Squeak 4.5 error: #isPrime fails with relatively small Mersenne prime

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Squeak 4.5 error: #isPrime fails with relatively small Mersenne prime

This bit of code fails at numb := 1024:

error: Cannot truncate this number

numb := 1024.
1 to: numb do: [:n||test| test:=(2 raisedTo: n) -1. (test isPrime)
ifTrue: [Transcript show: n; tab; show: test;cr]]

#isProbablyPrime fails with the same number.

numb := 1023.
works for both.


Squeak from the very start (introduction to Squeak and Pharo Smalltalk for the (almost) complete and compleate beginner).

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian Kernighan

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Re: Squeak 4.5 error: #isPrime fails with relatively small Mersenne prime

David T. Lewis
On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 02:39:19AM -0700, Lawson English wrote:

> This bit of code fails at numb := 1024:
> error: Cannot truncate this number
> numb := 1024.
> 1 to: numb do: [:n||test| test:=(2 raisedTo: n) -1. (test isPrime)
> ifTrue: [Transcript show: n; tab; show: test;cr]]
> #isProbablyPrime fails with the same number.
> numb := 1023.
> works for both.

It looks like a problem in random number generation. It is failing in
LargePositiveInteger>>atRandom which somehow results in the random
generator producing a value of Float infinity.


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Re: Squeak 4.5 error: #isPrime fails with relatively small Mersenne prime

Bert Freudenberg
On 10.02.2015, at 13:39, David T. Lewis <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 02:39:19AM -0700, Lawson English wrote:
>> This bit of code fails at numb := 1024:
>> error: Cannot truncate this number
>> numb := 1024.
>> 1 to: numb do: [:n||test| test:=(2 raisedTo: n) -1. (test isPrime)
>> ifTrue: [Transcript show: n; tab; show: test;cr]]
>> #isProbablyPrime fails with the same number.
>> numb := 1023.
>> works for both.
> It looks like a problem in random number generation. It is failing in
> LargePositiveInteger>>atRandom which somehow results in the random
> generator producing a value of Float infinity.
> Dave
Yep. Random>>nextInt: does not work for really large ints. Fixed in Kernel-bf.899.

- Bert -

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