Squeak Education Units

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Squeak Education Units

Randy Caton
Dear Squeakers,

We are currently working on a Squeakland Courseware web page which will contain Etoys projects in several content areas for 9 and 10 year olds. I attached a document with suggested content areas and learning approaches for the Mathematics and Science units. I would appreciate any feedback you have on the suggestions I propose before I begin creating the units. We will only create three of each and I would like to make sure the suggested units I propose will be useful in the classroom and for home schooling.

I look forward to your comments. Please email me directly at [hidden email].

Randy Caton
The views expressed in this email are my own
and not necessarily those of CNU.

Randall Caton
41596 Bald Eagle Drive
Bigfork, MN 56628

email: [hidden email]
web: www.pcs.cnu.edu/~rcaton

Squeakland mailing list
[hidden email]

SqueakUnits.doc (28K) Download Attachment