Chris Muller uploaded a new version of ToolBuilder-SUnit to project Squeak 4.6: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: ToolBuilder-SUnit-fbs.19 Author: fbs Time: 9 January 2014, 2:54:40.438 pm UUID: 3e30756c-2af8-0741-836f-0d42a9d5af32 Ancestors: ToolBuilder-SUnit-fbs.18 Move ToolBuilder's SUnit "extensions" - the stubs we use to test ToolBuilder-built components - back to ToolBuilder-SUnit. Otherwise we break the modularity between SUnit('s GUI) and ToolBuilder. ==================== Snapshot ==================== SystemOrganization addCategory: #'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! Object subclass: #WidgetStub instanceVariableNames: 'spec state' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! WidgetStub subclass: #ButtonStub instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! ----- Method: ButtonStub>>click (in category 'simulating') ----- click | action | action := spec action. action isSymbol ifTrue: [self model perform: action] ifFalse: [action value]! ----- Method: ButtonStub>>color (in category 'simulating') ----- color ^ state at: #color! ----- Method: ButtonStub>>isEnabled (in category 'simulating') ----- isEnabled ^ state at: #enabled! ----- Method: ButtonStub>>isPressed (in category 'simulating') ----- isPressed ^ state at: #state! ----- Method: ButtonStub>>label (in category 'simulating') ----- label ^ state at: #label! ----- Method: ButtonStub>>stateVariables (in category 'events') ----- stateVariables ^ #(label color state enabled)! WidgetStub subclass: #CompositeStub instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! ----- Method: CompositeStub>>children (in category 'accessing') ----- children ^ state at: #children ifAbsent: [#()]! ----- Method: CompositeStub>>children: (in category 'accessing') ----- children: anObject state at: #children put: anObject! ----- Method: CompositeStub>>stateVariables (in category 'accessing') ----- stateVariables ^ #(children)! ----- Method: CompositeStub>>widgetNamed: (in category 'accessing') ----- widgetNamed: aString self name = aString ifTrue: [^ self] ifFalse: [self children do: [:ea | (ea widgetNamed: aString) ifNotNil: [:w | ^ w]]]. ^ nil! CompositeStub subclass: #PanelStub instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! CompositeStub subclass: #WindowStub instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! ----- Method: WindowStub>>close (in category 'simulating') ----- close spec model perform: spec closeAction! ----- Method: WindowStub>>stateVariables (in category 'events') ----- stateVariables ^ super stateVariables, #(label)! WidgetStub subclass: #ListStub instanceVariableNames: 'list index' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! ----- Method: ListStub>>click: (in category 'simulating') ----- click: aString self clickItemAt: (self list indexOf: aString)! ----- Method: ListStub>>clickItemAt: (in category 'simulating') ----- clickItemAt: anInteger | selector | selector := spec setIndex. selector ifNil: [self model perform: spec setSelected with: (self list at: anInteger)] ifNotNil: [self model perform: selector with: anInteger] ! ----- Method: ListStub>>list (in category 'simulating') ----- list ^ list ifNil: [Array new]! ----- Method: ListStub>>menu (in category 'simulating') ----- menu ^ MenuStub fromSpec: (self model perform: spec menu with: (PluggableMenuSpec withModel: self model))! ----- Method: ListStub>>refresh (in category 'events') ----- refresh self refreshList. self refreshIndex! ----- Method: ListStub>>refreshIndex (in category 'events') ----- refreshIndex | selector | selector := spec getIndex. index := selector ifNil: [self list indexOf: (self model perform: spec getSelected)] ifNotNil: [spec model perform: selector] ! ----- Method: ListStub>>refreshList (in category 'events') ----- refreshList list := self model perform: spec list! ----- Method: ListStub>>selectedIndex (in category 'simulating') ----- selectedIndex ^ index ifNil: [0]! ----- Method: ListStub>>selectedItem (in category 'simulating') ----- selectedItem | items idx | (items := self list) isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil]. (idx := self selectedIndex) = 0 ifTrue: [^ nil]. ^ items at: idx ! ----- Method: ListStub>>update: (in category 'events') ----- update: aSelector aSelector = spec list ifTrue: [^ self refreshList]. aSelector = spec getSelected ifTrue: [^ self refreshIndex]. aSelector = spec getIndex ifTrue: [^ self refreshIndex]. ^ super update: aSelector! WidgetStub subclass: #MenuStub instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! ----- Method: MenuStub>>click: (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- click: aString | item | item := self items detect: [:ea | ea label = aString] ifNone: [^ self]. item action isSymbol ifTrue: [self model perform: item action] ifFalse: [item action value]! ----- Method: MenuStub>>items (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- items ^ spec items! ----- Method: MenuStub>>labels (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- labels ^ self items keys! WidgetStub subclass: #TextStub instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! ----- Method: TextStub>>accept: (in category 'simulating') ----- accept: aString state at: #getText put: