Squeak 4.6: SystemChangeNotification-Tests-nice.23.mcz

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Squeak 4.6: SystemChangeNotification-Tests-nice.23.mcz

Chris Muller uploaded a new version of SystemChangeNotification-Tests to project Squeak 4.6:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: SystemChangeNotification-Tests-nice.23
Author: nice
Time: 18 December 2013, 2:43:23.729 pm
UUID: 3eed6d26-4aef-4095-a604-d9f914240281
Ancestors: SystemChangeNotification-Tests-fbs.22

Use non logging Compiler protocol rather than providing a logged: false argument.

==================== Snapshot ====================

SystemOrganization addCategory: #'SystemChangeNotification-Tests'!

TestCase subclass: #SystemChangeFileTest
        instanceVariableNames: 'tempChangesFile tempChangesName'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'SystemChangeNotification-Tests'!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>change:verify: (in category 'testing') -----
change: changeBlock verify: verifyBlock
        self prepare: [] change: changeBlock verify: verifyBlock!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>createClass: (in category 'private') -----
createClass: name
                subclass: name
                instanceVariableNames: ''
                classVariableNames: ''
                poolDictionaries: ''
                category: self genericClassCategory!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>directory (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Where we want to place the temporary changes file"
        ^FileDirectory default!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>expectedFailures (in category 'testing') -----

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>genericChangesName (in category 'private') -----
        ^self prefixChangesName, self randomString, '.changes'!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>genericClassCategory (in category 'private') -----
        ^(self prefixClassCategory, self randomString capitalized) asSymbol!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>genericClassName (in category 'private') -----
        ^(self prefixClassName, self randomString capitalized) asSymbol!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>genericInstVarName (in category 'private') -----
        ^(self prefixInstVarName, self randomString capitalized) asSymbol!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>genericProtocol (in category 'private') -----
        ^(self prefixProtocol, self randomString) asSymbol!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>genericSelector (in category 'private') -----
        ^(self prefixSelector, self randomString capitalized) asSymbol!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>prefixChangesName (in category 'private') -----
        ^self prefixGeneral!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>prefixClassCategory (in category 'private') -----
        ^self prefixGeneral, 'Category-'!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>prefixClassName (in category 'private') -----
        ^self prefixGeneral, 'Class'!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>prefixGeneral (in category 'private') -----
        ^self class name select: [:each | each isUppercase]!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>prefixInstVarName (in category 'private') -----
        ^self prefixGeneral asLowercase, 'InstVar'!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>prefixProtocol (in category 'private') -----
        ^self prefixGeneral asLowercase, ' protocol '!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>prefixSelector (in category 'private') -----
        ^self prefixGeneral asLowercase, 'Selector'!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>prepare:change:verify: (in category 'testing') -----
prepare: prepareBlock change: changeBlock verify: verifyBlock
        "All tests follow this pattern. Beware that prepareBlock (and verifyBlock) will be evalutated twice."
        "Setup the testcourt"
        prepareBlock value.
        "Embrace the changeBlock so that any change to our testcourt
        will be recorded in our temporary changes file"
        self useTemporaryChangesFile.
        changeBlock value.
        "Check if the changes we made worked as expected. We need to do
        this before we switch back to the standard changes file"
        "We raise an Error if this fails, because then the testcase is broken"
        [verifyBlock value]
                on: TestFailure
                do: [self error: 'The verifyBlock needs to validate the changes made in the changeBlock'].
        self useStandardChangesFile.

        "Remove the testcourt completely"
        self removeTestcourt.

        "Setup the testcourt once again"
        prepareBlock value.

        "Replay the changes from the temporary changes file"
        self replayChanges.

        "See if we got the same changes as we did before using the changeBlock"
        verifyBlock value.

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>randomString (in category 'private') -----
        ^Character alphabet shuffled!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>removeTestcourt (in category 'private') -----
        SystemOrganization categories do: [:each |
                (each beginsWith: self prefixClassCategory) ifTrue: [
                        SystemOrganization removeSystemCategory: each.

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>replayChanges (in category 'private') -----
        | file |
        file := FileStream fileNamed: (self directory fullNameFor: self tempChangesName).
        Transcript show: file contents; cr.
        file fileIn.

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>tearDown (in category 'running') -----
        self useStandardChangesFile.
        tempChangesFile := tempChangesFile ifNotNil: [tempChangesFile close].
        (self directory fileExists: self tempChangesName)
                ifTrue: [self directory deleteFileNamed: self tempChangesName].
        self removeTestcourt.

