Chris Muller uploaded a new version of SmallLand-ColorTheme to project Squeak 4.6: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: SmallLand-ColorTheme-fbs.6 Author: fbs Time: 31 December 2013, 2:14:02.015 pm UUID: a78b81e3-3b11-c24e-9c84-3bb5319e0858 Ancestors: SmallLand-ColorTheme-nice.5 Remove references to preferences that are now pragma based. ==================== Snapshot ==================== SystemOrganization addCategory: #'SmallLand-ColorTheme'! ----- Method: Preferences class>>smallLand (in category '*SmallLand-ColorTheme') ----- smallLand "Small-Land theme. It install the complete Small-Land theme (Preferences, Fonts, Colors, etc)" " Preferences smallLand. " self smallLandPreferences. self smallLandFonts. SmallLandColorTheme current apply! ----- Method: Preferences class>>smallLandBigFonts (in category '*SmallLand-ColorTheme') ----- smallLandBigFonts "private - change the fonts to small-land's choices" " Preferences smallLandBigFonts. " #( (setButtonFontTo: #BitstreamVeraSansMono 15) (setListFontTo: #BitstreamVeraSans 15) (setMenuFontTo: #BitstreamVeraSans 15) (setSystemFontTo: #BitstreamVeraSans 15) (setWindowTitleFontTo: #BitstreamVeraSans 15) (setCodeFontTo: #BitstreamVeraSerif 15) (setFlapsFontTo: #KomikaText 24) (setEToysFontTo: #KomikaText 24) (setHaloLabelFontTo: #KomikaText 24) (setEToysTitleFontTo: #KomikaText 36) ) do: [:triplet | Preferences perform: triplet first with: (StrikeFont familyName: triplet second pointSize: triplet third) ]. BalloonMorph setBalloonFontTo: (StrikeFont familyName: #BitstreamVeraSans pointSize: 15). ! ----- Method: Preferences class>>smallLandFonts (in category '*SmallLand-ColorTheme') ----- smallLandFonts "private - change the fonts to small-land's choices" " Preferences smallLandFonts. " Preferences bigDisplay ifTrue: [^ self smallLandBigFonts]. Preferences tinyDisplay ifTrue: [^ self smallLandTinyFonts]. self smallLandSmallFonts! ----- Method: Preferences class>>smallLandPreferences (in category '*SmallLand-ColorTheme') ----- smallLandPreferences "Private - change the preferences according to small-land taste" self setPreferencesFrom: #( (haloEnclosesFullBounds true) (showBoundsInHalo true) (cmdGesturesEnabled false) (easySelection true) (abbreviatedBrowserButtons true) (alternativeBrowseIt true) (alwaysShowVScrollbar false) (annotationPanes true) (balloonHelpInMessageLists true) (classicNewMorphMenu true) (collapseWindowsInPlace true) (diffsWithPrettyPrint true) (dragNDropWithAnimation true) (duplicateControlAndAltKeys true) (eToyFriendly true) (extraDebuggerButtons true) (extractFlashInHighestQuality true) (fastDragWindowForMorphic false) (includeSoundControlInNavigator true) (menuKeyboardControl true) (menuAppearance3d false) (gradientMenu false) (mouseOverForKeyboardFocus true) (optionalButtons true) (projectViewsInWindows true) (propertySheetFromHalo true) (scrollBarsNarrow true) (scrollBarsOnRight true) (selectiveHalos true) (showDirectionForSketches true) (showDirectionHandles true) (translationWithBabel true) (unlimitedPaintArea true) (unlimitedPaintArea true) (menuColorFromWorld false) (noviceMode true) (uniqueNamesInHalos true) (infiniteUndo true) (useUndo true) (soundStopWhenDone true) ). self setParameter: #balloonHelpDelayTime to: 100. ! ----- Method: Preferences class>>smallLandSmallFonts (in category '*SmallLand-ColorTheme') ----- smallLandSmallFonts "private - change the fonts to small-land's choices" " Preferences smallLandFonts. " #( (setButtonFontTo: #BitstreamVeraSansMono 12) (setListFontTo: #BitstreamVeraSans 12) (setMenuFontTo: #BitstreamVeraSans 12) (setSystemFontTo: #BitstreamVeraSans 12) (setWindowTitleFontTo: #BitstreamVeraSans 15) (setCodeFontTo: #BitstreamVeraSerif 12) (setFlapsFontTo: #KomikaText 15) (setEToysFontTo: #KomikaText 15) (setHaloLabelFontTo: #KomikaText 15) (setEToysTitleFontTo: #KomikaText 24) ) do: [:triplet | Preferences perform: triplet first with: (StrikeFont familyName: triplet second pointSize: triplet third) ]. BalloonMorph setBalloonFontTo: (StrikeFont familyName: #BitstreamVeraSans pointSize: 12). ! ----- Method: Preferences class>>smallLandTinyFonts (in category '*SmallLand-ColorTheme') ----- smallLandTinyFonts "private - change the fonts to small-land's choices" " Preferences smallLandTinyFonts. " #( (setButtonFontTo: #AccujenMono 9) (setListFontTo: #Accujen 9) (setMenuFontTo: #Accujen 9) (setSystemFontTo: #Accujen 9) (setWindowTitleFontTo: #Accujen 10) (setCodeFontTo: #Accuny 9) (setFlapsFontTo: #Atlanta 11) (setEToysFontTo: #Atlanta 11) (setHaloLabelFontTo: #Atlanta 11) (setEToysTitleFontTo: #Atlanta 11) ) do: [:triplet | Preferences perform: triplet first with: (StrikeFont familyName: triplet second pointSize: triplet third) ]. BalloonMorph setBalloonFontTo: (StrikeFont familyName: #Accujen pointSize: 9). ! ColorTheme subclass: #SmallLandColorTheme instanceVariableNames: 'darks normals lights' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'SmallLand-ColorTheme'! SmallLandColorTheme subclass: #BlueSmallLandColorTheme instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'SmallLand-ColorTheme'! ----- Method: BlueSmallLandColorTheme>>baseColors (in category 'initialization') ----- baseColors " BlueSmallLandColorTheme apply. " ^ Array with: (Color fromArray: #(0.2 0.3 0.9 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(0.6 0.7 1.0 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(0.85 0.9 1.0 ))! SmallLandColorTheme subclass: #GraySmallLandColorTheme instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'SmallLand-ColorTheme'! ----- Method: GraySmallLandColorTheme>>baseColors (in category 'initialization') ----- baseColors " GraySmallLandColorTheme apply. " ^ Array with: (Color fromArray: #(0.4 0.4 0.4 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(0.8 0.8 0.8 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(0.97 0.97 0.97 ))! SmallLandColorTheme subclass: #GreenSmallLandColorTheme instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'SmallLand-ColorTheme'! ----- Method: GreenSmallLandColorTheme>>baseColors (in category 'initialize-release') ----- baseColors " GreenSmallLandColorTheme apply. " ^ Array with: (Color fromArray: #(0.1 0.5 0.3 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(0.2 0.9 0.6 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(0.85 1.0 0.98 ))! SmallLandColorTheme subclass: #MagentaSmallLandColorTheme instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'SmallLand-ColorTheme'! ----- Method: MagentaSmallLandColorTheme>>baseColors (in category 'initialization') ----- baseColors " MagentaSmallLandColorTheme apply. " ^ Array with: (Color fromArray: #(0.8 0.1 0.7 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(1.0 0.3 0.9 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(1.0 0.9 0.8 ))! SmallLandColorTheme subclass: #OrangeSmallLandColorTheme instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'SmallLand-ColorTheme'! ----- Method: OrangeSmallLandColorTheme>>baseColors (in category 'initialization') ----- baseColors " OrangeSmallLandColorTheme apply. " ^ Array with: (Color fromArray: #(0.8 0.4 0.0 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(1.0 0.8 0.0 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(1.0 1.0 0.8 ))! SmallLandColorTheme subclass: #RedSmallLandColorTheme instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'SmallLand-ColorTheme'! ----- Method: RedSmallLandColorTheme>>baseColors (in category 'initialization') ----- baseColors " RedSmallLandColorTheme apply. " ^ Array with: (Color fromArray: #(0.8 0.0 0.2 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(0.97 0.13 0.3 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(1.0 0.88 0.97 ))! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme class>>allThemes (in category 'accessing') ----- allThemes " SmallLandColorTheme allThemes. " ^ self withAllSubclasses reject: [:each | each == self]! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme class>>chooseTheme (in category 'accessing') ----- chooseTheme " SmallLandColorTheme chooseTheme. " | themes menu | menu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self. menu addTitle: 'choose color theme' translated. Preferences noviceMode ifFalse: [menu addStayUpItem]. "" themes := self allThemes asSortedCollection: [:x :y | x themeName translated <= y themeName translated]. themes do: [:each | ""menu addUpdating: #stringForTheme: target: each selector: #applyTheme: argumentList: {each}]. "" menu popUpInWorld! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme class>>stringForTheme: (in category 'accessing') ----- stringForTheme: aTheme ^ (aTheme == ColorTheme current class ifTrue: ['<on>'] ifFalse: ['<off>']) , aTheme themeName translated.! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme class>>themeName (in category 'accessing') ----- themeName " self themeName. BlueSmallLandColorTheme themeName. GreenSmallLandColorTheme themeName. " ^ self name allButLast: 'SmallLandColorTheme' size. ! