
> code to collect revision and url information for each specific
> repository.  Thoughts, comments?

I am a bit puzzled by the code.
Why you need a function to evaluate the version string?
If you taking stings from defines, like:

#define URL "abc"
#define VERSION "123"

then you can just do


static char* versionstring = VERSIONSTRING;

or not?

> Eliot
> /*
>  * A set of definitions for C source code control systems, to provide accurate
>  * and definitive version information to the VM.
>  *
>  * Currently instantiated only for Subversion.  Please add definitions for
>  * other repositories as appropriate.
>  *
>  * I guess a good way to manage this is to edit the below define list to select
>  * appropriate the repository type, and then that's the extent of the fork.
>  *
>  * Eliot Miranda
>  * [hidden email]
>  * 15 July 2011
>  */
> #define SCCS 0
> #define RCS 0
> #define CVS 0
> #define SUBVERSION 1
> #define BAZAAR 0
> #define MERCURIAL 0
> #define GIT 0
> static char SvnRawRevisionString[] = "$Rev: 2461 $";
> # define REV_START (SvnRawRevisionString + 6)
> static char SvnRawRepositoryURL[] = "$URL:
> $";
> # define URL_START (SvnRawRepositoryURL + 6)
> static long
> revisionAsLong() { return atol(REV_START); }
> static char *
> revisionAsString()
> {
>        char *maybe_space = strchr(REV_START,' ');
>        if (maybe_space)
>                *maybe_space = 0;
>        return REV_START;
> }
> static char *
> repositoryURL()
> {
>        char *maybe_platforms = strstr(URL_START, "/platforms");
>        if (maybe_platforms)
>                *maybe_platforms = 0;
>        return URL_START;
> }
> # undef REV_START
> # undef URL_START
> #else /* SUBVERSION */
> static long
> revisionAsLong() { return -1; }
> static char *
> revisionAsString() { return "?"; }
> static char *
> repositoryURL() { return "unknown"; }
> #endif /* SUBVERSION */
> static char *sourceVersion = 0;
> static char *sourceVersionString()
> {
>        if (!sourceVersion) {
>                int len = strlen(revisionAsString()) + strlen(repositoryURL()) + 3;
>                sourceVersion = malloc(len);
>                sprintf(sourceVersion,"r%s %s",revisionAsString(),repositoryURL());
>        }
>        return sourceVersion;
> }
> On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi Bert,
>> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> On 13.07.2011, at 22:56, Eliot Miranda wrote:
>>> > Hi All,
>>> >
>>> >     find new Cog VMs in  These have functional ALien callbacks.  Previous VMs had buggy code that could easily crash when heavily stressed, as discovered with Vassili Bykov's native Hopscotch UI in Newspeak on Win32.
>>> Hi Eliot,
>>> do you keep a continuous changelog somewhere for your releases? It would be nice to include that in the VM.
>>> Also, your Mac VM bundles always have the same version number which is somewhat inconvenient. Would be nice to splice the release version into Info.plist.
>> I think I've found what's required:
>> In particular
>> If you want the file contents to remain unchanged you can always
>> change one of the properties on the file.
>> eg.
>> svn propset dummyproperty 1 yourfile
>> hence "Use Case: A file (config, xml, etc.) is chosen as a canonical
>> version beacon for other apps. It indicates that "the code queried
>> represents version rXYZ in SVN". Using SVN's macros on commit ("$Rev:
>> xxxxx $") would be ideal for these purposes, provided SVN would deign
>> to update an unchanged file. – pcorcoran"
>> So I can now force a change to each Info.plist file and embed the Rev
>> property.  I can also embed the Rev property in relevant .c or .h
>> files to cause the Rev property to show in the relevant VM version
>> strings.
>> And I can fire off the svn propset via a precommit hook.  What I can't
>> do is make this corss-platform.  It'll work on unixes but fall flat on
>> e.g. Windows wirth TortoiseSVN.  Unless anyone knows better.  If so,
>> let me know.
>>> While I'm in nitpicking mode: CFBundleVersion is recommended to be a simple integer, incremented for each bundle release - your "2459" might serve fine. This is not shown in the UI. The Finder shows CFBundleShortVersionString and the Get Info dialog shows CFBundleGetInfoString. Both of these are free-form as far as OS X is concerned, you can put anything you want in there. "Smalltalk vmVersion" includes CFBundleShortVersionString so there may be users expecting a certain format.
>>> Your current CFBundleGetInfoString has a link to a "boutique web design" company. I'm almost certain that's not what you wanted to put in there.
>>> In other words: Thanks for the new release ;)
>>> - Bert -
>> --
>> best,
>> Eliot
> --
> best,
> Eliot