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>tempChangesName (in category 'accessing') -----
        ^tempChangesName ifNil: [tempChangesName := self genericChangesName]!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testCategoryAdded (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassCategory |
        aClassCategory := self genericClassCategory.
                change: [
                        SystemOrganization addCategory: aClassCategory.
                verify: [
                        self assert: (SystemOrganization categories includes: aClassCategory).

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testCategoryAddedBefore (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassCategory |
        aClassCategory := self genericClassCategory.
                change: [
                        SystemOrganization addCategory: aClassCategory before: nil.
                verify: [
                        self assert: (SystemOrganization categories includes: aClassCategory).

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testCategoryModified (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
        self assert: false description: 'When does that happen?'!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testCategoryRemoved (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassCategory |
        aClassCategory := self genericClassCategory.
                prepare: [
                        SystemOrganization addCategory: aClassCategory.
                change: [
                        SystemOrganization removeCategory: aClassCategory.
                verify: [
                        self deny: (SystemOrganization categories includes: aClassCategory).

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testCategoryRenamed (in category 'testing') -----
        | aNewClassCategory anOldClassCategory |
        anOldClassCategory := self genericClassCategory.
        aNewClassCategory := self genericClassCategory.
                prepare: [
                        SystemOrganization addCategory: anOldClassCategory.
                change: [
                        SystemOrganization renameCategory: anOldClassCategory toBe: aNewClassCategory
                verify: [
                        self assert: (SystemOrganization categories includes: aNewClassCategory).
                        self deny: (SystemOrganization categories includes: anOldClassCategory).

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testClassAdded (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassName |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
                change: [
                        self createClass: aClassName.
                verify: [
                        self assert: (Smalltalk globals includesKey: aClassName).


----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testClassCommented (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClass aClassName aComment |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
                prepare: [
                        aClass := self createClass: aClassName.
                change: [
                        aComment := self randomString.
                        aClass classComment: aComment.
                verify: [
                        self assert: aClass organization classComment string = aComment.

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testClassModified (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClass aClassName aInstVarName |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
                prepare: [
                        aClass := self createClass: aClassName.
                change: [
                        aInstVarName := self genericInstVarName.
                        aClass addInstVarName: aInstVarName.
                verify: [
                        self assert: (aClass instVarNames includes: aInstVarName).

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testClassRecategorized (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassName aNewClassCategory |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
        aNewClassCategory := self genericClassCategory.
                prepare: [
                        self createClass: aClassName.
                        SystemOrganization addCategory: aNewClassCategory.
                change: [
                        SystemOrganization classify: aClassName under: aNewClassCategory.
                verify: [
                        self assert: (SystemOrganization categoryOfElement: aClassName) = aNewClassCategory.

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testClassRemoved (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClass aClassName |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
                prepare: [
                        aClass := self createClass: aClassName.
                change: [
                        aClass removeFromSystem.
                verify: [
                        self deny: (Smalltalk globals includesKey: aClassName).

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testClassRenamed (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClass aNewClassName anOldClassName |
        anOldClassName := self genericClassName.
        aNewClassName := self genericClassName.
                prepare: [
                        aClass := self createClass: anOldClassName.
                change: [
                        aClass rename: aNewClassName.
                verify: [
                        self assert: (Smalltalk globals includesKey: aNewClassName).
                        self deny: (Smalltalk globals includesKey: anOldClassName).

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testClassReorganized (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
        self assert: false description: 'When does that happen?'!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testExpressionDoIt (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassName |
        aClassName := self genericClassName..
                prepare: [
                        self createClass: aClassName.
                change: [
                        Compiler evaluate: '(Smalltalk at: ', aClassName storeString, ') removeFromSystem'.
                verify: [
                        self deny: (Smalltalk globals includesKey: aClassName).

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testMethodAdded (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassName aClass aSelector |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
                prepare: [
                        aClass := self createClass: aClassName.
                change: [
                        aSelector := self genericSelector.
                        aClass compile: aSelector.
                verify: [
                        self assert: (aClass methodDict includesKey: aSelector).


----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testMethodModified (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassName aClass aSelector aMethodSource |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
        aSelector := self genericSelector.
                prepare: [
                        aClass := self createClass: aClassName.
                        aClass compile: aSelector, ' ', self randomString storeString.
                change: [
                        aMethodSource := aSelector, ' ', self randomString storeString.
                        aClass compile: aMethodSource.
                verify: [
                        self assert: (aClass sourceCodeAt: aSelector) string = aMethodSource.