aString. ^ self model perform: spec setText with: aString asText! ----- Method: TextStub>>color (in category 'simulating') ----- color ^ state at: #color! ----- Method: TextStub>>stateVariables (in category 'events') ----- stateVariables ^ #(color selection getText)! ----- Method: TextStub>>text (in category 'simulating') ----- text ^ state at: #getText! WidgetStub subclass: #TreeNodeStub instanceVariableNames: 'item' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! ----- Method: TreeNodeStub class>>fromSpec:item: (in category 'instance creation') ----- fromSpec: aSpec item: anObject ^ self new setSpec: aSpec item: anObject! ----- Method: TreeNodeStub>>children (in category 'simulating') ----- children ^ (self model perform: spec getChildren with: item) collect: [:ea | TreeNodeStub fromSpec: spec item: ea]! ----- Method: TreeNodeStub>>item (in category 'simulating') ----- item ^ item! ----- Method: TreeNodeStub>>label (in category 'simulating') ----- label ^ self model perform: spec label with: item! ----- Method: TreeNodeStub>>matches: (in category 'private') ----- matches: aString ^ self label = aString! ----- Method: TreeNodeStub>>openPath: (in category 'events') ----- openPath: anArray | child | anArray isEmpty ifTrue: [self select] ifFalse: [child := self children detect: [:ea | ea matches: anArray first] ifNone: [^ self select]. child openPath: anArray allButFirst] ! ----- Method: TreeNodeStub>>printOn: (in category 'printing') ----- printOn: aStream aStream print: self class; nextPut: $<; print: item; nextPut: $>! ----- Method: TreeNodeStub>>select (in category 'simulating') ----- select self model perform: spec setSelected with: item! ----- Method: TreeNodeStub>>selectPath: (in category 'private') ----- selectPath: anArray | child | anArray isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self select]. child := self children detect: [:ea | ea matches: anArray first] ifNone: [^ self select]. child selectPath: anArray allButFirst.! ----- Method: TreeNodeStub>>setSpec:item: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- setSpec: aSpec item: anObject super setSpec: aSpec. item := anObject! WidgetStub subclass: #TreeStub instanceVariableNames: 'roots' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! ----- Method: TreeStub>>openPath: (in category 'private') ----- openPath: anArray | first | first := roots detect: [:ea | ea matches: anArray first] ifNone: [^ self]. first openPath: anArray allButFirst! ----- Method: TreeStub>>roots: (in category 'private') ----- roots: anArray roots := anArray collect: [:ea | TreeNodeStub fromSpec: spec item: ea]. ! ----- Method: TreeStub>>select: (in category 'simulating') ----- select: anArray self openPath: anArray! ----- Method: TreeStub>>setSpec: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- setSpec: aSpec super setSpec: aSpec. self update: spec roots! ----- Method: TreeStub>>update: (in category 'events') ----- update: anObject anObject == spec roots ifTrue: [^ self updateRoots]. anObject == spec getSelectedPath ifTrue: [^ self updateSelectedPath]. (anObject isKindOf: Array) ifTrue: [^ self openPath: anObject allButFirst]. super update: anObject ! ----- Method: TreeStub>>updateRoots (in category 'events') ----- updateRoots ^ self roots: (self model perform: spec roots) ! ----- Method: TreeStub>>updateSelectedPath (in category 'events') ----- updateSelectedPath | path first | path := self model perform: spec getSelectedPath. first := roots detect: [:ea | ea item = path first] ifNone: [^ self]. first selectPath: path allButFirst.! ----- Method: WidgetStub class>>fromSpec: (in category 'instance creation') ----- fromSpec: aSpec ^ self new setSpec: aSpec! ----- Method: WidgetStub>>model (in category 'simulating') ----- model ^ spec model! ----- Method: WidgetStub>>name (in category 'accessing') ----- name ^ spec name ifNil: [' ']! ----- Method: WidgetStub>>printOn: (in category 'printing') ----- printOn: aStream aStream print: self class; nextPut: $<; nextPutAll: self name; nextPut: $>! ----- Method: WidgetStub>>refresh (in category 'events') ----- refresh self stateVariables do: [:var | self refresh: var]! ----- Method: WidgetStub>>refresh: (in category 'events') ----- refresh: var | value | value := spec perform: var. self refresh: var with: value! ----- Method: WidgetStub>>refresh:with: (in category 'events') ----- refresh: var with: value state at: var put: (value isSymbol ifTrue: [spec model perform: value] ifFalse: [value])! ----- Method: WidgetStub>>setSpec: (in category 'initialize-release') ----- setSpec: aSpec state := IdentityDictionary new. spec := aSpec. spec model addDependent: self. self refresh.! ----- Method: WidgetStub>>spec (in category 'accessing') ----- spec ^ spec! ----- Method: WidgetStub>>stateVariables (in category 'events') ----- stateVariables ^ #()! ----- Method: WidgetStub>>update: (in category 'events') ----- update: aSymbol self stateVariables do: [:var | (spec perform: var) == aSymbol ifTrue: [self refresh: var with: aSymbol. ^ self]]! ----- Method: WidgetStub>>widgetNamed: (in category 'accessing') ----- widgetNamed: aString ^ self name = aString ifTrue: [self] ifFalse: [nil]! ToolBuilder subclass: #SUnitToolBuilder instanceVariableNames: 'widgets' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! !SUnitToolBuilder commentStamp: 'cwp 6/7/2005 00:53' prior: 0! I create a set of "stub" widgets that are useful for testing. Instead of drawing themselves in some GUI, they simulate graphical widgets for testing purposes. Through my widgets, unit tests can simulate user actions and make assertions about the state of the display. See TestRunnerPlusTest for examples.! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilder>>buildPluggableButton: (in category 'building') ----- buildPluggableButton: aSpec | w | w := ButtonStub fromSpec: aSpec. self register: w id: aSpec name. ^w! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilder>>buildPluggableList: (in category 'building') ----- buildPluggableList: aSpec | w | w := ListStub fromSpec: aSpec. self register: w id: aSpec name. ^w! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilder>>buildPluggableMenu: (in category 'building') ----- buildPluggableMenu: aSpec ^ MenuStub fromSpec: aSpec! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilder>>buildPluggablePanel: (in category 'building') ----- buildPluggablePanel: aSpec | w | w := PanelStub fromSpec: aSpec. self register: w id: aSpec name. ^w! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilder>>buildPluggableText: (in category 'building') ----- buildPluggableText: aSpec | w | w := TextStub fromSpec: aSpec. self register: w id: aSpec name. ^w! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilder>>buildPluggableTree: (in category 'building') ----- buildPluggableTree: aSpec | w | w := TreeStub fromSpec: aSpec. self register: w id: aSpec name. ^w! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilder>>buildPluggableWindow: (in category 'building') ----- buildPluggableWindow: aSpec | window children | window := WindowStub fromSpec: aSpec. children := aSpec children. children isSymbol ifFalse: [window children: (children collect: [:ea | ea buildWith: self])]. self register: window id: aSpec name. ^ window! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilder>>close: (in category 'opening') ----- close: aWidget aWidget close! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilder>>open: (in category 'opening') ----- open: anObject ^ self build: anObject! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilder>>register:id: (in category 'private') ----- register: widget id: id id ifNil:[^self]. widgets ifNil:[widgets := Dictionary new]. widgets at: id put: widget.! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilder>>widgetAt:ifAbsent: (in category 'private') ----- widgetAt: id ifAbsent: aBlock widgets ifNil:[^aBlock value]. ^widgets at: id ifAbsent: aBlock! ToolBuilderTests subclass: #SUnitToolBuilderTests instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ToolBuilder-SUnit'! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilderTests>>acceptWidgetText (in category 'support') ----- acceptWidgetText widget accept: 'Some text'! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilderTests>>buttonWidgetEnabled (in category 'support') ----- buttonWidgetEnabled ^ widget isEnabled! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilderTests>>changeListWidget (in category 'support') ----- changeListWidget widget clickItemAt: widget selectedIndex + 1! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilderTests>>fireButtonWidget (in category 'support') ----- fireButtonWidget widget click! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilderTests>>fireMenuItemWidget (in category 'support') ----- fireMenuItemWidget widget click: 'Menu Item'! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilderTests>>setUp (in category 'running') ----- setUp super setUp. builder := SUnitToolBuilder new.! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilderTests>>testHandlingNotification (in category 'tests') ----- testHandlingNotification | receivedSignal resumed | receivedSignal := resumed := false. [ | count | "client-code puts up progress, and signals some notications" count := 0. 'doing something' displayProgressFrom: 0 to: 10 during: [ : bar | 10 timesRepeat: [ bar value: (count := count + 1). (Delay forMilliseconds: 200) wait. Notification signal: 'message'. resumed := true ] ] ] on: Notification do: [ : noti | receivedSignal := true. noti resume ]. self assert: receivedSignal ; assert: resumed! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilderTests>>testListCached (in category 'tests') ----- testListCached self makeItemList. queries := Bag new. self changed: #getList. widget list. widget list. self assert: queries size = 1! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilderTests>>testListSelectionCached (in category 'tests') ----- testListSelectionCached self makeItemList. queries := Bag new. self changed: #getListSelection. widget selectedIndex. widget selectedIndex. self assert: queries size = 1! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilderTests>>testTextCached (in category 'tests') ----- testTextCached self makeText. queries := Bag new. self changed: #getText. widget text. widget text. self assert: queries size = 1! ----- Method: SUnitToolBuilderTests>>widgetColor (in category 'support') ----- widgetColor ^ widget color! |
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