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Ken Causey-3
About 20-30 minutes ago I did my usual rounds checking the status of
the services we host on the community server.  I found that was only serving up a small part of the HTML of the
page and then stopping.  I tried restarting it but this did not change
anything.  So I shut it down again, started up a VNC server instance
for it, and restarted it at which point it is now running under VNC.

On connecting via VNC I found that for some reason on the service
(HTTPService/TCPService) it is finding it's desired port, 9090,
already in the assigned ports list.  I'm working out what is going on,
or at least trying to get it running properly again now.

It has been a while since I've fiddled much with Seaside and related.
If anyone would like to assist it would be appreciated.  You can find
me on Skype (kencausey) if you like.