----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testMethodRecategorized (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassName aClass aNewProtocol aSelector anOldProtocol |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
        aSelector := self genericSelector.
        anOldProtocol := self genericProtocol.
                prepare: [
                        aClass := self createClass: aClassName.
                        aClass compile: aSelector classified: anOldProtocol.
                change: [
                        aNewProtocol := self genericProtocol.
                        aClass organization classify: aSelector under: aNewProtocol.
                verify: [
                        self assert: (aClass organization categoryOfElement: aSelector) = aNewProtocol


----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testMethodRemoved (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassName aClass aSelector |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
        aSelector := self genericSelector.
                prepare: [
                        aClass := self createClass: aClassName.
                        aClass compile: aSelector.
                change: [
                        aClass removeSelector: aSelector.
                verify: [
                        self deny: (aClass methodDict includesKey: aSelector).


----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testProtocolAdded (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassName aClass aProtocol |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
        aProtocol := self genericProtocol.
                prepare: [
                        aClass := self createClass: aClassName.
                change: [
                        aClass organization addCategory: aProtocol.
                verify: [
                        self assert: (aClass organization categories includes: aProtocol)


----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testProtocolDefault (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassName aClass aSelector |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
                prepare: [
                        aClass := self createClass: aClassName.
                change: [
                        aSelector := self genericSelector.
                        aClass compile: aSelector.
                verify: [
                        self assert: (aClass organization categoryOfElement: aSelector) = aClass organization class default.


----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testProtocolModified (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
        self assert: false description: 'When does that happen?'!

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testProtocolRemoved (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassName aClass aProtocol |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
        aProtocol := self genericProtocol.
                prepare: [
                        aClass := self createClass: aClassName.
                        aClass organization addCategory: aProtocol.
                change: [
                        aClass organization removeCategory: aProtocol.
                verify: [
                        self deny: (aClass organization categories includes: aProtocol)


----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>testProtocolRenamed (in category 'testing') -----
        | aClassName aClass anOldProtocol aNewProtocol |
        aClassName := self genericClassName.
        anOldProtocol := self genericProtocol.
                prepare: [
                        aClass := self createClass: aClassName.
                        aClass organization addCategory: anOldProtocol.
                change: [
                        aNewProtocol := self genericProtocol.
                        aClass organization renameCategory: anOldProtocol toBe: aNewProtocol.
                verify: [
                        self deny: (aClass organization categories includes: anOldProtocol).
                        self assert: (aClass organization categories includes: aNewProtocol).


----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>useStandardChangesFile (in category 'private') -----

----- Method: SystemChangeFileTest>>useTemporaryChangesFile (in category 'private') -----
        Smalltalk closeSourceFiles.
        tempChangesFile := self directory forceNewFileNamed: self tempChangesName.
        SourceFiles at: 2 put: tempChangesFile!

TestCase subclass: #SystemChangeTestRoot
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'SystemChangeNotification-Tests'!

!SystemChangeTestRoot commentStamp: 'rw 4/5/2006 17:28' prior: 0!
The Root test class for the System Change Notification tests.!

SystemChangeTestRoot subclass: #ChangeHooksTest
        instanceVariableNames: 'previousChangeSet testsChangeSet capturedEvents generatedTestClass generatedTestClassX createdMethodName createdMethod doItExpression'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'SystemChangeNotification-Tests'!

!ChangeHooksTest commentStamp: 'bp 12/4/2009 10:37' prior: 0!
This class implements unit tests to verify that when the system changes, notification messages are sent around correctly.

Therefore the test messages make a system change, after registering to receive an event after the change occured. In this event (sent immediately after the change), the actual assertions take place.

Note that the system changes are *really* made to the system, but in a change set that is created in the setUp method, while the previous one is restored in the tearDown method.!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>addSingleEvent: (in category 'Private') -----
addSingleEvent: anEvent

        capturedEvents isEmpty ifFalse: [self assert: false].
        capturedEvents add: anEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>checkEvent:kind:item:itemKind: (in category 'Private') -----
checkEvent: anEvent kind: changeKind item: item itemKind: itemKind

        self assert: (anEvent perform: ('is' , changeKind) asSymbol).
        self assert: anEvent item = item.
        self assert: anEvent itemKind = itemKind!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>checkForOnlySingleEvent (in category 'Private') -----

        self assert: capturedEvents size = 1!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>classCommentedEvent: (in category 'Events-Classes') -----
classCommentedEvent: event

        self addSingleEvent: event.
        self assert: generatedTestClass comment = self commentStringForTesting.
                checkEvent: event
                kind: #Commented
                item: generatedTestClass
                itemKind: AbstractEvent classKind!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>classCreationEvent: (in category 'Events-Classes') -----
classCreationEvent: event

