Chris Muller uploaded a new version of ST80Tests to project Squeak 4.6: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: ST80Tests-nice.2 Author: nice Time: 16 December 2013, 5:30:14.254 pm UUID: 7ee5426b-73f1-48ac-8ec4-3943dc452cb6 Ancestors: ST80Tests-fbs.1 MVCToolBuilderTests are kind of TestCase and belong to ST80Tests ==================== Snapshot ==================== SystemOrganization addCategory: #ST80Tests! ToolBuilderTests subclass: #MVCToolBuilderTests instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ST80Tests'! !MVCToolBuilderTests commentStamp: 'ar 2/11/2005 15:02' prior: 0! Tests for the MVC tool builder.! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>acceptWidgetText (in category 'support') ----- acceptWidgetText widget hasUnacceptedEdits: true. widget controller accept.! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>changeListWidget (in category 'support') ----- changeListWidget widget changeModelSelection: widget getCurrentSelectionIndex + 1.! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>expectedButtonSideEffects (in category 'support') ----- expectedButtonSideEffects ^#(getState)! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>fireButtonWidget (in category 'support') ----- fireButtonWidget widget performAction.! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>setUp (in category 'support') ----- setUp super setUp. builder := MVCToolBuilder new.! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>tearDown (in category 'support') ----- tearDown ScreenController new restoreDisplay. super tearDown! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testAddAction (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testAddAction "MVCToolBuilder does not implement #buildPluggableMenu:"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testAddTargetSelectorArgumentList (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testAddTargetSelectorArgumentList "MVCToolBuilder does not implement #buildPluggableMenu:"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testButtonFiresBlock (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testButtonFiresBlock "MVC buttons only support action Symbols"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testButtonFiresMessage (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testButtonFiresMessage "MVC buttons only support action Symbols, not MessageSends"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testButtonInitiallyDisabled (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testButtonInitiallyDisabled "MVC does not have button enablement"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testButtonInitiallyDisabledSelector (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testButtonInitiallyDisabledSelector "MVC does not have button enablement"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testGetButtonColor (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testGetButtonColor "MVC buttons do not have color"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testGetButtonEnabled (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testGetButtonEnabled "MVC does not have button enablement"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testGetInputFieldColor (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testGetInputFieldColor "MVC input fields do not have color"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testGetPanelChildren (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testGetPanelChildren "MVC panels do not allow changing children"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testGetTextColor (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testGetTextColor "not supported in MVC"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testGetWindowChildren (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testGetWindowChildren "not supported in MVC"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testGetWindowLabel (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testGetWindowLabel "not supported in MVC"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testTreeExpandPath (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testTreeExpandPath "MVCToollBuilder does not implement trees"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testTreeExpandPathFirst (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testTreeExpandPathFirst "MVCToollBuilder does not implement trees"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testTreeGetSelectionPath (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testTreeGetSelectionPath "MVCToollBuilder does not implement trees"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testTreeRoots (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testTreeRoots "MVCToollBuilder does not implement trees"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testTreeWidgetID (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testTreeWidgetID "MVCToollBuilder does not implement trees"! ----- Method: MVCToolBuilderTests>>testWindowCloseAction (in category 'tests-not applicable') ----- testWindowCloseAction "This can only work if we're actually run in MVC" World isNil ifTrue: [super testWindowCloseAction]! TestCase subclass: #ST80PackageDependencyTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ST80Tests'! ----- Method: ST80PackageDependencyTest>>testPackage:dependsExactlyOn: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testPackage: pkgName dependsExactlyOn: pkgList "Ensure that the package with the given name depends only on the packages in pkgList. NOTE: If you use this for fixing dependencies, classDeps includes the classes and users from the package(s) not declared as dependents. Basically, you need to fix all the references in classDeps to make the test pass." | classDeps pi pkgDeps | classDeps := IdentityDictionary new. pi := PackageOrganizer default packageNamed: pkgName ifAbsent:[^self]. "unloaded" pi classes do:[:pkgClass| (classDeps at: (pkgClass superclass ifNil:[ProtoObject]) ifAbsentPut:[OrderedCollection new]) add: pkgClass name, ' superclass'. ]. pi methods do:[:mref| | cm | cm := mref compiledMethod. 1 to: cm numLiterals do:[:i| | lit | ((lit := cm literalAt: i) isVariableBinding and:[lit value isBehavior]) ifTrue:[(classDeps at: lit value ifAbsentPut:[OrderedCollection new]) add: cm methodClass asString, '>>', cm selector]]]. pkgDeps := Dictionary new. classDeps keys do:[:aClass| | pkg | pkg := PackageOrganizer default packageOfClass: aClass ifNone:[nil]. pkg ifNil:[ Transcript cr; show: 'WARNING: No package for ', aClass. (classDeps removeKey: aClass) do:[:each| Transcript crtab; show: each]. ] ifNotNil:[ (pkgDeps at: pkg name ifAbsentPut:[OrderedCollection new]) add: aClass. ]. ]. (pkgDeps removeKey: pkgName ifAbsent:[#()]) do:[:aClass| classDeps removeKey: aClass ifAbsent:[]]. pkgList do:[:pkg| self assert: (pkgDeps includesKey: pkg) description: pkgName, ' no longer depends on ', pkg. (pkgDeps removeKey: pkg ifAbsent: [#()]) do:[:aClass| classDeps removeKey: aClass ifAbsent:[]]. ]. classDeps keysAndValuesDo:[:class :deps| Transcript cr; show: class name, ' dependencies:'. deps do:[:each| Transcript crtab; show: each]. ]. self assert: pkgDeps isEmpty description: pkgName, ' now depends on ', pkgDeps. ! ----- Method: ST80PackageDependencyTest>>testST80 (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- testST80 self testPackage: 'ST80' dependsExactlyOn: #( Collections Compiler Files Graphics Kernel Morphic Multilingual Network SUnit System 'ToolBuilder-Kernel' Tools ).! |
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