Squeak 4.6: 45Deprecated-fbs.24.mcz

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Squeak 4.6: 45Deprecated-fbs.24.mcz

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of 45Deprecated to project Squeak 4.6:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: 45Deprecated-fbs.24
Author: fbs
Time: 11 January 2014, 4:41:18.972 pm
UUID: 4033c169-94c6-7741-9aee-5a7570a7ec7a
Ancestors: 45Deprecated-nice.23

This stuff has rotted. It probably ought to simply be deleted, but let's hedge our bets and move it to 45Deprecated.

==================== Snapshot ====================

SystemOrganization addCategory: #'45Deprecated-Installer-Core'!

----- Method: CompiledMethod>>setMySourcePointer: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
setMySourcePointer: srcPointer

        self deprecated: 'Use #setSourcePointer: '.
        ^ self setSourcePointer: srcPointer!

----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>cleanUpUndoCommands (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
        self deprecated: 'This method was superseded by Command class >> #cleanUp'.
        globals at: #Command ifPresent: [ :command | command cleanUp ]!

----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>do: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
do: aBlock

        self deprecated: 'Use Smalltalk globals'.
        ^globals do: aBlock!

----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>forgetDoIts (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
        self deprecated: 'This method does not have to be sent anymore!!'

----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>includes: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
includes: element

        self deprecated: 'Use Smalltalk globals'.
        ^globals includes: element!

----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>keyAtIdentityValue:ifAbsent: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
keyAtIdentityValue: anObject ifAbsent: aBlock

        self deprecated: 'Use Smalltalk globals'.
        ^globals keyAtIdentityValue: anObject ifAbsent: aBlock!

----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>keyAtValue: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
keyAtValue: value
        "Answer the key that is the external name for the argument, value. If
        there is none, answer nil."

        self deprecated: 'Use Smalltalk globals'.
        ^globals keyAtValue: value

----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>keys (in category '*45Deprecated') -----

        self deprecated: 'Use Smalltalk globals'.
        ^globals keys!

----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>keysAndValuesDo: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
keysAndValuesDo: aBlock

        self deprecated: 'Use Smalltalk globals'.
        ^globals keysAndValuesDo: aBlock!

----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>removeKey: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
removeKey: key

        self deprecated: 'Use Smalltalk globals'.
        ^globals removeKey: key!

----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>removeKey:ifAbsent: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
removeKey: key ifAbsent: aBlock

        self deprecated: 'Use Smalltalk globals'.
        ^globals removeKey: key ifAbsent: aBlock!

----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>scopeFor:from:envtAndPathIfFound: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
scopeFor: varName from: lower envtAndPathIfFound: envtAndPathBlock

        self deprecated: 'Use Smalltalk globals'.
        (globals includesKey: varName)
                ifTrue: [^ envtAndPathBlock value: self value: String new]
                ifFalse: [^ nil]!

----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>size (in category '*45Deprecated') -----

        self deprecated: 'Use Smalltalk globals'.
        ^globals size!

----- Method: SocketStream class>>finger: (in category '*45Deprecated-example') -----
finger: userName
        self error: 'Use SocketStream >> #finger:at:'.!

----- Method: MessageTally>>close (in category '*45Deprecated') -----

        self deprecated: 'Use MessageTally >> #terminateTimerProcess'.
        Timer ifNotNil: [ Timer terminate ].
        Timer := nil.
        class := method := tally := receivers := nil!

----- Method: Integer>>asStringWithCommasSigned (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
        "123456789 asStringWithCommasSigned"
        "-123456789 asStringWithCommasSigned"
        | digits |
self deprecated: 'Use #asStringWithCommasSigned:'.
        digits := self abs printString.
        ^ String streamContents:
                [:strm |
                self sign = -1 ifTrue: [strm nextPut: $-] ifFalse:[strm nextPut: $+].
                1 to: digits size do:
                        [:i | strm nextPut: (digits at: i).
                        (i < digits size and: [(i - digits size) \\ 3 = 0])
                                ifTrue: [strm nextPut: $,]]]!

