Squeak Oversight Board Election 2013

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Squeak Oversight Board Election 2013

Ron Teitelbaum

Hi All,


It’s that time again.  First I would like to take a moment to thank Göran for running the elections all these past years.  I would also like to thank you for your vote of confidence in letting me step in to run the elections.  I hope that I can live up to Göran excellent example.


Every year we elect the SOB (Squeak Oversight Board) consisting of seven

members from our community. The current board is:




Everything about the election, including schedule and more, can be

tracked here:





*** Now until Monday 28th of January 3PM (20.00 UTC): Nominations of SOB members and



Candidates should nominate themselves and start their campaign on the

squeak-dev mailing list. Or if you nominate someone else, make sure that

person really wants to run. :) I will not put anyone on the candidate

list until that person makes it known on squeak-dev that he/she does

run. During this period, the candidates should ideally present

themselves on squeak-dev, unless they have already done so, and the

community can ask questions.


I encourage you to reach out to potential candidates, people that are active

in the community and represent your views, and ask them to run.  Some people

will not run without encouragement.


*** Monday 28th of January 2013 3PM (20.00 UTC): The candidate list is finalized.


*** Monday 28th of January 2013 6PM (23.00 UTC): Online election starts


The voting period is one week long and ballots are sent out via email.

And how do you end up on the voter list? See below. :)


IMPORTANT: New voters will NOT be added once the election is started.

You MUST try to get on the voter list before the 28th of January 2013 or you will

NOT be able to vote.  If your Email has changed make sure it is changed on the

list of voters before the election starts.


*** Monday 4th February 6PM (23.00 UTC): Online election ends


Results will be announced immediately when the election ends.




If you were invited to vote last year you are already on the voter list,

no worries! If you are a new Squeaker and wish to vote do ONE of the



      * Get a "known" Squeaker to vouch for you. If a known Squeaker

sends an email to voters (at) squeak.org giving me name and email for

you, then I will add you.


      * Send an email to voters at squeak.org yourself (and CC to

squeak-dev if you like) with information/arguments showing me that you

are indeed serious about voting and that you are indeed a Squeaker. And

no, I don't have any hints on what you should write! :) Unless you

totally screw that up, you will probably be added. And no, don't send me

a 10 page essay ;)


When the voting period starts all voters will receive an email with

instructions and a link to the voting website.


If there are any further questions, just reply *in this thread* and I

will closely track it - or send email to voters (at) squeak.org which

points to me.


...so let's get on with it!



Ron Teitelbaum



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Chris Cunnington is running for the Squeak Board 2013

Chris Cunnington

I'm running for the Board again this year. I've provided a list of
things I did in 2012 [1], which I think was an important year for Squeak
setting a new course.

I'd like to thank Ron for running the elections this year. It's nice to
get this done earlier in the year instead of letting it drift into Spring.

This year ought to allow the community to build on the solid foundation
laid last year. This year I think we can build higher.



What I did for Squeak in 2012:

- declared that we needed to move to a new server because ours was old
and could not run Cog
- worked with the SFC to get us two free servers, now box3 and box4
- fostered the development of Squeak on Raspbery Pi
- fostered the development of a more open and documented Squeak release
process: now the community vets release candidates, and the process is
available on the Swiki
- built a Jenkins continuous integration server at squeakci.org, moved
the beta to box3, where it now tests virtual machines, trunk images, and
soon community supported packages
- in the process of building a new squeak.org homepage using a
never-before-deployed web framework
- encouraged the developer of the web framework Altitude to release it
publicly and tested its deployment over weeks and months for reliability
- demonstrated that the Twitter Bootstrap web site framework can be used
for Smalltalk websites with great effect
- performed system administration in helping to maintain boxes 2,3, and 4
- maintained The Weekly Squeak blog for 39 weeks, each week ensuring a
news item was posted
- took the minutes and posted them on The Squeak Board for 20 meetings,
and the posted them on the Squeak- dev mailing list

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Re: Squeak Oversight Board Election 2013

Göran Krampe
In reply to this post by Ron Teitelbaum
Hi all!

On 01/08/2013 05:41 PM, Ron Teitelbaum wrote:
> Hi All,
> It’s that time again.  First I would like to take a moment to thank
> Göran for running the elections all these past years.  I would also like
> to thank you for your vote of confidence in letting me step in to run
> the elections.  I hope that I can live up to Göran excellent example.

Thanks Ron, and I am sure you will do great - after all, it's not THAT
hard ;)

regards, Göran

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Re: Squeak Oversight Board Election 2013

Bert Freudenberg
In reply to this post by Ron Teitelbaum

On 08.01.2013, at 08:41, Ron Teitelbaum <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> It’s that time again.  First I would like to take a moment to thank Göran for running the elections all these past years.  I would also like to thank you for your vote of confidence in letting me step in to run the elections.  I hope that I can live up to Göran excellent example.
> Every year we elect the SOB (Squeak Oversight Board) consisting of seven
> members from our community. The current board is:
>                http://www.squeak.org/Foundation/Board

Oops, that page looks about a year out of date ... for reference, here's the previous election results:

2012: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/cgi-perl/civs/results.pl?id=E_114579ef2a1eb9a4
2011: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/cgi-perl/civs/results.pl?id=E_22a9387d06a3ed3b
2010: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/cgi-perl/civs/results.pl?id=E_716d8c257e6cf36b
2009: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/cgi-perl/civs/results.pl?id=E_f48a814ea5d852de
2008: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/cgi-perl/civs/results.pl?id=E_d38cc27709a65b64
2007: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/cgi-perl/civs/results.pl?id=E_be84b060864afc59
2006: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/cgi-perl/civs/results.pl?id=E_8c2bcb5151df7e75

(we really should put those links up somewhere permanent ...)

> Everything about the election, including schedule and more, can be
> tracked here:
>                http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6191
> *** Now until Monday 28th of January 3PM (20.00 UTC): Nominations of SOB members and
> campaigning!

Wouldn't it be great to beat the record of 12 nominations this year? Step up, people! Also, maybe encourage others by email, in private or public, to run!  Being on a board member really is not that much work, about one hour twice a month, plus some emailing which everybody does anyway. If you care deeply about Squeak then you should consider running. Pretty please, with sugar on top ;)

- Bert -