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: Source Tree/Repository revision info for the VM [was Re: [Vm-dev] new Cog VMs available]

David T. Lewis
In reply to this post by Eliot Miranda-2
On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 03:48:50PM -0700, Eliot Miranda wrote:

> Hi All,
>     I juts committed a workable scheme for including version info in
> the VM and the Mac .app, checked in on
> - I've added a file platforms/Cross/vm/sqSCCSVersion.h which is
> included by the platform files that answer the Smalltalk
> getSystemAttribute: information (sqMacMain.c sqUnixMain.c &
> sqWin32Window.c).
> - I've modified the getSystemAttribute: code to answer the revision
> and repository URL in response to getSystemAttribute: 1009.
> - I've added a check-in script that makes sure sqSCCSVersion.h is
> updated (if the script is used) so sqSCCSVersion.h's revision number
> is up-to-date.
> So now e.g. Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 1009 answers 'r2461
> The scheme in sqSCCSVersion.h is simple and I hope extensible to other
> repositories such that it is the only file that needs to fork between
> repositories, and then only by altering the following lines to choose
> the relevant repository:
> #define SCCS 0
> #define RCS 0
> #define CVS 0
> #define SUBVERSION 1
> #define BAZAAR 0
> #define MERCURIAL 0
> #define GIT 0
> e.g. choosing the repository on the command line via a Makefile means
> changing lots of makefiles.  So this approach, while not ideal, having
>  file different between different repositories does localise the fork
> to just one file.
> Here's sqSCCSVersion.h in its entirety.  It computes char
> *sourceVersionString(), which is that above.  If this approach makes
> sense to people we can a) standardise on an attribute number (I chose
> 1009 as the next unused number but am open to change if there's a good
> reason), and b) extend sqSCCSVersion.h with the relevant sccs-specific
> code to collect revision and url information for each specific
> repository.  Thoughts, comments?

Hi Eliot,

As an additional suggestion, if you could wire this version information
into #primitiveInterpreterSourceVersion and #primitivePlatformSourceVersion,
it would give a more consistent interface from the image side. Currently
a Squeak image running on an up-to-date interpreter VM gives results
such as:

  Smalltalk vm interpreterSourceVersion ==> '4.7.0'
  Smalltalk vm platformSourceVersion ==> '2438'

This in turn is used by Help->About this System to report information about
the VM, so it would be good if Cog and the interpreter VM could both provide
these two primitives (or maybe just the #primitivePlatformSourceVersion?).

It looks like #primitivePlatformSourceVersion would just need to answer
the results of your new sourceVersionString(). I'm not sure how (or if)
you would want to do #primitiveInterpreterSourceVersion, so maybe that's
a different topic.


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Re: Source Tree/Repository revision info for the VM [was Re: [Vm-dev] new Cog VMs available]

Eliot Miranda-2

Hi David,

On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 9:20 AM, David T. Lewis <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 03:48:50PM -0700, Eliot Miranda wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>     I juts committed a workable scheme for including version info in
>> the VM and the Mac .app, checked in on
>> - I've added a file platforms/Cross/vm/sqSCCSVersion.h which is
>> included by the platform files that answer the Smalltalk
>> getSystemAttribute: information (sqMacMain.c sqUnixMain.c &
>> sqWin32Window.c).
>> - I've modified the getSystemAttribute: code to answer the revision
>> and repository URL in response to getSystemAttribute: 1009.
>> - I've added a check-in script that makes sure sqSCCSVersion.h is
>> updated (if the script is used) so sqSCCSVersion.h's revision number
>> is up-to-date.
>> So now e.g. Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 1009 answers 'r2461
>> The scheme in sqSCCSVersion.h is simple and I hope extensible to other
>> repositories such that it is the only file that needs to fork between
>> repositories, and then only by altering the following lines to choose
>> the relevant repository:
>> #define SCCS 0
>> #define RCS 0
>> #define CVS 0
>> #define SUBVERSION 1
>> #define BAZAAR 0
>> #define MERCURIAL 0
>> #define GIT 0
>> e.g. choosing the repository on the command line via a Makefile means
>> changing lots of makefiles.  So this approach, while not ideal, having
>>  file different between different repositories does localise the fork
>> to just one file.
>> Here's sqSCCSVersion.h in its entirety.  It computes char
>> *sourceVersionString(), which is that above.  If this approach makes
>> sense to people we can a) standardise on an attribute number (I chose
>> 1009 as the next unused number but am open to change if there's a good
>> reason), and b) extend sqSCCSVersion.h with the relevant sccs-specific
>> code to collect revision and url information for each specific
>> repository.  Thoughts, comments?
> Hi Eliot,
> As an additional suggestion, if you could wire this version information
> into #primitiveInterpreterSourceVersion and #primitivePlatformSourceVersion,
> it would give a more consistent interface from the image side.

