Squeak CI notes

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Squeak CI notes

Chris Cunnington

Here are a few notes about squeakci.org in no particular order:

- this is a beta, as I'm shutting down this server in a few months;
Jenkins will be installed on the new Squeak server

- anybody who wants an account and is a core-dev or SOB member can
contact me

- when you get a Jenkins username/password, you also get an FTP
username/password to access the workspace(s). Between the Jenkins UI and
access to your job's workspace, you can control all the criteria of a

- the only change you need to make to Lukas's code (
https://github.com/renggli/builder ) to make it work in 4.3  is to
comment out two pieces of this method:

HDTestReport >> run

     "Author uniqueInstance
         ifUnknownAuthorUse: 'hudson'
         during: ["

      [ self setUp.
         suiteTime := [ self runAll ]
         timeToRun ]  ensure: [ self tearDown ]


- a word to the wary about Lukas's code, it's two years old. It will not
work on Pharo 1.3 or 1.4 out of the box, as many little things keep
changing (i.e. a VM file that was called "Squeak VM Opt" is now called
"pharo"). Mariano's blog ( http://marianopeck.wordpress.com/tag/jenkins/ 
) addresses some of the changes, as it was only written six months ago

- I've deployed Jenkins, but Sean P. DeNigris knows far more about its
day-to-day use, and so you're better off asking him how best to use it.