----- Method: Integer>>raisedToInteger:modulo: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
raisedToInteger: exp modulo: m
        self deprecated: 'rather use #raisedTo:modulo: for efficiency'.
        (exp = 0) ifTrue: [^ 1].
        exp even
                ifTrue: [^ (self raisedToInteger: (exp // 2) modulo: m) squared \\ m]
                ifFalse: [^ (self * (self raisedToInteger: (exp - 1) modulo: m)) \\ m].!

----- Method: BitBlt>>displayString:from:to:at:kern:baselineY:font: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
displayString: aString from: startIndex to: stopIndex at: aPoint kern: kernDelta baselineY: baselineY font: aFont
        "Double dispatch into the font. This method is present so that other-than-bitblt entities can be used by CharacterScanner and friends to display text."
        ^ aFont displayString: aString on: self from: startIndex to: stopIndex at: aPoint kern: kernDelta baselineY: baselineY!

----- Method: BitBlt>>displayString:from:to:at:kern:font: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
displayString: aString from: startIndex to: stopIndex at: aPoint kern: kernDelta font: aFont
        "Double dispatch into the font. This method is present so that other-than-bitblt entities can be used by CharacterScanner and friends to display text."
        ^ aFont displayString: aString on: self from: startIndex to: stopIndex at: aPoint kern: kernDelta!

----- Method: BitBlt>>installFont:foregroundColor:backgroundColor: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
installFont: aFont foregroundColor: foregroundColor backgroundColor: backgroundColor
        "Double dispatch into the font. This method is present so that other-than-bitblt entities can be used by CharacterScanner and friends to display text."
        ^aFont installOn: self foregroundColor: foregroundColor backgroundColor: backgroundColor!

----- Method: LanguageEnvironment>>setupSqueaklandSpecifics (in category '*45Deprecated-utilities') -----
        "Write language specific settings here"!

----- Method: SystemNavigation>>allMethodsNoDoitsSelect: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
allMethodsNoDoitsSelect: aBlock
        "Like allSelect:, but strip out Doits"
        self deprecated: 'Doits are not present in MethodDictionaries anymore. Use #allMethodsSelect:'.
        ^self allMethodsSelect: aBlock!

----- Method: SystemNavigation>>selectAllMethods: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
selectAllMethods: aBlock
        "Answer a SortedCollection of each method that, when used as the block  
        argument to aBlock, gives a true result."
        self deprecated: 'Use #allMethodsSelect:'.
        ^self allMethodsSelect: aBlock!

----- Method: SystemNavigation>>selectAllMethodsNoDoits: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
selectAllMethodsNoDoits: aBlock
        "Like allSelect:, but strip out Doits"
        self deprecated: 'Doits are not present in MethodDictionaries anymore. Use #allMethodsSelect:'.
        ^self allMethodsSelect: aBlock!

----- Method: CharacterScanner>>initializeStringMeasurer (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
        "This method was once required to measure String but is now obsolescent."
        self deprecated: 'initializeStringMeasurer is no longer required'

----- Method: Parser>>initPattern:notifying:return: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
initPattern: aString notifying: req return: aBlock

                        [self deprecated: 'Notifying nil is unnecessary, simply use #initPattern:return:'.
                        ^self initPattern: aString return: aBlock]
                        [| result |
                        self deprecated: '#initPattern:return: was preferred because everybody was notifying nil, but you.
You could ask for re-integration of this message'.
                                init: (ReadStream on: aString asString)
                                cue: (CompilationCue source: aString requestor: req)
                                failBlock: [^nil].
                        encoder := self.
                        result := aBlock value: (self pattern: false inContext: nil).
                        encoder := failBlock := nil.  "break cycles"

----- Method: TextDiffBuilder class>>buildDisplayPatchFrom:to:inClass: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
buildDisplayPatchFrom: sourceText to: destinationText inClass: sourceClass
        self deprecated: 'Use #buildDisplayPatchFrom:to:inClass:prettyDiffs:'.
                buildDisplayPatchFrom: sourceText
                to: destinationText
                inClass: sourceClass
                prettyDiffs: (Preferences valueOfFlag: #diffsWithPrettyPrint)!

----- Method: SystemDictionary>>hasSpecialSelector:ifTrueSetByte: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
hasSpecialSelector: aLiteral ifTrueSetByte: aBlock

        self deprecated: 'Use Smalltalk'.
        ^Smalltalk hasSpecialSelector: aLiteral ifTrueSetByte: aBlock!

