Squeak 4.5: Environments-cwp.49.mcz

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Squeak 4.5: Environments-cwp.49.mcz

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Environments to project Squeak 4.5:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Environments-cwp.49
Author: cwp
Time: 29 March 2014, 9:51:18.227 pm
UUID: 5f13ecd1-6908-4d47-ae16-deb2308cd0dc
Ancestors: Environments-cwp.48

Make sure globals are properly destroyed along with their environment.

=============== Diff against Environments-cwp.48 ===============

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: BindingPolicy>>environment (in category 'accessing') -----
- ----- Method: BindingPolicy>>environment (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  ^ environment!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Environment>>destroy (in category 'initialize-release') -----
  self allClasses do: [:ea | ea removeFromSystem].
+ declarations keys do: [:ea | self unbind: ea].
  policies do: [:ea | ea removeObserver: self].
  observers do: [:ea | ea stopObserving: self].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Environment>>exportSelf (in category 'configuring') -----
  | policy |
  policy := BindingPolicy
  environment: self
  policy: (AllNamePolicy new)
  addSelector: #notifyObserversOfBindingAdded:
+ removeSelector: #notifyObserversOfBindingRemoved:.
- removeSelector: #notifyObserversOfBindingAdded:.
  policies := policies copyWith: policy!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Environment>>forgetClass:logged: (in category 'classes and traits') -----
  forgetClass: aClass logged: aBool
+ (self hasBindingOf: aClass name) ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
- | binding |
- self flag: #review.
- "The class might not bound to its name"
  aBool ifTrue:
  [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance
  classRemoved: aClass fromCategory: aClass category].
+ self organization removeElement: aClass name.
+ Smalltalk removeFromStartUpList: aClass.
+ Smalltalk removeFromShutDownList: aClass.
+ self unbind: aClass name!
- binding := declarations bindingOf: aClass name.
- binding ifNotNil:
- [self organization removeElement: aClass name.
- Smalltalk removeFromStartUpList: aClass.
- Smalltalk removeFromShutDownList: aClass.
- undeclared declare: aClass name from: declarations.
- declarations removeKey: aClass name ifAbsent: [].
- [undeclared at: aClass name put: nil]
- on: AttemptToWriteReadOnlyGlobal
- do: [:n | n resume: true].
- self binding: binding removedFrom: self]
- !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>hasBindingOf: (in category 'binding') -----
+ hasBindingOf: aSymbol
+ ^ declarations includesKey: aSymbol!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Environment>>hideBinding: (in category 'binding') -----
  hideBinding: aBinding
+ self undeclare: aBinding key from: bindings!
- bindings removeKey: aBinding key!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Environment>>unbind: (in category 'binding') -----
+ unbind: aSymbol
+ | binding |
+ binding := declarations bindingOf: aSymbol ifAbsent: [^ self].
+ undeclared declare: aSymbol from: declarations.
+ declarations removeKey: aSymbol ifAbsent: [  ].
+ [ undeclared at: aSymbol put: nil ]
+ on: AttemptToWriteReadOnlyGlobal
+ do: [ :n | n resume: true ].
+ self binding: binding removedFrom: self!