Squeak 4.6: System-eem.749.mcz

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Squeak 4.6: System-eem.749.mcz

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of System to project Squeak 4.6:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-eem.749
Author: eem
Time: 1 July 2015, 1:02:40.277 pm
UUID: e067c0b6-9b7b-49ca-ae4d-e5b2e9c0bc8e
Ancestors: System-ul.748

Revert storePreferencesIn: to work with a copy,
which accords with the old code.  Go for brevity
in prefEvent:.

=============== Diff against System-ul.748 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Preferences class>>prefEvent: (in category 'dynamic preferences') -----
  prefEvent: anEvent
  "Check if this system event defines or removes a preference.
  TODO: Queue the event and handle in background process.
  There is zero reason to be so eager here."
+ | aClass aSelector method |
- | aClass aSelector |
  anEvent itemKind = SystemChangeNotifier classKind ifTrue:
  [^anEvent isRemoved ifTrue:
  [self removePreferencesFor: anEvent item]].
  (anEvent itemKind = SystemChangeNotifier methodKind
  and: [(aClass := anEvent itemClass) isMeta]) ifFalse: "ignore instance methods"
  aClass := aClass theNonMetaClass.
  aSelector := anEvent itemSelector.
  anEvent isRemoved
  [self atomicUpdatePreferences: [ :copyOfDictionaryOfPreferences |
  copyOfDictionaryOfPreferences removeKey: (aClass name,'>>', aSelector) asSymbol ifAbsent: []]]
  [(anEvent isAdded or: [anEvent isModified]) ifTrue:
+ [method := anEvent item.
+ method pragmas do:
+ [:pragma|
+ self respondToPreferencePragmasInMethod: method class: aClass]]]!
- [self respondToPreferencePragmasInMethod: anEvent item class: aClass]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Preferences class>>storePreferencesIn: (in category 'personalization') -----
+ storePreferencesIn: aFileName
+ | stream prefsSnapshot |
- storePreferencesIn: aFileName
- | stream  |
  #(Prevailing PersonalPreferences) do:
  [:ea |
  Parameters removeKey: ea ifAbsent: []].
  stream := ReferenceStream fileNamed: aFileName.
  stream nextPut: Parameters.
+ prefsSnapshot := preferencesDictionary copy.
+ prefsSnapshot keysAndValuesDo: [:key :pref | prefsSnapshot at: key put: pref asPreference].
+ stream nextPut: prefsSnapshot.
- preferencesDictionary keysAndValuesDo: [:key :pref | preferencesDictionary at: key put: pref asPreference].
- stream nextPut: preferencesDictionary.
  stream nextPut: (Smalltalk isMorphic
  ifTrue:[World fillStyle]
  stream close!