Squeak Board minutes - 9/3/12

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Squeak Board minutes - 9/3/12

Chris Cunnington

attending: Craig Latta, Bert Freudenberg, Levente Uzonyi, Chris Cunnington, Chris Muller

- Spoon [1] will be releasing its new version soon with a web browser interface included

- the next Squeak Community Meeting [2] on GooglePlus will be Sat. 13 Oct. at 10 am Pacific Time. (If you hit the link below, it helps if you are already logged into G+)

- Squeak 4.4 is heading towards an October release

- Chris Cunnington wants to shut down the server that currently serves squeakci.org [3] and has contacted the SFC to access some Gandi.net resources to move it over (as the SFC has a relationship with Gandi.net for its members)

[1] http://thiscontext.wordpress.com/

[2] https://plus.google.com/events/c0nfhlfod6ogn3aumsq6seda7g8/102275780496317201899

[3] http://www.squeakci.org