Squeak 3.9: using SqNumberParser in Number>>readFrom:

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Regexes (was Re: Squeak 3.9: using SqNumberParser in Number>>readFrom:)

J J-6
Why are regexes still an external dependency?  At this point they are as
much a requirement as file access, no?  Is it the implementation that people
don't like?  If so I would say adopt it anyway if the interface is livable
(and change it to a livable one if it isn't) and fix the implementation

>From: "Lukas Renggli" <[hidden email]>
>Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers
>list<[hidden email]>
>To: "The general-purpose Squeak developers
>list"<[hidden email]>
>Subject: Re: Squeak 3.9: using SqNumberParser in Number>>readFrom:
>Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2007 15:56:46 +0200
>>OK, I have committed to the repository. No SqNumberParser needed, so
>>it should be compatible to Squeak 3.8. Midway through it, I realized
>>that the input checking would be best handled by a regular expression.
>>I still use the normal collection protocol (occurrenceOf:, indexOf:
>Sounds fine, unfortunately the packages you posted are empty again.
>Btw, you can see the contents of your packages before publishing by
>clicking on 'Browse' in the Monticello browser.
>>Would it be OK to use regular expressions or is that another
>>dependency that people would not like to have?
>I would try to avoid any external dependencies that are not necessary
>at all cost.
>Lukas Renggli

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