Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Tools to project Squeak 4.6: Summary ====================
Name: Tools-eem.626
Author: eem
Time: 30 June 2015, 3:05:48.319 pm
UUID: 0bfae54b-3e68-4252-98d8-ddb1e56fc869
Ancestors: Tools-mt.625
Upgrade MessageSet class>>parse:toClassAndSelector:
to allow one to construct text links in modern syntax, e.g.
BitBlt class>>#subPixelRenderColorFonts
=============== Diff against Tools-mt.625 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MessageSet class>>parse:toClassAndSelector: (in category 'utilities') -----
parse: methodRef toClassAndSelector: csBlock
"Decode strings of the form <className> [class] <selectorName>."
| tuple cl |
self flag: #mref. "compatibility with pre-MethodReference lists"
methodRef ifNil: [^ csBlock value: nil value: nil].
methodRef isString ifFalse:
[^methodRef setClassAndSelectorIn: csBlock].
methodRef isEmpty ifTrue:
[^csBlock value: nil value: nil].
+ tuple := (methodRef asString includesSubString: '>>')
+ ifTrue: [(methodRef findTokens: '>>') fold: [:a :b| (a findTokens: ' '), {b first = $# ifTrue: [b allButFirst] ifFalse: [b]}]]
+ ifFalse: [methodRef asString findTokens: ' .'].
- tuple := methodRef asString findTokens: ' .'.
cl := Smalltalk at: tuple first asSymbol ifAbsent: [^ csBlock value: nil value: nil].
^(tuple size = 2 or: [tuple size > 2 and: [(tuple at: 2) ~= 'class']])
ifTrue: [csBlock value: cl value: (tuple at: 2) asSymbol]
ifFalse: [csBlock value: cl class value: (tuple at: 3) asSymbol]!