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme class>>unload (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- unload ColorTheme current: ColorTheme defaultTheme.! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>apply (in category 'applying') ----- apply Preferences installBrightWindowColors. "" super apply. "" self updateTopProject. self updateFlaps. self updateWorldMainDockingBar! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>balloonColor (in category 'theme') ----- balloonColor ^ (self light: 1) twiceLighter alpha: 0.95"Color white alpha: 0.95"! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>baseColors (in category 'initialization') ----- baseColors "Answer a collection of the 3 base colors" ^ self subclassResponsibility! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>cancelColor (in category 'theme') ----- cancelColor ^ super cancelColor"self normal: 8"! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dark: (in category 'private - colors') ----- dark: index ^ darks at: index! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>defaultWorldColor (in category 'theme') ----- defaultWorldColor ^ (self light: 1) twiceLighter twiceLighter ! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dialog3DTitles (in category 'theme - dialogs') ----- dialog3DTitles ^ false! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dialogBorderColor (in category 'theme - dialogs') ----- dialogBorderColor ^ (self dark: 5) ! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dialogBorderWidth (in category 'theme - dialogs') ----- dialogBorderWidth ^ 2! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dialogButtonBorderWidth (in category 'theme - dialogs') ----- dialogButtonBorderWidth ^ 1! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dialogColor (in category 'theme - dialogs') ----- dialogColor ^ self light: 3! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dialogPaneBorderColor (in category 'theme - dialogs') ----- dialogPaneBorderColor ^ self dialogTextBoxBorderColor ! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dialogPaneBorderWidth (in category 'theme - dialogs') ----- dialogPaneBorderWidth ^ 1! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dialogPaneRampOrColor (in category 'theme - dialogs') ----- dialogPaneRampOrColor ^ self dialogTextBoxColor! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dialogRampOrColor (in category 'theme - dialogs') ----- dialogRampOrColor ^ self dialogColor! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dialogTextBoxBorderColor (in category 'theme - dialogs') ----- dialogTextBoxBorderColor ^ self normal: 1! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dialogTextBoxColor (in category 'theme - dialogs') ----- dialogTextBoxColor ^ self light: 1! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dockingBarAutoGradient (in category 'theme - dockingbar') ----- dockingBarAutoGradient ^ true! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dockingBarColor (in category 'theme - dockingbar') ----- dockingBarColor ^self normal:1! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>dockingBarGradientRamp (in category 'theme - dockingbar') ----- dockingBarGradientRamp ^ {0.0 -> Color white. 1.0 -> (self normal:1)}! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>helpColor (in category 'theme') ----- helpColor ^ self okColor! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>initialize (in category 'initialization') ----- initialize "Initialize the receiver" | baseColors | super initialize. "" baseColors := self baseColors. "" darks := baseColors first wheel: 8. normals := baseColors second wheel: 8. lights := baseColors third wheel: 8! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>insertionPointColor (in category 'theme') ----- insertionPointColor ^ self normal: 7! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>keyboardFocusColor (in category 'theme') ----- keyboardFocusColor ^ self normal: 8! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>labelForColor: (in category 'private - colors') ----- labelForColor: aColor ^ (aColor red printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2) , ' ' , (aColor green printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2) , ' ' , (aColor blue printShowingMaxDecimalPlaces: 2)! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>light: (in category 'private - colors') ----- light: index ^ lights at: index! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>menuBorderColor (in category 'theme - menus') ----- menuBorderColor ^self dark: 1! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>menuBorderWidth (in category 'theme - menus') ----- menuBorderWidth ^ 2.! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>menuColor (in category 'theme - menus') ----- menuColor ^ self light: 1! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>menuLineColor (in category 'theme - menus') ----- menuLineColor ^ self normal: 1! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>menuSelectionColor (in category 'theme - menus') ----- menuSelectionColor ^ self dark: 1! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>menuTitleBorderColor (in category 'theme - menus') ----- menuTitleBorderColor ^ self menuTitleColor ! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>menuTitleBorderWidth (in category 'theme - menus') ----- menuTitleBorderWidth ^ 6! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>menuTitleColor (in category 'theme - menus') ----- menuTitleColor ^ self normal: 1! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>normal: (in category 'private - colors') ----- normal: index ^ normals at: index! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>okColor (in category 'theme') ----- okColor ^ super okColor "self normal: 2"! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>printOn: (in category 'printing') ----- printOn: aStream aStream nextPutAll: 'Small-Land Color Theme: ', self class themeName! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>rowOf: (in category 'private - colors') ----- rowOf: colors | row | row := AlignmentMorph newRow. row cellInset: 5. row color: Color white. "" colors do: [:each | | box label | box := RectangleMorph new. box extent: 100 @ 60. box color: each. box borderWidth: 2. box borderColor: box color muchDarker. "" label := StringMorph contents: (self labelForColor: each). label color: each negated. box addMorphCentered: label. "" row addMorphBack: box]. "" ^ row ! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>showColors (in category 'private - colors') ----- showColors " BlueSmallLandColorTheme new showColors. " | col | col := AlignmentMorph newColumn. col color: Color white. col addMorphBack: (self rowOf: darks). col addMorphBack: (self rowOf: normals). col addMorphBack: (self rowOf: lights). "" col openInWorld! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>textHighlightColor (in category 'theme') ----- textHighlightColor ^self normal: 1! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>updateFlaps (in category 'applying') ----- updateFlaps Flaps globalFlapTabs select: [:each | each flapID = 'Supplies' translated] thenDo: [:each | each color: (self normal: 1); borderColor: (self normal: 1); borderWidth: (self menuBorderWidth). "" each referent color: (self light: 1); borderWidth: (self menuBorderWidth); borderColor: (self normal: 1)]! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>updateTopProject (in category 'applying') ----- updateTopProject Project current == Project topProject ifFalse:[^ self]. "" World color: Preferences defaultWorldColor. World submorphs select: [:each | "" (each isKindOf: StringMorph) and: [each contents = 'Squeak']] thenDo: [:each | each color: (self dark: 1)]. ! ----- Method: SmallLandColorTheme>>updateWorldMainDockingBar (in category 'applying') ----- updateWorldMainDockingBar | oldPreference | oldPreference := Project current showWorldMainDockingBar. "" Project current showWorldMainDockingBar: false. Project current showWorldMainDockingBar: oldPreference. TheWorldMainDockingBar updateInstances! SmallLandColorTheme subclass: #VioletSmallLandColorTheme instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'SmallLand-ColorTheme'! ----- Method: VioletSmallLandColorTheme>>baseColors (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- baseColors " VioletSmallLandColorTheme apply. " ^ Array with: (Color fromArray: #(0.6 0.0 1.0 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(0.8 0.4 1.0 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(0.95 0.95 1.0 ))! SmallLandColorTheme subclass: #YellowSmallLandColorTheme instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'SmallLand-ColorTheme'! ----- Method: YellowSmallLandColorTheme>>baseColors (in category 'initialization') ----- baseColors " YellowSmallLandColorTheme apply. " ^ Array with: (Color fromArray: #(0.6 0.6 0.0 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(0.9 0.9 0.3 )) with: (Color fromArray: #(1.0 1.0 0.9 ))! |
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