Good point.  Will do.  I need to fold these back into Cog anyway.
Thanks for the reminder.

> Currently
> a Squeak image running on an up-to-date interpreter VM gives results
> such as:
>  Smalltalk vm interpreterSourceVersion ==> '4.7.0'
>  Smalltalk vm platformSourceVersion ==> '2438'
> This in turn is used by Help->About this System to report information about
> the VM, so it would be good if Cog and the interpreter VM could both provide
> these two primitives (or maybe just the #primitivePlatformSourceVersion?).
> It looks like #primitivePlatformSourceVersion would just need to answer
> the results of your new sourceVersionString(). I'm not sure how (or if)
> you would want to do #primitiveInterpreterSourceVersion, so maybe that's
> a different topic.
> Thanks,
> Dave

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Re: Source Tree/Repository revision info for the VM [was Re: [Vm-dev] new Cog VMs available]

Eliot Miranda-2
In reply to this post by Igor Stasenko

On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 16 July 2011 01:48, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>    I juts committed a workable scheme for including version info in
>> the VM and the Mac .app, checked in on
>> - I've added a file platforms/Cross/vm/sqSCCSVersion.h which is
>> included by the platform files that answer the Smalltalk
>> getSystemAttribute: information (sqMacMain.c sqUnixMain.c &
>> sqWin32Window.c).
>> - I've modified the getSystemAttribute: code to answer the revision
>> and repository URL in response to getSystemAttribute: 1009.
>> - I've added a check-in script that makes sure sqSCCSVersion.h is
>> updated (if the script is used) so sqSCCSVersion.h's revision number
>> is up-to-date.
>> So now e.g. Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 1009 answers 'r2461
>> The scheme in sqSCCSVersion.h is simple and I hope extensible to other
>> repositories such that it is the only file that needs to fork between
>> repositories, and then only by altering the following lines to choose
>> the relevant repository:
>> #define SCCS 0
>> #define RCS 0
>> #define CVS 0
>> #define SUBVERSION 1
>> #define BAZAAR 0
>> #define MERCURIAL 0
>> #define GIT 0
>> e.g. choosing the repository on the command line via a Makefile means
>> changing lots of makefiles.  So this approach, while not ideal, having
>>  file different between different repositories does localise the fork
>> to just one file.
>> Here's sqSCCSVersion.h in its entirety.  It computes char
>> *sourceVersionString(), which is that above.  If this approach makes
>> sense to people we can a) standardise on an attribute number (I chose
>> 1009 as the next unused number but am open to change if there's a good
>> reason), and b) extend sqSCCSVersion.h with the relevant sccs-specific
>> code to collect revision and url information for each specific
>> repository.  Thoughts, comments?
> I am a bit puzzled by the code.
> Why you need a function to evaluate the version string?

Because in Subversion the expansion of any of the revision, author,
url, etc includes the keyword.  Unlike e.g. SCCS there is no way to
get it to expand the revision to just the revision number.  It will
always have to expand to "$Rev: 1234 $" and so must be parsed to
extract "1234".  The functions hopefully provide sufficient generality
to work with any version control system.