        | classCreated |
        self addSingleEvent: event.
        classCreated := Smalltalk classNamed: self newlyCreatedClassName.
        self assert: classCreated notNil.
                assert: ((Smalltalk organization
                                listAtCategoryNamed: #'System-Change Notification')
                                        includes: self newlyCreatedClassName).
                checkEvent: event
                kind: #Added
                item: classCreated
                itemKind: AbstractEvent classKind!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>classRecategorizedEvent: (in category 'Events-Classes') -----
classRecategorizedEvent: event

        self addSingleEvent: event.
                checkEvent: event
                kind: #Recategorized
                item: generatedTestClass
                itemKind: AbstractEvent classKind.
        self assert: event oldCategory = #'System-Change Notification'!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>classRedefinitionEvent: (in category 'Events-Classes') -----
classRedefinitionEvent: event
        self addSingleEvent: event.
                checkEvent: event
                kind: #Modified
                item: generatedTestClass
                itemKind: AbstractEvent classKind.!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>classRemovalEvent: (in category 'Events-Classes') -----
classRemovalEvent: event
        "This event used to be sent efter the class was removed.
        This was changed, and therefore this test is useless currently."

        self addSingleEvent: event.
        self assert: (Smalltalk classNamed: self generatedTestClassName) isNil.
                checkEvent: event
                kind: #Removed
                item: self generatedTestClassName
                itemKind: AbstractEvent classKind!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>classRenameEvent: (in category 'Events-Classes') -----
classRenameEvent: event

        | renamedClass |
        self addSingleEvent: event.
        renamedClass := Smalltalk classNamed: self renamedTestClassName.
        self assert: renamedClass notNil.
        self assert: (Smalltalk classNamed: self generatedTestClassName) isNil.
                checkEvent: event
                kind: #Renamed
                item: renamedClass
                itemKind: AbstractEvent classKind.
        self assert: event oldName = self generatedTestClassName!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>classSuperChangedEvent: (in category 'Events-Classes') -----
classSuperChangedEvent: event

        self addSingleEvent: event.
                checkEvent: event
                kind: #Modified
                item: generatedTestClass
                itemKind: AbstractEvent classKind.
        self assert: generatedTestClass superclass = Model!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>commentStringForTesting (in category 'Private') -----

        ^'Added this comment as part of the unit test in SystemChangeTest>>testClassCommentedBasicEvents. You should never see this, unless you are debugging the system somewhere in between the tests.'!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>generateTestClass (in category 'Private-Generation') -----

        generatedTestClass := Object
                                subclass: self generatedTestClassName
                                instanceVariableNames: ''
                                classVariableNames: ''
                                poolDictionaries: ''
                                category: 'System-Change Notification'.!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>generateTestClassX (in category 'Private-Generation') -----

        generatedTestClassX := Object
                                subclass: self generatedTestClassNameX
                                instanceVariableNames: 'x'
                                classVariableNames: ''
                                poolDictionaries: ''
                                category: 'System-Change Notification'.!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>generatedTestClassName (in category 'Private-Generation') -----


----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>generatedTestClassNameX (in category 'Private-Generation') -----


----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>instanceVariableCreationEvent: (in category 'Events-Instance Variables') -----
instanceVariableCreationEvent: event

        self addSingleEvent: event.
        self assert: event isModified.
        self assert: event item = generatedTestClass.
        self assert: event itemKind = AbstractEvent classKind.
        self assert: event areInstVarsModified.
        self deny: event isSuperclassModified.
        self deny: event areClassVarsModified.
        self deny: event areSharedPoolsModified.

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>instanceVariableRemovedEvent: (in category 'Events-Instance Variables') -----
instanceVariableRemovedEvent: event

        self addSingleEvent: event.
        self assert: event isModified.
        self assert: event item = generatedTestClassX.
        self assert: event itemKind = AbstractEvent classKind.
        self assert: event areInstVarsModified.
        self deny: event isSuperclassModified.
        self deny: event areClassVarsModified.
        self deny: event areSharedPoolsModified.

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>methodCreationEvent1: (in category 'Events-Methods') -----
methodCreationEvent1: event

        | methodCreated |
        self addSingleEvent: event.
        methodCreated := generatedTestClass >> createdMethodName.
                checkEvent: event
                kind: #Added
                item: methodCreated
                itemKind: AbstractEvent methodKind!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>methodCreationEvent2: (in category 'Events-Methods') -----
methodCreationEvent2: event

        | methodCreated |
        self addSingleEvent: event.
        methodCreated := generatedTestClass >> createdMethodName.
                checkEvent: event
                kind: #Added
                item: methodCreated
                itemKind: AbstractEvent methodKind!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>methodDoItEvent1: (in category 'Events-Expression') -----
methodDoItEvent1: event

