[Squeak 4.0] RC3 is out

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Re: [Vm-dev] Re: [Squeak 4.0] RC3 is out

Nicolas Cellier
2010/3/14 Ken G. Brown <[hidden email]>:

> At 10:17 PM +0100 3/14/10, Nicolas Cellier apparently wrote:
>>2010/3/14 Ken G. Brown <[hidden email]>:
>>> Well, I disagree with the decision.
>>> You had at least two available starting points, 3.10.2 and 3.10.2-build, -buiild was clearly better and available since June 28, 2009 (before trunk).
>>> The fixes and additions to 3.10.2 in -build were clearly documented in the info file on the ftp site, Squeak3.10.2-build/090628-1523/090628-1523_Squeak3.10.2-build.info.
>>> And you all are choosing the one that was inferior as a starting point.
>>> It's like running a race and intentionally trying for second place.
>>> But so be it. The community will have to live with the choice.
>>> Ken G. Brown
>>Yes, that's an unfortunate waste of time.
>>If only it were named 3.10.3, then no doubt it would have been a
>>starting point for both trunk and 4.0.
>>But 3.10.2-build, what is it ?
>>You know very well that it results from task assigned to Keith, not
>>really oriented in producing an updated image but an update process.
> That I believe is a bit of misinformation.
> It was always about producing the tools that automated the repeatable building of updated images, any one of which could be designated a 'release'.
> You know very well what the -build was/is. It has been explained over and over again.
>>So this 3.10.2-build is just a by-product of Keith's process, a proof
>>of concept. Or is it more than that ? the name does not tell...
> It was the starter with the minimum stuff added over 3.10.2 necessary for building images, whichever you want.
>>The fact that the author retracted any support did not help.
>>Sure, that could have evolved differently with better communication.
>>Now, it's too late.
> It's not too late...yet. Will be soon.
>>Trunk is based on 3.10.2, and basing 4.0 another
>>starting point will just add un-nexessary complications.
>>So what do you suggest, erase trunk efforts?
> Make trunk updates load on 3.10.2-build, then base 4.0 on 3.10.2-build call it 3.10.3 if you like.
> Ken G. Brown
>>> At 12:02 PM -0700 3/14/10, Randal L. Schwartz apparently wrote:
>>>> >>>>> "Ken" == Ken G Brown <[hidden email]> writes:
>>>>Ken> There were some important fixes in Keith's ftp://ftp.squeak.org/3.11-obsolete/Squeak3.10.2-build/
>>>>Ken> image that would most likely be good to get in the 4.0.
>>>>In 4.1, yes.  4.0, no.
>>>>Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
>>>><[hidden email]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
>>>>Smalltalk/Perl/Unix consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
>>>>See http://methodsandmessages.vox.com/ for Smalltalk and Seaside discussion

OK, you expressed your opinion, fine.
I will stop answering endless polemical stuff, you're boring me.
Better get working or sleeping.


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Re: [Vm-dev] Re: [Squeak 4.0] RC3 is out

Ken G. Brown
In reply to this post by Casey Ransberger
At 2:31 PM -0700 3/14/10, Randal L. Schwartz apparently wrote:

> >>>>> "Ken" == Ken G Brown <[hidden email]> writes:
>Ken> You had at least two available starting points, 3.10.2 and 3.10.2-build,
>Ken> -buiild was clearly better and available since June 28, 2009 (before
>Ken> trunk).  The fixes and additions to 3.10.2 in -build were clearly
>Ken> documented in the info file on the ftp site,
>Ken> Squeak3.10.2-build/090628-1523/090628-1523_Squeak3.10.2-build.info.  And
>Ken> you all are choosing the one that was inferior as a starting point.
>I think I could find at least a dozen squeak developers here who
>would agree with me that if 3.10.2-build was a fixed point, it's
>a bad name for a release, and if it was a moving point, it would
>be a bad place to start the legal process.
>Had that been released as 3.10.3, or 3.11, your point would have merit.

Bingo! And we should seriously ask ourselves why that has not happened, or some appropriate derivation of it.
And why it could not still be done.
And learn from the past errors and put things in place so similar errors are not made again.

Ken G. Brown

>Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
><[hidden email]> <URL:http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/>
>Smalltalk/Perl/Unix consulting, Technical writing, Comedy, etc. etc.
>See http://methodsandmessages.vox.com/ for Smalltalk and Seaside discussion