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Spritz is a startup that streams words past your eye's primary focal point and removes the need for eye-movements when reading.
Since eye movements take 80% of the time spent reading and content focus is only 20%, they claim to improve reading spead and comprehension.

I saw this and thought some here would find it interesting: http://www.spritzinc.com/the-science/

They offer SDK's for Android and IOS, and I thought if the google summer of code was still open, somebody with time might like to develop a Squeak SDK for them.

I don't have the brain-cycles to devote to it, so I am posting this here for others who may not be aware of it.

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Re: [SPAM] [squeak-dev] Spritz

Mateusz Grotek
gettimothy pisze:
> Spritz is a startup that streams words past your eye's primary focal
> point and removes the need for eye-movements when reading.
> Since eye movements take 80% of the time spent reading and content focus
> is only 20%, they claim to improve reading spead and comprehension.

My opinion about this technology is, that it won't work, because:
1. (less important) I think there are individual differences in times
people use to understand specific words. For some people some words take
longer to process and for other people other words take longer. (Maybe
it is solvable with some learning mechanism in the technology).
2. (more important) I like to go BACK in the text sometimes, to focus on
specific points mentioned previously, and it is much easier and faster
to do it by using a saccade, than a fancy fingers-based controller.
Basides that sometimes I like to stop on a word for a second, think
about something else, and continue later. It is much easier and faster
to do it by using my eyes, than a fancy fingers-based controller. And
saccades are REALLY fast in comparison with fingers. :-P

What are your opinions?


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Re: [SPAM] [squeak-dev] Spritz


>My opinion about this technology is, that it won't work, because:
>1. (less important) I think there are individual differences in times
>people use to understand specific words. For some people some words take
>longer to process and for other people other words take longer. (Maybe
>it is solvable with some learning mechanism in the technology).
>2. (more important) I like to go BACK in the text sometimes, to focus on
>specific points mentioned previously, and it is much easier and faster
>to do it by using a saccade, than a fancy fingers-based controller.
>Basides that sometimes I like to stop on a word for a second, think
>about something else, and continue later. It is much easier and faster
>to do it by using my eyes, than a fancy fingers-based controller. And
>saccades are REALLY fast in comparison with fingers. :-P

>What are your opinions?

I have not tried the product. Like many things, the intended use may not end up being what people use it for.

Having the driver/API is a prerequisite to exploring what can be done. If I had the brain-cycles to spare, I would develop the driver/API for fun.
I am busy trying to grok the VM landscape at the moment, so I cannot do it. I figured somebody out there might like to play around--or if google soc is still
up and running, that would be a neat project.