----- Method: InputSensor>>currentCursor (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
        "The current cursor is maintained in class Cursor."
        self deprecated: 'Use Cursor >> #currentCursor'.
        ^ Cursor currentCursor!

----- Method: InputSensor>>currentCursor: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
currentCursor: newCursor
        "The current cursor is maintained in class Cursor."
        self deprecated: 'Use Cursor >> #currentCursor:'.
        Cursor currentCursor: newCursor.!

----- Method: Behavior>>compile:classified:notifying:trailer:ifFail: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
compile: code classified: category notifying: requestor trailer: bytes ifFail: failBlock
        self deprecated: 'Use #compile:notifying:trailer:ifFail:'.
        ^self compile: code notifying: requestor trailer: bytes ifFail: failBlock!

----- Method: Behavior>>whichSelectorsAssign: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
whichSelectorsAssign: instVarName
        "Answer a Set of selectors whose methods store into the argument,
        instVarName, as a named instance variable."
        self deprecated: 'Use #whichSelectorsStoreInto:.'.
        ^self whichSelectorsStoreInto: instVarName!

Installer subclass: #InstallerCruft
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: '45Deprecated-Installer-Core'!

!InstallerCruft commentStamp: 'mtf 10/1/2008 22:24' prior: 0!
I am a copy of Installer as of Installer-Core-kph.232. I am being split up.
I  am called InstallerCruft because I stand-in for Sake{MC,SM,Mantis,Web,etc}Installer!

----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>classProjectLauncher (in category 'accessing system') -----

        ^Smalltalk at: #ProjectLauncher ifAbsent: [ self error: 'ProjectLauncher not present' ]!

----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>classSakePackages (in category 'accessing system') -----

        ^Smalltalk at: #SakePackages  ifAbsent: [ self error: 'Sake Packages code not present' ]!

----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>classes (in category 'accessing system') -----

        ^ Smalltalk!

----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>history (in category 'documentation') -----

7 Jan 2007  
!!Installer fixBug: <aBugNo>

aBugNo can now be a number or a string, beginning with a number.
This allows the mantis bug report summary to be used verbatim.
It also provides more infomarion for Installer to support self documentation.

!!Install fix if not already installed
 Installer ensureFix: <aBugNoOrString>
 Installer ensureFixes: #(1 2 3 4)

Installer now keeps a list of fix <aBugNoOrString> that have been installed up to this point.
#ensureFix: will only install the fix if it has not already been loaded.
note that only the bugNumber not the description is significant in the check.

8 Jan 2007
!!Installer view: <webPageNameOrUrl>

Provided that web page based scripts follow some simple rules, installer can collate the scripts from
web pages into a single workspace where you can manually 'doit' portions as you wish.

The report generation is not very clever, it only matches on:
 'Installer install:' ,  'Installer installUrl:', and 'Installer mantis fixBug:'
 note these lines must be properly completed with an ending $. (period).

also invoked by commandline option VIEW=<webPageNameOrUrl>

10 Jan 2007
!!Now matches simpler html

Check for an html page, now matches
'<!!DOCTYPE HTML' and <html>
the allows use of pbwiki's raw=bare option which returns iframe
embeddable html without the usual headers.

8 May 2007
Modified bug:fix:date: so that the fixesApplied history does not contain unnecessary duplicate entries.
Fixed changeset naming for mantis bugs.

25 July 2007
Added Universes  Support

----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>mczInstall: (in category 'documentation') -----
mczInstall: urlOrFile

        ^ self new mczInstall: urlOrFile

----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>smalltalkImage (in category 'accessing system') -----
        ^ Smalltalk!

----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>sourceFiles (in category 'accessing system') -----

        ^ SourceFiles!

----- Method: InstallerCruft class>>unload: (in category 'unload') -----
unload: categoryMatchesString

        ^ self error: 'deprecated, use Installer mc unload: ''pkgname''.'!

