Squeak Board minutes - 8/6/12

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Squeak Board minutes - 8/6/12

Chris Cunnington

- All Board members were in attendance with special guest Josh Krammes
from Softlayer [1]
- Josh spoke about Softlayer's Catalyst program [2]
- The Board had the opportunity to ask Josh questions about how Squeak
and Softlayer might work together
- Josh used to work in non-profit fundraising and has some experience
with our kind of community
- The Board likes the agreement and will take an opportunity to re-read
the documents involved. The feeling is that a relationship with
Softlayer will be reached in the near future and Softlayer will be
Squeak's new host

[1] http://www.softlayer.com
[2] http://www.softlayer.com/catalyst