> If you taking stings from defines, like:
> #define URL "abc"
> #define VERSION "123"
> then you can just do
> static char* versionstring = VERSIONSTRING;
> or not?
>> HTH
>> Eliot
>> /*
>>  * A set of definitions for C source code control systems, to provide accurate
>>  * and definitive version information to the VM.
>>  *
>>  * Currently instantiated only for Subversion.  Please add definitions for
>>  * other repositories as appropriate.
>>  *
>>  * I guess a good way to manage this is to edit the below define list to select
>>  * appropriate the repository type, and then that's the extent of the fork.
>>  *
>>  * Eliot Miranda
>>  * [hidden email]
>>  * 15 July 2011
>>  */
>> #define SCCS 0
>> #define RCS 0
>> #define CVS 0
>> #define SUBVERSION 1
>> #define BAZAAR 0
>> #define MERCURIAL 0
>> #define GIT 0
>> static char SvnRawRevisionString[] = "$Rev: 2461 $";
>> # define REV_START (SvnRawRevisionString + 6)
>> static char SvnRawRepositoryURL[] = "$URL:
>> $";
>> # define URL_START (SvnRawRepositoryURL + 6)
>> static long
>> revisionAsLong() { return atol(REV_START); }
>> static char *
>> revisionAsString()
>> {
>>        char *maybe_space = strchr(REV_START,' ');
>>        if (maybe_space)
>>                *maybe_space = 0;
>>        return REV_START;
>> }
>> static char *
>> repositoryURL()
>> {
>>        char *maybe_platforms = strstr(URL_START, "/platforms");
>>        if (maybe_platforms)
>>                *maybe_platforms = 0;
>>        return URL_START;
>> }
>> # undef REV_START
>> # undef URL_START
>> #else /* SUBVERSION */
>> static long
>> revisionAsLong() { return -1; }
>> static char *
>> revisionAsString() { return "?"; }
>> static char *
>> repositoryURL() { return "unknown"; }
>> #endif /* SUBVERSION */
>> static char *sourceVersion = 0;
>> static char *sourceVersionString()
>> {
>>        if (!sourceVersion) {
>>                int len = strlen(revisionAsString()) + strlen(repositoryURL()) + 3;
>>                sourceVersion = malloc(len);
>>                sprintf(sourceVersion,"r%s %s",revisionAsString(),repositoryURL());
>>        }
>>        return sourceVersion;
>> }
>> On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hi Bert,
>>> On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> On 13.07.2011, at 22:56, Eliot Miranda wrote:
>>>> > Hi All,
>>>> >
>>>> >     find new Cog VMs in  These have functional ALien callbacks.  Previous VMs had buggy code that could easily crash when heavily stressed, as discovered with Vassili Bykov's native Hopscotch UI in Newspeak on Win32.
>>>> Hi Eliot,
>>>> do you keep a continuous changelog somewhere for your releases? It would be nice to include that in the VM.
>>>> Also, your Mac VM bundles always have the same version number which is somewhat inconvenient. Would be nice to splice the release version into Info.plist.
>>> I think I've found what's required:
>>> In particular
>>> If you want the file contents to remain unchanged you can always
>>> change one of the properties on the file.
>>> eg.
>>> svn propset dummyproperty 1 yourfile
>>> hence "Use Case: A file (config, xml, etc.) is chosen as a canonical
>>> version beacon for other apps. It indicates that "the code queried
>>> represents version rXYZ in SVN". Using SVN's macros on commit ("$Rev:
>>> xxxxx $") would be ideal for these purposes, provided SVN would deign
>>> to update an unchanged file. – pcorcoran"
>>> So I can now force a change to each Info.plist file and embed the Rev
>>> property.  I can also embed the Rev property in relevant .c or .h
>>> files to cause the Rev property to show in the relevant VM version
>>> strings.
>>> And I can fire off the svn propset via a precommit hook.  What I can't
>>> do is make this corss-platform.  It'll work on unixes but fall flat on
>>> e.g. Windows wirth TortoiseSVN.  Unless anyone knows better.  If so,
>>> let me know.
>>>> While I'm in nitpicking mode: CFBundleVersion is recommended to be a simple integer, incremented for each bundle release - your "2459" might serve fine. This is not shown in the UI. The Finder shows CFBundleShortVersionString and the Get Info dialog shows CFBundleGetInfoString. Both of these are free-form as far as OS X is concerned, you can put anything you want in there. "Smalltalk vmVersion" includes CFBundleShortVersionString so there may be users expecting a certain format.
>>>> Your current CFBundleGetInfoString has a link to a "boutique web design" company. I'm almost certain that's not what you wanted to put in there.
>>>> In other words: Thanks for the new release ;)
>>>> - Bert -
>>> --
>>> best,
>>> Eliot
>> --
>> best,
>> Eliot
> --
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
