Hi there.
We currently meet on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month at 19:00 (CEST, UTC +2), which is 13:00 (EDT, UTC -4). Depending on the location of a board's members, we can move this slot around.
We currently use Jitsi for the meetings.
We document meeting minutes via GoogleDocs.
During the meetings, we usually discuss important topics around the community, which surface mostly on the squeak-dev mailing list. We also discuss organizational stuff around Squeak's infrastructure (e.g. Website, SqueakSource, ...).
I think some important matters for the next board period include:
- Bintray will shut down on May 1, which affects the OpenSmalltalkVM daily builds
- TravisCI limits build resources for open source, which might entail a switch to GitHub Actions, which affects the continuous build of Squeak bundles
- "Oversighting" the next Squeak Release, which is usually delegated to a (maybe non-board) release manager + helpers
Am 13.04.2021 07:29:19 schrieb Benoit St-Jean via Squeak-dev <[hidden email]>:
What's the frequency of the SOB meetings and around what time do you guys meet?
I'm in the Montreal area if that helps.
And via which tool? Zoom? Teams?
On the same subject (SOB), what is the role and functions of SOB members? I could only find old pages related to that on the swiki!