        self addSingleEvent: event.
                checkEvent: event
                kind: #DoIt
                item: doItExpression
                itemKind: AbstractEvent expressionKind.
        self assert: event context isNil.!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>methodRecategorizationEvent: (in category 'Events-Methods') -----
methodRecategorizationEvent: event

        | methodCreated |
        self addSingleEvent: event.
        methodCreated := generatedTestClass >> createdMethodName.
        self assert: ((generatedTestClass organization categoryOfElement: createdMethodName) = #newCategory).
        self assert: event oldCategory = #testing.
                checkEvent: event
                kind: #Recategorized
                item: methodCreated
                itemKind: AbstractEvent methodKind.!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>methodRemovedEvent1: (in category 'Events-Methods') -----
methodRemovedEvent1: event

        self addSingleEvent: event.
        self should: [generatedTestClass >> createdMethodName] raise: Error.
                checkEvent: event
                kind: #Removed
                item: createdMethod
                itemKind: AbstractEvent methodKind.
        event itemClass = generatedTestClass.
        event itemMethod = createdMethodName.
        self assert: ((generatedTestClass organization categoryOfElement: createdMethodName) isNil).!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>methodRemovedEvent2: (in category 'Events-Methods') -----
methodRemovedEvent2: event

        self methodRemovedEvent1: event!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>newlyCreatedClassName (in category 'Private-Generation') -----


----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>rememberEvent: (in category 'Events-General') -----
rememberEvent: event

        capturedEvents add: event!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>removeGeneratedTestClasses (in category 'Private') -----
        "Remove all classes that were possibly generated during testing."
        | possiblyToRemove |
        possiblyToRemove := OrderedCollection
                with: self generatedTestClassName
                with: self generatedTestClassNameX
                with: self renamedTestClassName
                with: self newlyCreatedClassName.
        possiblyToRemove do: [:name | (Smalltalk hasClassNamed: name) ifTrue: [(Smalltalk at: name) removeFromSystemUnlogged]].
        generatedTestClass := nil.
        generatedTestClassX := nil!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>renamedTestClassName (in category 'Private-Generation') -----


----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>setUp (in category 'Running') -----

        previousChangeSet := ChangeSet current.
        testsChangeSet := ChangeSet new.
        ChangeSet newChanges: testsChangeSet.
        capturedEvents := OrderedCollection new.
        self generateTestClass.
        self generateTestClassX.
        super setUp!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>shouldNotBeCalledEvent: (in category 'Events-General') -----
shouldNotBeCalledEvent: anEvent
        "This event should not be called, so fail the test."

        self assert: false!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>tearDown (in category 'Running') -----

        self removeGeneratedTestClasses.
        ChangeSet newChanges: previousChangeSet.
        ChangesOrganizer removeChangeSet: testsChangeSet.
        previousChangeSet := nil.
        testsChangeSet := nil.
        capturedEvents := nil.
        createdMethod := nil.
        super tearDown!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testClassCommentedEvent (in category 'Testing-Classes') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #classCommentedEvent:.
        generatedTestClass comment: self commentStringForTesting.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testClassCreationEvent (in category 'Testing-Classes') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #classCreationEvent:.
                subclass: self newlyCreatedClassName
                instanceVariableNames: ''
                classVariableNames: ''
                poolDictionaries: ''
                category: 'System-Change Notification'.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testClassRecategorizedEvent1 (in category 'Testing-Classes') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #classRecategorizedEvent:.
                subclass: generatedTestClass name
                instanceVariableNames: ''
                classVariableNames: ''
                poolDictionaries: ''
                category: 'Collections-Abstract'.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testClassRecategorizedEvent2 (in category 'Testing-Classes') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #classRecategorizedEvent:.
        generatedTestClass category: 'Collections-Abstract'.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testClassRedefinition (in category 'Testing-Classes') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #classRedefinitionEvent:.
        self generateTestClass!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testClassRemovalEvent (in category 'Testing-Classes') -----
        "This event used to be sent efter the class was removed.
        This was changed, and therefore this test is useless currently."
        "Keep it, since I really want to check with the responsible for the ChangeSet,
        and it is very likely this will be reintroduced afterwards!!"