----- Method: InstallerCruft>>classMCMczReader (in category 'class references') -----

        ^Smalltalk at: #MCMczReader ifAbsent: [ nil ]

----- Method: InstallerCruft>>createRBforBug: (in category 'mantis') -----
createRBforBug: aBugNo
        | aStream  fileList selFile aFileName suffix |

        self setBug: aBugNo.
fileList := self maFiles keys asOrderedCollection.
fileList  addLast: 'none'.
(Smalltalk classNamed: #ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10) clear.
[selFile := UIManager default chooseFrom: fileList title: 'Choose what files load '.
selFile = fileList size ifFalse:[
aFileName := fileList at: selFile.
        self logCR: 'obtaining ', aFileName, '...'.

        aStream := self maStreamForFile: aFileName .suffix := (FileDirectory extensionFor: aFileName) asLowercase.
        suffix caseOf:
['gz'] -> [self installGZ: aFileName from: aStream ].
['cs' ] -> [self installCS: aFileName from: aStream].
['st' ] -> [self installCS: aFileName from: aStream].
['mcz' ] -> [self installMCZ: aFileName from: aStream ].
['sar'] -> [self installSAR: aFileName from: aStream ].
}otherwise: [Error].
].selFile = fileList size]whileFalse.
        (Smalltalk classNamed: #ReleaseBuilderFor3dot10) current newUpdateFor: aBugNo

----- Method: InstallerCruft>>evaluate: (in category 'mantis') -----
evaluate: stream

        stream fileIn.!

----- Method: InstallerCruft>>info (in category 'accessing') -----

        self sm ifTrue: [ ^ self smInfo  ].
        self wsm ifNotNil: [ ^ self wsmInfo  ].!

----- Method: InstallerCruft>>mczInstall: (in category 'monticello') -----
mczInstall: urlOrFile

        self log: ('Loading ', urlOrFile, ' ...').

        (urlOrFile beginsWith: 'http:')
                ifTrue: [  MczInstaller installStream: (HTTPSocket httpGet: urlOrFile) ]
                ifFalse: [ MczInstaller installFileNamed: urlOrFile ].
        self logCR: ' Loaded'.



----- Method: InstallerCruft>>preambleCsForRB: (in category 'mantis') -----
preambleCsForRB: aBugNo
Installer mantis preambleCsForRB: 5936.
        | page text   |

        self setBug: aBugNo.
        page := self maPage.
        text := String streamContents: [ :str |
                #('Reporter'  'Summary' 'Description' 'Additional Information' )
                                do: [ :field |
                                                | f |
                                                f := self maRead: page field: field.
                        str nextPutAll: f key; nextPutAll: ': '; nextPutAll: f value; cr.
^ text !

----- Method: InstallerCruft>>skipTests (in category 'mantis') -----


----- Method: InstallerCruft>>viewUrl (in category 'utils') -----

        ^Workspace new contents: (self urlGet contents); openLabel: self urlToDownload.

----- Method: JapaneseEnvironment>>setupSqueaklandSpecifics (in category '*45Deprecated-utilities') -----
        | server |
        ChangeSet current name: 'Unnamed' translated , '1'.
        ServerDirectory resetServers.
        server := SuperSwikiServer new type: #http;
                                 server: 'squeakland.jp';
                                 directory: '/super/SuperSwikiProj';
                                 acceptsUploads: (Preferences eToyFriendly not);
                                 encodingName: 'shift_jis'.
        ServerDirectory servers at: 'Squeakland.JP' put: server.
        Smalltalk garbageCollect!

----- Method: MethodDictionary>>methodArray (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use #array'.

----- Method: Number>>isInf (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use #isInfinite instead'.
        ^self isInfinite!

----- Method: Utilities class>>addToTrash: (in category '*45Deprecated-scraps') -----
addToTrash: aMorph
        self deprecated: 'Use ScrapBook default >> #addToTrash:'.
        ScrapBook default addToTrash: aMorph.!

----- Method: Utilities class>>applyUpdatesFromDisk (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #applyUpdatesFromDisk:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default applyUpdatesFromDisk!

----- Method: Utilities class>>applyUpdatesFromDiskToUpdateNumber:stopIfGap: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
applyUpdatesFromDiskToUpdateNumber: lastUpdateNumber stopIfGap: stopIfGapFlag
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #applyUpdatesFromDiskToUpdateNumber:stopIfGap:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default applyUpdatesFromDiskToUpdateNumber: lastUpdateNumber stopIfGap: stopIfGapFlag !

----- Method: Utilities class>>assureAbsenceOfUnstableUpdateStream (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #assureAbsenceOfUnstableUpdateStream'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default assureAbsenceOfUnstableUpdateStream!

