Squeak Oversight Board and Demographics

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Squeak Oversight Board and Demographics

Ian Trudel-2
2010/4/21 Jecel Assumpcao Jr <[hidden email]>:

>> For the record, Squeak Oversight Board should conduct such surveys in
>> the future. I trust the board to understand the community or otherwise
>> take actions in order to do so. However, I'd like your help to prove
>> the board that this is the right way to go and to be heard. So,
>> please, everybody, contribute with your opinion (even if you are a
>> timid person).
> I don't agree at all that the board should be doing this, and find it
> great that you have taken the initiative. As I have said before, the
> board's powers are all related to the "Squeak" brand. So it would be bad
> if you did this and somehow pretended to officially represent Squeak,
> but that wasn't at all the case here. Things should be community driven
> as much as possible and not have the board as a bottleneck.

I'd like to take this opportunity to clarify a bit the idea behind my
initial comment in regard to the board and according to your feedback.

I believe the Squeak Oversight Board should know and understand its
community and collect demographic data. The demographic data can be
passed on and updated onto each successive board, through years and
elections. This is not something I am able to sustain as an
individual. Furthermore, surveying under an official function is
different from my effort and Squeak Oversight Board can reach out to
much more individuals in the community (or even outside!) than I could
ever hope to. It would be advisable the board discusses and considers
undertaking surveying and other means to collect demographics under
its wing. I can still be preparing surveys, collecting data, writing
reports and so forth but as a contributor (and others can help too).

Squeak Oversight Board has an additional opportunity to become and act
as a social lubricant. It will be possible only by mean of thoroughly
knowing and understanding its community beyond being a member. The
board has to maintain a good relationship with the members of its
community and going through this process is a manner to demonstrate
how much it cares about all of us. It is great way to bond but also
secure Squeak branding as you call it. We are all likely to follow the
lead of a board when it reflects what we are aiming for and inspires

REMINDER: For those who haven't taken the survey already, look for the
message "Call For *Your* Opinion" on April, 19th 2010. Your opinion

Thank you very much for participating to the survey, Jecel. :)