" | createdClass |
        createdClass := self compileUniqueClass.
        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #classRemovalEvent:.
        createdClass removeFromSystem.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testClassRenamedEvent (in category 'Testing-Classes') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #classRenameEvent:.
        generatedTestClass rename: self renamedTestClassName.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testClassSuperChangedEvent (in category 'Testing-Classes') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #classSuperChangedEvent:.
                subclass: generatedTestClass name
                instanceVariableNames: ''
                classVariableNames: ''
                poolDictionaries: ''
                category: 'System-Change Notification'.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testDoItEvent1 (in category 'Testing-Expression') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #methodDoItEvent1:.
        doItExpression := '1 + 2'.
        Compiler evaluate: doItExpression logged: true.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testDoItEvent2 (in category 'Testing-Expression') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #shouldNotBeCalledEvent:.
        doItExpression := '1 + 2'.
        Compiler evaluate: doItExpression!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testInstanceVariableCreationEvent1 (in category 'Testing-Instance Variables') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #instanceVariableCreationEvent:.
                subclass: self generatedTestClassName
                instanceVariableNames: 'x'
                classVariableNames: ''
                poolDictionaries: ''
                category: 'System-Change Notification'.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testInstanceVariableCreationEvent2 (in category 'Testing-Instance Variables') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #instanceVariableCreationEvent:.
        generatedTestClass addInstVarName: 'x'.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testInstanceVariableRemovedEvent1 (in category 'Testing-Instance Variables') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #instanceVariableRemovedEvent:.
                subclass: generatedTestClassX name
                instanceVariableNames: ''
                classVariableNames: ''
                poolDictionaries: ''
                category: 'System-Change Notification'.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testInstanceVariableRemovedEvent2 (in category 'Testing-Instance Variables') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #instanceVariableRemovedEvent:.
        generatedTestClassX removeInstVarName: 'x'.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testInstanceVariableRenamedSilently (in category 'Testing-Instance Variables') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #shouldNotBeCalledEvent:.
        generatedTestClassX renameSilentlyInstVar: 'x' to: 'y'!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testMethodCreationEvent1 (in category 'Testing-Methods') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #methodCreationEvent1:.
        createdMethodName := #testCreation.
        generatedTestClass compile: createdMethodName , ' ^1'.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testMethodCreationEvent2 (in category 'Testing-Methods') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #methodCreationEvent2:.
        createdMethodName := #testCreation.
        generatedTestClass compile: createdMethodName , ' ^1' classified: #testing.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testMethodRecategorizationEvent (in category 'Testing-Methods') -----

        createdMethodName := #testCreation.
        generatedTestClass compile: createdMethodName , ' ^1' classified: #testing.
        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #methodRecategorizationEvent:.
        generatedTestClass organization
                classify: createdMethodName
                under: #newCategory
                suppressIfDefault: false.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testMethodRemovedEvent1 (in category 'Testing-Methods') -----

        createdMethodName := #testCreation.
        generatedTestClass compile: createdMethodName , ' ^1'.
        createdMethod := generatedTestClass >> createdMethodName.
        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #methodRemovedEvent1:.
        generatedTestClass removeSelector: createdMethodName.
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

----- Method: ChangeHooksTest>>testMethodRemovedEvent2 (in category 'Testing-Methods') -----

        createdMethodName := #testCreation.
        generatedTestClass compile: createdMethodName , ' ^1'.
        createdMethod := generatedTestClass >> createdMethodName.
        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self
                ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #methodRemovedEvent2:.
                removeSelector: (Array with: generatedTestClass name with: createdMethodName).
        self checkForOnlySingleEvent!

SystemChangeTestRoot subclass: #SystemChangeErrorHandling
        instanceVariableNames: 'capturedEvents'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'SystemChangeNotification-Tests'!

!SystemChangeErrorHandling commentStamp: 'bp 12/4/2009 10:37' prior: 0!
This class tests the error handing of the notification mechanism to ensure that one client that receives a system change cannot lock up the complete system.!

----- Method: SystemChangeErrorHandling>>handleEventWithError: (in category 'Event Notifications') -----
handleEventWithError: event

        self error: 'Example of event handling code that throws an error.'!

----- Method: SystemChangeErrorHandling>>handleEventWithHalt: (in category 'Event Notifications') -----
handleEventWithHalt: event

        self halt: 'Example of event handling code that contains a halt.'!

----- Method: SystemChangeErrorHandling>>setUp (in category 'Running') -----

        super setUp.
        capturedEvents := OrderedCollection new!

----- Method: SystemChangeErrorHandling>>storeEvent1: (in category 'Event Notifications') -----
storeEvent1: anEvent

        capturedEvents add: anEvent!

----- Method: SystemChangeErrorHandling>>storeEvent2: (in category 'Event Notifications') -----
storeEvent2: anEvent

        capturedEvents add: anEvent!

----- Method: SystemChangeErrorHandling>>storeEvent3: (in category 'Event Notifications') -----
storeEvent3: anEvent

        capturedEvents add: anEvent!