----- Method: Utilities class>>assureAvailabilityOfUnstableUpdateStream (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #assureAvailabilityOfUnstableUpdateStream'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default assureAvailabilityOfUnstableUpdateStream!

----- Method: Utilities class>>broadcastUpdatesFrom:to:except: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
broadcastUpdatesFrom: n1 to: n2 except: skipList
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #broadcastUpdatesFrom:to:except:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default broadcastUpdatesFrom: n1 to: n2 except: skipList!

----- Method: Utilities class>>chooseUpdateList (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #chooseUpdateList'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default chooseUpdateList!

----- Method: Utilities class>>classFromPattern:withCaption: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
classFromPattern: pattern withCaption: aCaption
        self deprecated: 'Use UIManager >> #classFromPattern:withCaption:'.
        ^ UIManager default classFromPattern: pattern withCaption: aCaption.!

----- Method: Utilities class>>classOrTraitFrom:pattern:label: (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
classOrTraitFrom: environment pattern: pattern label: label
        self deprecated: 'Use UIManager >> #classOrTraitFrom:pattern:label:'.
        ^ UIManager default classOrTraitFrom: environment pattern: pattern label: label.!

----- Method: Utilities class>>emptyScrapsBook (in category '*45Deprecated-scraps') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use ScrapBook default emptyScrapBook'.
        ScrapBook default emptyScrapBook!

----- Method: Utilities class>>fileInFromUpdatesFolder: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
fileInFromUpdatesFolder: numberList
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #fileInFromUpdatesFolder:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default fileInFromUpdatesFolder: numberList!

----- Method: Utilities class>>getUpdateDirectoryOrNil (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #getUpdateDirectoryOrNil'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default getUpdateDirectoryOrNil!

----- Method: Utilities class>>getterSelectorFor: (in category '*45Deprecated-etoys') -----
getterSelectorFor: identifier
        self deprecated: 'Use String >> #asSetterSelector'.
        ^ identifier asGetterSelector.!

----- Method: Utilities class>>inherentSelectorForGetter: (in category '*45Deprecated-etoys') -----
inherentSelectorForGetter: aGetterSelector
        self deprecated: 'Use String >> inherentSelector'.
        ^ aGetterSelector inherentSelector.!

----- Method: Utilities class>>lastUpdateNum: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
lastUpdateNum: updatesFileStrm
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #lastUpdateNum:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default lastUpdateNum: updatesFileStrm!

----- Method: Utilities class>>maybeEmptyTrash (in category '*45Deprecated-scraps') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use ScrapBook >> #maybeEmptyTrash'.
        ScrapBook default maybeEmptyTrash.!

----- Method: Utilities class>>methodDiffFor:class:selector:prettyDiffs: (in category '*45Deprecated-miscellaneous') -----
methodDiffFor: aString class: aClass selector: aSelector prettyDiffs: prettyDiffBoolean
        "Return a string comprising a source-code diff between an existing method and the source-code in aString.  DO prettyDiff if prettyDiffBoolean is true."

        ^ (aClass notNil and: [aClass includesSelector: aSelector])
                                buildDisplayPatchFrom: (aClass sourceCodeAt: aSelector)
                                to: aString
                                inClass: aClass
                                prettyDiffs: prettyDiffBoolean]
                        [aString copy]!

----- Method: Utilities class>>newUpdatesOn:special:throughNumber: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
newUpdatesOn: serverList special: indexPrefix throughNumber: aNumber
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #newUpdatesOn:special:throughNumber:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default newUpdatesOn: serverList special: indexPrefix throughNumber: aNumber!

----- Method: Utilities class>>objectStrmFromUpdates: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
objectStrmFromUpdates: fileName
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #objectStrmFromUpdates:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default objectStrmFromUpdates: fileName!

----- Method: Utilities class>>parseListContents: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
parseListContents: listContents
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #parseListContents:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default parseListContents: listContents!

----- Method: Utilities class>>position:atVersion: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
position: updateStrm atVersion: version
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #position:atVersion:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default position: updateStrm atVersion: version!

----- Method: Utilities class>>readNextUpdateFromServer (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #readNextUpdateFromServer'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default readNextUpdateFromServer!

