Hello everyone,
I am looking for a few pointers in the right direction concerning the
Squeak-.Net-Bridge. I am returning to Squeak after taking a few years
off, so I am a bit rusty, but it is coming back to me. That being
said, I have never used the .Net bridge at all, so I am totally new to
I have some code in VBS below, that works just fine. I am looking to
try and use the same COM object in Squeak. I have followed the
instructions at <
http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/459> for wrapping the
dll for .Net using tlbimp.exe and it seemed to work fine. At least no
errors. I then moved my new dll, "ProvideX.dll" to the Squeak folder.
I then tried to print in a workspace:
DotNet Assembly loadFrom: 'ProvideX.dll'.
I got back:
ProvideX, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Which I assume is a good thing, but it could be a bad assumption on my
part. At this point, I am stumped. I have tried a bunch of things
and nothing seems to work. I have even followed the example on that
site by trying the WSHShell example. Everything works as described in
the example until I get to "shell := DotNet WshShellClass new." and
then I get an "Unknown Selector" on the WshShellClass.
I have included a snippet of some VBS code that accesses the original
(non-wrapped) COM component below. Hopefully you can shed some light
on what I might be doing wrong. I
also have working sample VB, and C# code if that helps.
Incidentally, if someone knows a better way to access a COM object
from squeak, I am all ears.
Set oScript = CreateObject ("ProvideX.Script")
oScript.Init("C:\\Program Files\\Sage Software\\MAS 90\\Version4\\MAS90\\Home")
' Set the user for the Session
Set oSS = oScript.NewObject("SY_Session")
r = oSS.nLogon()
If r=0 Then
' Please remember to replace the usercode, password with valid info
r = oss.nSetUser("xxx","xxx")
End If
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. I really do appreciate it.