----- Method: SystemChangeErrorHandling>>tearDown (in category 'Running') -----

        capturedEvents := nil.
        super tearDown!

----- Method: SystemChangeErrorHandling>>testErrorOperation (in category 'Testing') -----

        | notifier wasCaptured |
        notifier := self systemChangeNotifier.
        wasCaptured := false.
        notifier notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Added using: #storeEvent1:.
        notifier notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Added using: #storeEvent2:.
        notifier notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Added using: #handleEventWithError:.
        notifier notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Added using: #storeEvent3:.
        [notifier classAdded: self class inCategory: #FooCat] on: Error do: [:exc |
                wasCaptured := true.
                self assert: (capturedEvents size = 3)].
        self assert: wasCaptured.!

----- Method: SystemChangeErrorHandling>>testHaltOperation (in category 'Testing') -----
        | notifier wasCaptured |
        notifier := self systemChangeNotifier.
        wasCaptured := false.
        notifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #storeEvent1:.
        notifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #storeEvent2:.
        notifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #handleEventWithHalt:.
        notifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #storeEvent3:.
        [notifier classAdded: self class inCategory: #FooCat] on: Halt do: [:exc |
                wasCaptured := true.
                self assert: (capturedEvents size = 3)].
        self assert: wasCaptured.!

----- Method: SystemChangeErrorHandling>>testUnhandledEventOperation (in category 'Testing') -----

        | notifier wasCaptured |
        notifier := self systemChangeNotifier.
        wasCaptured := false.
        notifier notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Added using: #storeEvent1:.
        notifier notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Added using: #storeEvent2:.
        notifier notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Added using: #zork:.
        notifier notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Added using: #storeEvent3:.
        [notifier classAdded: self class inCategory: #FooCat] on: MessageNotUnderstood do: [:exc |
                wasCaptured := true.
                self assert: (capturedEvents size = 3)].
        self assert: wasCaptured.!

SystemChangeTestRoot subclass: #SystemChangeErrorHandlingTest
        instanceVariableNames: 'capturedEvents'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'SystemChangeNotification-Tests'!

SystemChangeTestRoot subclass: #SystemChangeNotifierTest
        instanceVariableNames: 'capturedEvent notifier'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'SystemChangeNotification-Tests'!

!SystemChangeNotifierTest commentStamp: 'rw 4/3/2006 17:19' prior: 0!
A SystemChangeNotifierTest is a test class that tests whether the triggering of changes indeed results in the intended changes to be sent to registered object. The basic mechanism for each test is fairly simple:
        - register the receiver as the one to get the change notifier.
        - manually trigger a change (so the system is not polluted just to see whether we get the needed event).
        - the method #event: is invoked and remembers the change event.
        - the change event is checked to see whether it was the intended one.

Instance Variables
        capturedEvent: Remembers the captured event!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>capturedEvent: (in category 'Private') -----
capturedEvent: eventOrNil
        "Remember the event being sent."

        capturedEvent := eventOrNil!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>checkEventForClass:category:change: (in category 'Private') -----
checkEventForClass: aClass category: cat change: changeKind

        self assert: (capturedEvent perform: ('is' , changeKind) asSymbol).
        self assert: capturedEvent item = aClass.
        self assert: capturedEvent itemKind = AbstractEvent classKind.
        self assert: capturedEvent itemClass = aClass.
        self assert: capturedEvent itemCategory = cat!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>checkEventForMethod:protocol:change: (in category 'Private') -----
checkEventForMethod: aMethod protocol: prot change: changeKind

        self assert: (capturedEvent perform: ('is' , changeKind) asSymbol).
        self assert: capturedEvent item = aMethod.
        self assert: capturedEvent itemKind = AbstractEvent methodKind.
        self assert: capturedEvent itemClass = self class.
        self assert: capturedEvent itemMethod = aMethod.
        self assert: capturedEvent itemProtocol = prot!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>checkEventForMethod:protocol:change:oldMethod: (in category 'Private') -----
checkEventForMethod: aMethod protocol: prot change: changeKind oldMethod: oldMethod

        self checkEventForMethod: aMethod protocol: prot change: changeKind.
        self assert: capturedEvent oldItem == oldMethod

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>event: (in category 'Event Notifications') -----
event: event
        "The notification message being sent to me when an event is captured. Remember it."

" capturedEvent isNil ifTrue: [ self capturedEvent: event] ifFalse: [self assert: false]"

        self capturedEvent: event!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>setUp (in category 'Running') -----

        super setUp.
        notifier := SystemChangeNotifier createInstance.!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>systemChangeNotifier (in category 'Private') -----
        "The notifier to use. Do not use the one in the system so that the fake events triggered in the tests perturb clients of the system's change notifier (e.g. the changes file then shows fake entries)."