----- Method: Utilities class>>readNextUpdatesFromDisk: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
readNextUpdatesFromDisk: n
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #readNextUpdatesFromDisk:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default readNextUpdatesFromDisk: n!

----- Method: Utilities class>>readServer:special:updatesThrough:saveLocally:updateImage: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
readServer: serverList special: indexPrefix updatesThrough: maxNumber saveLocally: saveLocally updateImage: updateImage
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #readServer:special:updatesThrough:saveLocally:updateImage:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default readServer: serverList special: indexPrefix updatesThrough: maxNumber saveLocally: saveLocally updateImage: updateImage!

----- Method: Utilities class>>readServerUpdatesSaveLocally:updateImage: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
readServerUpdatesSaveLocally: saveLocally updateImage: updateImage
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #readServerUpdatesSaveLocally:updateImage:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default readServerUpdatesSaveLocally: saveLocally updateImage: updateImage!

----- Method: Utilities class>>readServerUpdatesThrough:saveLocally:updateImage: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
readServerUpdatesThrough: maxNumber saveLocally: saveLocally updateImage: updateImage
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #readServerUpdatesThrough:saveLocally:updateImage:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default readServerUpdatesThrough: maxNumber saveLocally: saveLocally updateImage: updateImage!

----- Method: Utilities class>>retrieveUrls:ontoQueue:withWaitSema: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
retrieveUrls: urls ontoQueue: queue withWaitSema: waitSema
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #retrieveUrls:ontoQueue:withWaitSema:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default retrieveUrls: urls ontoQueue: queue withWaitSema: waitSema !

----- Method: Utilities class>>saveUpdate:onFile: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
saveUpdate: doc onFile: fileName
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #saveUpdate:onFile:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default saveUpdate: doc onFile: fileName!

----- Method: Utilities class>>scrapsBook (in category '*45Deprecated-scraps') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use ScrapBook default scrapBook'.
        ^ ScrapBook default scrapBook!

----- Method: Utilities class>>serverUrls (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #serverUrls'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default serverUrls!

----- Method: Utilities class>>setUpdateServer: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
setUpdateServer: groupName
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #setUpdateServer:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default setUpdateServer: groupName!

----- Method: Utilities class>>setterSelectorFor: (in category '*45Deprecated-etoys') -----
setterSelectorFor: aName
        self deprecated: 'Use String >> #asSetterSelector'.
        ^ aName asString asSetterSelector.!

----- Method: Utilities class>>simpleSetterFor: (in category '*45Deprecated-flaps') -----
simpleSetterFor: aSymbol
        self deprecated: 'Use Symbol >> #asSimpleSetter'.
        ^ aSymbol asSimpleSetter.!

----- Method: Utilities class>>summariesForUpdates:through: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
summariesForUpdates: startNumber through: stopNumber
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #summariesForUpdates:through:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default summariesForUpdates: startNumber through: stopNumber!

----- Method: Utilities class>>updateFromServerThroughUpdateNumber: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
updateFromServerThroughUpdateNumber: aNumber
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #updateFromServerThroughUpdateNumber:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default updateFromServerThroughUpdateNumber: aNumber!

----- Method: Utilities class>>updateUrlLists (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #updateUrlLists'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default updateUrlLists!

----- Method: Utilities class>>writeList:toStream: (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
writeList: listContents toStream: strm
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #writeList:toStream:'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default writeList: listContents toStream: strm!

----- Method: Utilities class>>zapUpdateDownloader (in category '*45Deprecated-fetching updates') -----
        self deprecated: 'Use UpdateStreamDownloader default >> #zapUpdateDownloader'.
        ^UpdateStreamDownloader default zapUpdateDownloader!

----- Method: Preferences class>>browseToolClass (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
        "This method is used for returning the appropiate class for the #browserShowsPackagePane preference. Now that preference modifies the registry so here we query directly to the registry"
        self deprecated: 'Use SystemBrowser default'.
        ^ SystemBrowser default.!

----- Method: Preferences class>>soundEnablingString (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
        self deprecated: 'Ask the sound service for this'.
        ^ SoundService soundEnablingString!

----- Method: Preferences class>>toggleSoundEnabling (in category '*45Deprecated') -----
        self deprecated: 'Now uses pragma preference, and is stored in SoundService'.
    SoundService toggleSoundEnabled!