----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>tearDown (in category 'Running') -----

        super tearDown.
        self capturedEvent: nil.
        notifier releaseAll.
        notifier := nil!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>testClassAddedEvent (in category 'Testing-system triggers') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #event:.
        self systemChangeNotifier classAdded: self class inCategory: #FooCat.
                checkEventForClass: self class
                category: #FooCat
                change: #Added!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>testClassAddedEvent2 (in category 'Testing-system triggers') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Added using: #event:.
        self systemChangeNotifier classAdded: self class inCategory: #FooCat.
                checkEventForClass: self class
                category: #FooCat
                change: #Added!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>testClassCommentedEvent (in category 'Testing-system triggers') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #event:.
        self systemChangeNotifier classCommented: self class inCategory: #FooCat.
                checkEventForClass: self class
                category: #FooCat
                change: #Commented!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>testClassRecategorizedEvent (in category 'Testing-system triggers') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #event:.
        self systemChangeNotifier
                class: self class
                recategorizedFrom: #FooCat
                to: #FooBar.
                checkEventForClass: self class
                category: #FooBar
                change: #Recategorized.
        self assert: capturedEvent oldCategory = #FooCat!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>testClassRemovedEvent (in category 'Testing-system triggers') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #event:.
        self systemChangeNotifier classRemoved: self class fromCategory: #FooCat.
                checkEventForClass: self class
                category: #FooCat
                change: #Removed!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>testClassRenamedEvent (in category 'Testing-system triggers') -----
        "self run: #testClassRenamedEvent"

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #event:.
        self systemChangeNotifier
                classRenamed: self class
                from: #OldFooClass
                to: #NewFooClass
                inCategory: #FooCat.
                checkEventForClass: self class
                category: #FooCat
                change: #Renamed.
" self assert: capturedEvent oldName = #OldFooClass.
        self assert: capturedEvent newName = #NewFooClass"!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>testDoItEvent (in category 'Testing-system triggers') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #event:.
        self systemChangeNotifier
                evaluated: '1 + 2'
                context: self.
        self assert: capturedEvent isDoIt.
        self assert: capturedEvent item = '1 + 2'.
        self assert: capturedEvent itemKind = AbstractEvent expressionKind.
        self assert: capturedEvent itemClass = nil.
        self assert: capturedEvent itemMethod = nil.
        self assert: capturedEvent itemProtocol = nil.
        self assert: capturedEvent itemExpression = '1 + 2'.
        self assert: capturedEvent context = self.!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>testMethodAddedEvent1 (in category 'Testing-system triggers') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #event:.
        self systemChangeNotifier
                methodAdded: self class >> #testMethodAddedEvent1
                selector: #testMethodAddedEvent1
                inProtocol: #FooCat
                class: self class.
                checkEventForMethod: self class >> #testMethodAddedEvent1
                protocol: #FooCat
                change: #Added!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>testMethodAddedEvent2 (in category 'Testing-system triggers') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #event:.
        self systemChangeNotifier
                methodAdded: self class >> #testMethodAddedEvent1
                selector: #testMethodAddedEvent1
                inClass: self class.
                checkEventForMethod: self class >> #testMethodAddedEvent1
                protocol: nil
                change: #Added!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>testMethodAddedEvent3 (in category 'Testing-system triggers') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #event:.
        self systemChangeNotifier
                methodChangedFrom: self class >> #testMethodAddedEvent1
                to: self class >> #testMethodAddedEvent2
                selector: #testMethodAddedEvent2
                inClass: self class.
                checkEventForMethod: self class >> #testMethodAddedEvent2
                protocol: nil
                change: #Modified
                oldMethod: self class >> #testMethodAddedEvent1.!

----- Method: SystemChangeNotifierTest>>testMethodRemovedEvent (in category 'Testing-system triggers') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #event:.
        self systemChangeNotifier
                methodRemoved: self class>> #testMethodRemovedEvent
                selector: #testMethodRemovedEvent
                inProtocol: #FooCat
                class: self class.
                checkEventForMethod: self class>> #testMethodRemovedEvent
                protocol: #FooCat
                change: #Removed.!

----- Method: SystemChangeTestRoot>>systemChangeNotifier (in category 'Private') -----
        "The notifier to use. Use the one for the system."

        ^SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance!

----- Method: SystemChangeTestRoot>>tearDown (in category 'Running') -----

        self unhook.
        super tearDown!

----- Method: SystemChangeTestRoot>>unhook (in category 'Running') -----

        self systemChangeNotifier noMoreNotificationsFor: self!